Hey you all, i figured i would make a quick list of stuff that peps might find handy to get started:
3d programs:Free[li]
Blender free and open source, exports to a variety of formats (not .mod) [/li]
Gmax not sure what it can export to, but it is free

Wings 3D [/li]
Zmodeler2 [/li]
POV-Ray [/li] (Syntax based, no GUI)
KPovModeler [/li] Like pov ray but w/ a GUI
Anim8or [/li]
Milkshape 30 day free trial, $25 1 time fee[/li]
3ds Max 30 day free trial, requires registration[/li]
Milkshape 30 day free trial, $25 1 time fee[/li]
3d Studio max 7 Students (accredited institutions) $589, retail $3,495 (note your best bet would be to find a versionof 4.0 or 4.2 on ebay or something) [/li]
lightwave Student (accredited institutions) $395, Retail $1,595 (again try ebay)[/li]
Zmodeler2 [/li] $42
2d programs: Free[li]
Gimp never tried it, supposadly very good[/li]
Gimpshop more like photo shop, only for mac (also never tried) [/li]
Irfanview Image editing software, very good at resizing [/li]
Adobe Photoshop CS 30 day trial [/li]
Paint Shop Pro 30 day trial[/li]
Freehand for specialised 2D graphics and print layout tasks, 30 day trial [/li]
Photoshop CS2 Student (accredited institutions only ) $289, Retail $599 [/li]
Paintshop Pro $99 [/li]
lithunwrap Used w/ milkshape for UV mapping [/li]
ulitimate unwrap 3d[/li]
ulitimate unwrap 3d[/li] $50
Model Tools for SFC Mod viewer, max plugins, SFC3 mod tools [/li]
Assimsoft Milkshape Plugins [/li]
POV-Ray include file exporter plug-in for milkshape 3D [/li]
Add onsFree[li]
the galaxy include file for POV-Ray [/li]
I'm sure i missed some stuff, so please add if ya got things that might help