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Ghosts of Starfleet Command

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Just wanted to say hi! I'll type up a formal post in a few hours but I needed to hit something here to remind me lol

Wow!  This old thread is still kicking?? 
Man does that ever bring back some old memories!  Hard to believe that since that time I've sold my bass boat (several years ago now); the man who owned one of the best boat sales/repair shops in the area is gone  (back when the crash took place) ...   And I now do my own ship models.

Nanner finally retired from WOW  (with 2 epic toons in tow).  Yes, he was that competitive (upper 2% of the best guilds on line). 

What I wouldn't give to have had a "figure print" of my favorite ship I used in the SFC days to set beside the one I have from WOW.

BTW...   thanks to those of you who took the time to dig up all of those old archives.

Sorry for being necromatic, 9th Fleet has had a change of command with the sad news that Reprisal / Sharpe has stepped down due to RL commitment. The following is the announcement post.

Attention on Deck!

It is not often that we have the opportunity to write posts such as these, but on this occasion it more than qualifies. Many of you are well aware of Admiral Sharpe, the longest serving active Ninth Fleet Officer and our longest serving Commanding Officer. Though we have all played alongside him on numerous occasions I believe that his greatest efforts for the fleet are present in the work he has done behind the scenes over the past fifteen and a half years, every since the first few months that Ninth Fleet existed, back in 1999. Without him this fleet would not be where it is today. I would even go as far as to say that this fleet may not have even still been around if it wasn't for the dedication of people like our good friend, Sharpe. That makes what I am going to say next even more important and historical for the fleet.

Earlier this week, Admiral Sharpe informed us of his intentions to retire due real life work commitments. After serving over a solid fifteen years in the fleet, I can imagine that this wasn't a choice that was made too easily, but Sharpe has always had the best interests of the fleet at heart. Knowing that he will no longer be able to serve as our CO, he has made the decision to retire. Today (Saturday, February 28th, 2015) is to be his last day as a Ninth Fleet officer.

I think all of us here will agree that whilst we all had our differences at times, both between the Admiralty and Operating Ranks, we all looked up to Sharpe to keep things in check and make the decisions that needed to be made at the right time. For me personally, the Ninth Fleet will not be the same without him. When Admiral Spartan retired in November 2009, Sharpe took over as the Fleet CO (for his second stint I might add) and I knew that we were in good hands. Not only that, but to date he is the longest serving CO that this fleet has ever had, once again showing the confidence we have all had in him and the dedication he has for this fleet. In the words of Fleet Admiral Ghis, the founder of this fleet: "Sharpe (Reprisal) [...] came to us and did us proud"
High praise indeed. Shame you never got your Fleet SEAL crest though!

Moving forward, as of 0600 UTC on the 1st of March, the following arrangements will be in place:

Rear Admiral Richard Sochin is hereby requested and required to relieve Admiral Sharpe and assume the position of Commanding Officer, Ninth Fleet at the rank of Admiral. Congratulations, Sir.

Rear Admiral EC Gadget is hereby requested and required to assume this position of Executive Officer, Ninth Fleet at the rank of Vice Admiral, on the request of Rear Admiral Sochin.

Commodore Chris Ralston is hereby promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and is to continue his work as the Commanding Officer of the STO Division. Congratulations!

Fleet Captain Sulfrus is hereby promoted to the rank of Commodore with all rights and privileges therein. Well done, and welcome to the Command Staff.

Captain Omdra is hereby reinstated at the rank of Commodore at the request of Admiral Sochin and Vice Admiral Gadget. He is to assume the role of advisor to the Fleet CO and XO. Welcome back, your office is still how you left it last (barring perhaps a few dozen - or thousand - tribbles).

Admiral Sharpe is hereby awarded the Fleet Service Medal, Medal of Honour and the Gold Cross.

Lastly, on behalf of the Command Staff and the entire Ninth Fleet, I wish Reprisal (Sharpe) the very best and I hope you really do find time (and internet) to pop in every now and then! You'll always have friends here and your name will certainly be remembered for decades to come. And now, we look to the future whilst building on our past. Thank You.

lol, that was the well known names? Ghis, Canuck, but Phoenix was a noob, lel.


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