I am in, as well. This is what I have been looking for as the Dynaverse although fun is not what I was hoping for. The negotiation between nations can make a game, no A.I. battles (boring), and no hex flipping (extra boring) would be great.
I have found the F&E rules a bit cumbersome and poor for this use. If I remember it was one side moves then the other etc. That causes unrealistic situations, plus aren't you moving like 6 hexes (trying to pull up 15 year old memories) on the campaign map a turn.
You should check out the set of rules I have developed for this type of game over many years. I am running a campaign now and it is about 8 month into it and loved by all. The rules are pretty solid having been play tested for years and modified to account for sneaky players twisting rules. Download em at
www.sfbuaw.com. They are impulse based with 3 hexes of movement a turn, and allow for reactions of fleets etc, similar to F&E. Battles are resolved on IP hosted ref machine with sector assault tracking damage. There are rules for repair, spies, all types of stuff. To be honest it crushes Dynaverse, the catch is you cannot have 150 players.
Modify them as you wish/need but they may make a great foundation for your game, much better than Standard F&E rules.
Count me in and a possible source of answers to problems that you will/may encounter, I've seen em before

You must be a dedicated, impartial, honest ref !