Topic: Sword and the Targ  (Read 14001 times)

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Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #40 on: April 21, 2006, 02:00:34 am »
Just to be clear, I don't mind it. However, I'd like to see it balanced with some strict disipline somewhere later in this story as well. Just to show there is discipline normally.
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2006, 11:21:00 pm »
Quick question for anyone.  I don't have any SFB source material, but I was wondering if they ever mentioned the name of the currencies used by the Galactic powers?

"A word of advice," she started as she placed the drinks in front of them, "Not many people use Federation Credits out here."  James shrugged as he pulled out of his pocket a handful of different currencies.  Hydran Pounds, Lyran Lynx, Orion Dollars, even a couple of Romulan Eagles, all told he had the equiviliant of six hundred Federation Credits in his pocket, factoring all the various exchange rates.  She nodded in approval as he put the carefully folded currency back into his pocket.

Any of those above need to be changed?

What about Klingon and Kzinti Currency?
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2006, 10:20:18 pm »
I had a reservation or two about posting this one, but after re-reading it a couple of times, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.  If anyone has another opinion, let me know.  :-\

Deck nine was almost empty, as it usually was late second shift.  The only time a full crew manned the shuttle bay was first shift, or during an alert.  Decks nine, ten, and eleven were actually on the same level as seven and eight.  But they were not connected to each other.  Decks seven, and eight were near the center of the saucer, and housed sickbay, the brig and deflector control, along with the main phaser control room.  Decks nine, ten and eleven, were the shuttle bay at the aft end of the saucer.  Deck nine contained the shuttle control room, the observation deck and the plasma control junction for the Warp Nacelle.  Deck ten contained the landing bay itself, and deck eleven stored the shuttlecrafts Shirkuh and Nuradin when not in use.  Captain Atkinson was strolling down the deck nine corridor, such as it was.  There was no one else currently on the deck, the only people in the entire section were three engineers replacing a clogged plasma valve on Nuradin.  James paused outside of the door to the Observation Deck, and smiled to himself as he asked himself why he hadn't thought of this earlier.  The Observation Deck was essentially the same as the one found on the Constitution class, a little shorter because the landing bay itself was shorter.  But because it was shorter, it was also wider, which meant it was almost perfect for what James and Tenis were about to do.  James entered the room, since he was the first one there, it was his job to get the mats and the equipment out.  They had stashed all of it in a little known and seldom used locker near the entrance.  It was a challenge to get all of it in the locker, but it did fit...barely.  James pulled hard and its contents popped out of the locker hard, and threw him onto his butt.  James wondered if it would do that everytime he or Tenis tried to pry that stuff out of there.  He went about setting the mats out, falling on the deck was never fun, and the mats at least softened the landing.  In addition to the mats were storage cases for their protective equipment.  His contained gloves, a helmet, boots, mouth guard, and an athletic supporter.  Hers contained the same, minus the athletic supporter.  All the stuff you'd expect to find a kick-boxer to be wearing during a collegiate match.  He sat down on the mat and opened his container.  He pulled off his shoes and socks, then his trousers, revealing the boxer shorts he wore specifically for the sparring sessions.  He folded them up and placed them in the storage locker.  Then he pulled his duty uniform off over his head, revealing a thin white t-shirt.  He folded up his duty uniform and placed it on top of his trousers.  Getting up, he glanced over at the chronometer, he still have a minute or so until Tenis was supposed to arrive, so he began to loosen up.  He had to admit that he was tired of her throwing him around the room every time they got together, but he knew that this was good for him, so he'd keep going, despite the bruising his ego got every time they were through.

She entered the room in a variation of her normal duty uniform, same type of fabric, but slightly more form fitting than the one she normally wore.  She gave James the smile a cat would normally give a mouse before the cat started to play with it.  The same smile she had given him ever since she saw his reaction to it.  The same reaction he still gave right now, a slight shudder.  That shudder promptly turned her smile into a satisifed grin.  She pulled off her shirt first, revealing the sports bra underneath  She knew that James wouldn't fix on her shapely breasts for long, if at all.  What she wore underneath her trousers were short shorts, cut off at mid thigh.  It wasn't hard to see what half the crew saw in her.  Long legs, firm toned stomach, pleasing face.  James had to admit that he found her to be very attractive, almost intoxicating.  But he also knew that if he spent any time admiring her figure, she was going to have him down for the count faster than he could say some lame pick-up line.  "I said, who is she?"

James cursed at himself for being distracted, its not like he hasn't seen this before, "A contact."

She scowled slightly as she put on her equipment, "That is not an answer, James."

He shrugged, "It's all I'm prepared to give you."

She laughed, "You do not think I could not beat it out of you?  Remember what you said when we first started this...what happens here, stays here."

It was his turn to scowl, "I would think you would be a little more restrained than that."

