Orion Pirates Enhancement Package v4.0Created by:
Introduction :Introduction :
This package is designed to include all the latest developments by Taldren for the Starfleet Command II :Orion Pirates game community as well as the most current Updates and most popular content as created by the Starfleet Command community for use with Orion Pirates including game modding tools. Below are the installation instructions.. please follow them closely.
Installation Instructions :Basic Installation (Out of box install of Orion Pirates):1) Disable Anti-Virus for the remainder of the steps.
2) Make sure that your drivers for your sound card and video card are the latest version. Please check with the manufacturer of your cards for the proper drivers.
3) Make sure you are running the latest version of DirectX.. At time of creation of this package, the current version is DirectX 9.0c December 2005 update. This version of DirectX adds stability and smooth game play. Players not using DirectX 9.0c December 2005 update may cause others in game to suffer lag, drops, inability to connect during mission loads, etc. This is stated in the Microsoft DirectX FAQ page.
4) Install Orion Pirates from game CD. Say no to DirectX and Gamespy Arcade installs.
*** NOTE : After installing Orion Pirates, find your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates install directory, right click the folder and select Properties, Take the makr out of Read Only and click OK. In the pop up window, make sure "All Subfolders and Files" is selected and click OK. Failure to do this may cause OP Enhancement to error on some install components. ***5) Install the Orion Pirate Enhancement Pack v4.0 and allow it to install fully. This process will go through several separate installers by way of a black DOS window once the main installer closes. Follow all instructions listed in the DOS window for complete OP Enhancement Pack install.
**Note** - The installer contains 4 choices for the Enhancement Package Install... If you are following the install instructions in this section.. the first 2 choices in the installer will also install the Orion Pirates game patch v2552.. One choice will install the OP + with models and the other had OP + without models... Please install as space and system specs allow.
6) Re-enable your Anti-Virus. Please make sure that the OP Enhancement package install has completed first.
7) Launch game from Desktop Shortcut and Enter CD Key (Include dashes).
8) Enjoy Playing.
Normal Installation : (Steps 1 and 2 are if you had a previous version of the Enhancement Pack installed.)1) Completely remove any content added to Orion Pirates since v2552 Patch, including any previous Enhancement Package version (see Uninstall Instructions below).
2) Uninstall Orion Pirates game from your PC and delete the Starfleet Command Orion Pirates game directory off of your system.
3) Disable Anti-Virus for the remainder of the steps.
4) Make sure that your drivers for your sound card and video card are the latest version. Please check with the manufacturer of your cards for the proper drivers.
5) Make sure you are running the latest version of DirectX.. At time of creation of this package, the current version is DirectX 9.0c December 2005 update. This version of DirectX adds stability and smooth game play. Players not using DirectX 9.0c December 2005 update may cause others in game to suffer lag, drops, inability to connect during mission loads, etc. This is stated in the Microsoft DirectX FAQ page.
6) Reinstall Orion Pirates from game CD. Say no to DirectX and Gamespy Arcade installs.
*** NOTE : After installing Orion Pirates, find your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates install directory, right click the folder and select Properties, Take the makr out of Read Only and click OK. In the pop up window, make sure "All Subfolders and Files" is selected and click OK. Failure to do this may cause OP Enhancement to error on some install components. ***7) Install the Orion Pirate Enhancement Pack v4.0 and allow it to install fully. This process will go through several separate installers by way of a black DOS window once the main installer closes. Follow all instructions listed in the DOS window for complete OP Enhancement Pack install.
**Note** - The installer contains 4 choices for the Enhancement Package Install... If you are following the install instructions in this section.. the first 2 choices in the installer will also install the Orion Pirates game patch v2552.. One choice will install the OP + with models and the other had OP + without models... Please install as space and system specs allow.
8) Re-enable your Anti-Virus. Please make sure that the OP Enhancement package install has completed first.
9) Launch game from Desktop Shortcut and Enter CD Key (Include dashes).
10) Enjoy Playing.
Express Installation : (Steps 1 and 2 are if you had a previous version of the Enhancement Pack installed.)1) Completely remove any content added to Orion Pirates since v2552 Patch, including any previous Enhancement Package version (see Uninstall Instructions below).
2) Disable Anti-Virus for the remainder of the steps.
3) Make sure that your drivers for your sound card and video card are the latest version. Please check with the manufacturer of your cards for the proper drivers.
4) Make sure you are running the latest version of DirectX.. At time of creation of this package, the current version is DirectX 9.0c December 2005 update. This version of DirectX adds stability and smooth game play. Players not using DirectX 9.0c December 2005 update may cause others in game to suffer lag, drops, inability to connect during mission loads, etc. This is stated in the Microsoft DirectX FAQ page.
