Ok, first rule that I want to propose is dealing with squadron size....
I will point out that I will need to get my hands on something with a command rating for ALL ships on the shiplist. (fun, fun for me...

FLEET BREAKDOWNS:*All fleets will follow PBR breakdowns. Only one 'special', one support ship, and one true carrier per fleet. The only exception to this is commando ships that are organized to assualt a planet/base. Any conjectural ships (if we decide to use them) will also be limited to 1 per fleet.
*All ships will be organized into squadrons and have a squadron leader. (yes, it can be a squadron of one)
*Each sqaudron will have a lead command ship. (but not necessarily a 'leader' variant)
*All FLEETS will also be organized into squadrons. The over all command ship will command one of those squadrons.
(reason for this is for any large battles, IF a breakdown is needed, the squadrons are already set up)
*All ships will have their true SFB/F&E command rating
*All true heavy carriers will have 2 escorts (at least one of which will be CL sized). All escort carriers will have at least 1 escort (any size)
Hybrid carriers are exceptions from this rule. (ie anything not marked as a true/escort carrier, such as war destroyers that carry less than 4 fighters)
*All ships will have a 'Ship Command Cost' that is determined by its placement in the shiplist.
This goes as follows:
- FF Class: 1 command cost
- CL Class: 2 command cost
- CA Class: 3 command cost
- DN Class: 4 command cost
*Fighters & PF squadrons will have no 'command cost' as they will always have their 'homebase' with them.
*Bases have no 'command cost' as they will always be the 'command ship' in any scenario.
*The first scout in a fleet will have no command cost. (762 & I are working off an idea that MaxPower had for scouts to make them actually useful, not too mention they will be useful for larger Line of Site stuff on the map. Yes, that means I will try to introduce a fog of war if at all possible) Any other scouts added to a fleet will be counted using command points as per hull size.
*When mixing fleets, add one point to the 'command cost' for the hull size. This is to simulate language and other difficulties of two different races working together.
Example of a fleet breakdown:F-BCV has (IIRC) a 10 command rating.
It HAS to have 2 escorts, so the Feds assign a F-NEC (2 command cost) and a F-FFE (1 command cost) to it.
3 of the 10 points are taken up.
Added to the fleet is a F-CLC (2 command cost) with a F-NCL+ (2 command cost) and a F-FFB (1 command cost) assigned under it as a squadron.
That is another 5 command points tallied to the F-BCV.
This would give the F-BCV 2 'command points' left over to use.
If the Kzinti decided to 'loan' the Feds a ship for this fleet, they could only send send a FF sized ship to complement this Fed fleet as the Kzinit FF would have a command cost of 1 plus an additional 1 command cost for operating as a 'mixed fleet'. For this example, it will take up the remaining 2 command points of the F-BCV.
Now, the Fed command will organize the fleet into squadrons in case it is needed in a breakdown battle.
The lead squad will be the F-BCV and its two escorts (F-NEC & F-FFE) and its second squad will be lead by the F-CLC which will command the F-NCL+ & F-FFB.
The Kzinti FF would be able to be assigned to either the F-BCV squad or the F-CLC squad by the Fed command, as both ships would have the command rating to handle the additional 2 command cost the K-FF represents. (IIRC, the F-CLC has a 6 command rating & is only using 3 of them) But this will have to happen when the Kzinti ship is first assigned to the fleet.
This gives the Feds a 10 point command rating ship with a total of 7 ships in it.
(did I mention that some of us will have to learn how to fly 2 or more ships at times?

Questions? Comments? Complaints?