She shook her head, "Gods you really are that clueless!   All those times you talked about your insecurity with women, I had thought it was a ploy, a clever one at that, to get close to me.  But you really do not know anything about women do you?  You did not even think that I might be jealous?"

He opened his mouth, but nothing came out, he closed his eyes for a second before re-opening them and starting slowly, "What would you have to be jealous about?"

She turned away and lowered her head, composing herself before turning back around, a playful look in her eyes as she crept towards him, "For the last nine months you and I, with few exceptions, have spent three days a week sparring with each other.  Andorians are aggressive, you know that.  If an Andorian were to look at what we were doing, that Andorian would say we were having a relationship."  She stopped walking so close that he could smell her, the smell wasn't any different then the way she normally smelled during these sessions, but there was something... disarming about the way she smelled, or maybe it was just her posture at the moment.  "I did not expect anyone else on the ship to understand either, which is good."  She turned around and went back to the other side of the mat.  James released the breath he didn't even realize he was holding, "A few months ago there was a scuttlebutt going around the ship that we were actually bedding one another."

James finally composed himself again, "I had heard that, I did wonder, was that the reason you almost broke my jaw around the same time?"

With her back turned he couldn't see her face, and her antenae didn't give away any hint of her emotion, "It squelched those rumors pretty fast. Which was my intention, but..."

James sighed, finally understanding, "You were also trying to get the point across to me, in your own Andorian way, that you were interested.  Weren't you?"

She spun around, smiling, "Yes!  You can be taught."

James fidgeted slightly, "Well this, uh...does this change anything between us?"

She grinned playfully, "Let us put it this way.  When I take you down tonight, you will probably get excited again.  Instead of running off to a cold shower, why do we not take care of that right here."  He stopped fidgeting...not sure of how to respond.  He simply gave her the 'deer in the headlights' look.  She popped the mouth guard in her mouth, and dropped into a fighting stance.  "So, who is she?"  She repeated.

He popped his mouth guard into his mouth, and bit down on it to make sure it was a good fit.  "She's a Lyran.  I met her ten years ago, when I was still on the Germany."  He dropped into his stance and signaled that he was ready.  She danced in and opened with a left jab at his rib cage, he turned it aside and responded with a quick left of his own, which she met just as easily.  "The Germany had responded to a distress call from a planetoid in the non-aligned region of space between the Federation and the Lyran Star Empire."  She brought her left leg up and around for a roundhouse kick.  He noticed that she was already committed high, so he dropped to a knee and lanced out with a right jab at her right leg.  It worked, sort of, she stumbled back as he scored a hit.  But in the process of her stumbling back, she brought her left leg down hard on the back of his head.  Seeing that it was going to happen a split second before it did, he leaned foreward to soften the blow.  It sent him somersaulting across the mat.  He came up on the far side in the three-point stance, and quickly spun away from her follow up sweep attack.  He danced out of her range and shook his head to clear the cobwebs. "When we arrived, there was a Lyran Destroyer in orbit of the planetoid, that was blasting it apart with its disrupters."  He darted in, spun away from her left jab, and jabbed her with both of his fists on her exposed side.  He quickly danced back out of her range.

"Well placed," She gasped as she spun around to face him.  "But your constant dancing wears you out, it happens everytime."  She grinned savagely, "I hope you do not wear yourself out too much."

"I dance around because you're still stronger than me, and you're more agile than me.  If I tried a stand-up fight, you'd cream me every time."

She laughed, "Yes, that is one way of dealing with a superior opponent, but there are better ways.  You have to use the attacker's strength against them.  Try to observe, attack me."

He nodded and came at her, cautiously, but still more aggressively than he would normally have done.  She stood there with her arms at the ready.  He aimed for her midsection.  He threw his punch. He never landed the blow.  The room spun, and when it finally stablized he was on his back, with her kneeling beside him.  It took a full second for him to realize what had happened. He landed so hard on his back that he didn't notice the air rush from his lungs until he gasped for air.  He moved to get up, but she placed her hand on his chest and shook her head.  He put his head back on the mat, and forced out a very weak, "What was that?"

She smiled, her left hand was holding her mouth guard, while her right hand was out of her glove as she carassed his jaw line "I used your momentum to pick you up, flip you, and slam you down to the mat.  Took almost no effort at all on my part."  She moved her hand from his jaw to his chest, "When you recover, I will show you again, slower, and with a description of how you can do it.  Then I will expect you to do it to me.  For the moment though, continue your story."

Closing his eyes to collect his thoughts, he continued, "It didn't take long for us to drive off the Lyran Destroyer, they weren't interested in a fight.  I lead the landing party to find the source of the distress call." He paused to take a couple breaths.  He could tell that he was stunned and would need a couple minutes to recover.  She had moved her hand back to his throat and jaw line before pulling it away entirely, standing up and walking around.  He took the opportunity to spit his mouth guard out. "I found a large number of Lyran refugees on the planetoid.  They said that they were fugtives, but that they hadn't committed anything that would be considered a crime in the Federation."