*** NOTE : Find your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates install directory, right click the folder and select Properties, Take the makr out of Read Only and click OK. In the pop up window, make sure "All Subfolders and Files" is selected and click OK. Failure to do this may cause OP Enhancement to error on some install components. ***5) Install the Orion Pirates Enhancement Pack v4.0 and allow it to install fully. This process will go through several separate installers by way of a black DOS window once the main installer closes. Follow all instructions listed in the DOS window for complete OP Enhancement Pack install.
**Note** - The installer contains 4 choices for the Enhancement Package Install... If you are following the install instructions in this section.. the last 2 choices in the installer will not install the Orion Pirates game patch v2552 (this if for the Orion Pirates game that is already patched to v2552).. One choice will install the OP + with models and the other had OP + without models... Please install as space and system specs allow.
6) Re-enable your Anti-Virus. Please make sure that the OP Enhancement package install has completed first.
7) Launch game from Desktop Shortcut and Enter CD Key (Include dashes).
8) Enjoy Playing.
Custom Installation (for those who have custom models they do not wish to lose) :1) Go to your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\Assets\Models and your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\OPPLUS\Models directories. Copy both of the Models directories and paste them outside the Orion Pirates game directory. (you only need to copy the directory in which you have changed models out within the game)
2) Follow the instructions listed above for Normal installation.
3) Sort through your copied Models folders on a model by model basis using Taldren Model Viewer (Included in this package) and compare your model to the models installed by the Enhancement Package. Replace the models in the OP game directory with your custom models in whish you wish to use to play the game.
4) Keep a complete backup of your custom models outside the OP game directory in the event you need to uninstall the OP Enhancement Package. Usually this is done with Winzip or Winrar (to save HDD space).
Mod Chooser Usage Instructions (Please Read all instructions prior to installing the Mod)1) Read the information of the Mod before installing.. make sure that your game is in the settings required by the Mod.. as such, after Orion Pirates install, you should have only 1 Mod installed.. Mod Chooser will have 2 choices (if you installed Orion Pirates Enhancement Package correctly).. 1 for Taldren's Original setup and the other for the OP + setup. Please check with the instructions of the Mod for which setup your game needs to be in prior to the Mod Install.
2) Mod Chooser will back up everything that the Mod Installs EXCEPT for mission scripts.. if the Mod is installing Mission Scripts, then it is highly recommended to back up your existing mission scripts into a separate directory prior to installing the Mod... the Mission Scripts will have to be manually swapped with the ones added by the Mod... Current Dynaverse Servers are using the mission scripts currently installed by Orion Pirates Enhancement Package v4.0, however some Mods may contain custom missions and/or older versions of scripts that are in the Enhancement Pack and to preserve the integrity of the scripts currently installed, a backup of the scripts is recommended... If you Mod is for a Dynaverse Server.. 9 times out of 10 all you will need is the Shiplist and ftrlist files, the model.siz file and the Met_NWConfig.scr (backup original script file). If a server is using Custom models, then you will need their Models install... for the easy way to install for a Dynaverse, Backup your Scripts folder, install the Server Installer which the Dynaverse operator will provide, make a backup of the scripts folder again and label it for the specific server (or compare to your original scripts), then follow the steps below, and finally uninstall the Dynaverse Installer.. Mod Chooser will now have the Dynaverse set-up for ease of switching.. all you will need to do is put in the proper back-up of Scripts for the server in which you are playing on...
3) Install the Mod. When installing a Mod on top of Orion Pirates Enhancement Pack, Mod Chooser will allow you to assign it to a new slot provided that the Mod contains a new shiplist.
4) After installing the Mod, go into your Assets\Specs folder and check the last edited date on the shiplist.txt and ftrlist.txt files, compare the files to the shiplist.txt and ftrlist.txt files located in your Orion Pirates\MetaAssets folder.. if they differ in date and time, then copy the shiplist and ftrlist from Assets\Specs and OVERWRITE the ones in MetaAssets.
5) Double Click the Mod Chooser desktop Icon.
6) Mod Chooser will check for any altered shiplist files in the Assets\Specs folder...
A) If Mod Chooser asks you to save the new Mod, then procede streight to step 7.
B) If Mod Chooser does not ask you to save the new Mod, then follow these steps :
a) Close Mod Chooser and go into your Assets\Specs directory and open your shiplist.txt file with either Notepad or Excel.
b) In the topmost line of the shiplist, find a spot in the first sentence and add a period (.)
c) Save shiplist.txt and then copy the file.
d) Open your Orion Pirates\MetaAssets folder and paste the shiplist into this folder. Say Yes to Overwrite.
e) Re-launch Mod Chooser and continue with Step 7.
7) Give the Mod a new name then go to the next step of the Mod Chooser setup process..
8) You can choose to assign the Mod to a new empty slot or to overwrite a different mod already installed.. it does not matter which slot you choose.. it will erase the chosen slot and add the content of your current Mod to your chosen slot.
9) Decide which mode you want to play Orion Pirates in, launch Mod Chooser, pick the mod you wish to play... the Mod you currently are using will be greyed out and unselectable.
Mod Chooser - Updating or Overwriting a currently installed Mod1) This is to be done prior to applying an update to your current game mod.
2) Launch Mod Chooser and make sure that your game in in the Mod mode that you wish to update.
2) Go inside the SFCOP Mod Chooser folder located inside your Orion Pirates game directory
3) Open your Filedata.ini file using notepad.
4) Look under the [Names] section and find the name of the mod in which you are going to alter or update. Remember the CMod# that is assigned to the name of the Mod in which you are altering or updating.
5) Look up to find [Shiplist_Files_Sizes] and [Ftrlist_Files_Sizes]. find the CMod# listed that corresponds to the Mod that you are altering or updating. Set the values of only that CMod# to equal 0.
6) Go down this file and find the section listed as [CMod#] (where # is the same number as the Mod you are altering or updating as found in step 4) and set all values to False.
7) Close and save the Filedata.ini
8) Go inside the Bin folder and go inside the CMod folder corresponding to the Mod you wish to alter or Update as found in step 4.
9) Delete all files inside the GFs, Models, Mouse, Sounds, Specs, Strings, and Textures folders while keeping the GFs, Models, Mouse, Sounds, Specs, Strings, and Textures folders themselves. Each of these folders need to be present but empty.
10) Install your Update or make alterations to your Modded game.
11) After installing the Mod, go into your Assets\Specs folder and check the last edited date on the shiplist.txt and ftrlist.txt files, compare the files to the shiplist.txt and ftrlist.txt files located in your Orion Pirates\MetaAssets folder.. if they differ in date and time, then copy the shiplist and ftrlist from Assets\Specs and OVERWRITE the ones in MetaAssets.
12) Double Click the Mod Chooser desktop Icon.
13) Mod Chooser will check for any altered shiplist files in the Assets\Specs folder...
A) If Mod Chooser asks you to save the new Mod, then procede streight to step 14.
B) If Mod Chooser does not ask you to save the new Mod, then follow these steps :
a) Close Mod Chooser and go into your Assets\Specs directory and
open your shiplist.txt file with either Notepad or Excel.
b) In the topmost line of the shiplist, find a spot in the first sentence and add a period (.)
c) Save shiplist.txt and then copy the file.
d) Open your Orion Pirates\MetaAssets folder and paste the shiplist into this folder. Say Yes to Overwrite.
e) Re-launch Mod Chooser and continue with Step 14.
14) Give the Mod a new name then go to the next step of the Mod Chooser setup process..
15) You can choose to assign the Mod to a new empty slot or to overwrite a different mod already installed.. it does not matter which slot you choose.. it will erase the chosen slot and add the content of your current Mod to your chosen slot.
16) Decide which mode you want to play Orion Pirates in, launch Mod Chooser, pick the mod you wish to play... the Mod you currently are using will be greyed out and unselectable.
Mod Chooser - Removing a currently installed Mod1) Launch Mod Chooser and make sure that your game is in the Taldren Game mode.
2) Go inside the SFCOP Mod Chooser folder located inside your Orion Pirates game directory
3) Open your Filedata.ini file using notepad.
4) Look under the [Names] section and find the name of the mod in which you are going to remove. Remember the CMod# that is assigned to the name of the Mod in which you are removing.
5) Look up to find [Shiplist_Files_Sizes] and [Ftrlist_Files_Sizes]. find the CMod# listed that corresponds to the Mod that you are removing. Set the values of only that CMod# to equal 0.
6) Go down this file and find the section listed as [CMod#] (where # is the same number as the Mod you are removing as found in step 4 and set all values to False.
7) Close and save the Filedata.ini
8) Go inside the Bin folder and go inside the CMod folder corresponding to the Mod you wish to remove as found in step 4.
9) Delete all files inside the GFs, Models, Mouse, Sounds, Specs, Strings, and Textures folders while keeping the GFs, Models, Mouse, Sounds, Specs, Strings, and Textures folders themselves. Each of these folders need to be present but empty.
You now have an Empty Mod Slot.