She stopped pacing, and knelt down beside him again, "Ten years ago, there was rumors of a power shift in the Lyran Empire at that time."

"That was it, they had supported the wrong side, and now the new count was hunting them down.  The Captain had offered them asylum, but they turned it down, initially."

"What happened?"

"A Lyran Cruiser arrived and drove off Germany.  However instead of simply blasting us from orbit, the Lyrans came down in force.  They probably noticed our landing party's biosigns and decided that they wanted prisoners.  We holed up in what was left of their ship.  During the fire-fight one of the Lyran refugees, who was helping us try to hold back the Lyrans, was hit.  She fell next to me.  I was forced to take cover when the Lyrans saturated my position with laser fire.  During that time, I used part of my landing jacket tunic to stop her bleeding, she claimed that I had saved her life.  It took eight days for Germany to return with the Constellation. During the whole time, we were under near constant attack.  But with the fortifications that had been set up, and sheer determination, we were able to hold them off.  The few survivors thanked us for our assistance, and accepted our offer for asylum."  James shook his head, grasped the mouth piece and put it back into his mouth.  He grabbed Tenis' hand and she helped him to his feet.

"You ready?"  She asked, when he nodded she readied herself.  "Come at me again, slowly."  James moved in at a much slower pace this time.  "Now I am going to sidestep you, and grasp your arm here and here." She took hold of his arm with both of her hands.  "Normally this is where your momentum would allow me to pick you up, but since you have almost no momentum, I'm going to have to put some effort into this." As she pulled up on the hand grasping his wrist she moved her other hand to his back.  She picked him up, flipped him so he was horizontal, and dropped him to the ground.  She bent over him again, putting her hand on his chest.  This time he made no move to get up.  She was panting as she sat down beside him.  "There must... be... more to... your story."

"There is." he started, wincing slightly at the pain in his wrist. "About six months later the refugees simply vanished.  Starfleet had lost all trace of them.  They turned up eventually, at the core of an organization known as the Tiger Hearts."

"I am not familiar with them."

"Very few are, most people that are aware of the Orion pirates seem to think that they are independant pirates that team up occasionally to cause serious mischeif.  That's not exactly what its like.  Starfleet Intelligence has identified three seperate Cartels, organizations as it were.  The Orions we're dealing with tommorow are one, the Tiger Hearts are another."

"So you have a contact that is inside a pirate cartel?  Is she a spy?"

"No.  She's an every day member, the commander of one of their Battle Raiders.  What Starfleet Intelligence discovered when they learned of this organization, is that they bear us no ill will at all.  But they are a thorn in the side for the Lyrans, the Kzinti and the Klingons.  Mostly the Lyrans.  We maintain covert contacts with them, and offer them what support we can.  In return, they provide us with assistance and intelligence regarding the Orion Cartel, the Camboro Cartel, one that operates along the Kzinti - Federation border, and the Lyran Star Empire."

"That enemy of my enemy saying?"

"Essentially, it's not exactly something we want out in the open, I'm surprised that Captain Wesley brought it up with you in the room."

She shrugged,  "Normally you would expend most of your effort when slamming the other person into the ground.   The Harder you push, the longer the attacker will be immobilized."  She helped him to his feet.  "Are you ready to give it a try?"  He nodded.  She charged.  He stepped out of the way, grasped her wrist like she showed him.  He planted his other hand on her back and his leg against the ground like she showed him.  Picked her up, and dropped her to the ground.  As he kneeled down next to her, she was smiling and clapping, "Well done."

"That was almost effortless."

"Because you did not put any force into the body slam.  I have to wonder, when you told me that I was better off not knowing all those years ago, were you referring to her?"

"I was, I had contacted her.  Had the Klingons done something against us, her ship would have come in and kicked Klank in the teeth.  That would have been a PR disaster, but it was preferable to the alternative of the Saladin being towed back to Qo'nos."

"I agree.  Now, shall we finish what we started?"  He looked down at her, nodded, and extended his hand to help her up.  As she was getting up she grinned wolfishly, "How long do you think it will take?"  He looked at her quizically as she spun away from him.  She dropped into her fighting stance.  "I could take you down any time now, how long will it take?"

Understanding flashed in his eyes as he charged towards her, "Let's find out."
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2006, 07:21:54 am »
Nice! I don't think its bad at all. What were your reservations?
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2006, 09:51:40 am »
I don't know, when I first wrote it I thought that it might have been a little, well...not PG rated if you know what I mean.  I've probably re-read this thing four or five times, most of the times I thought, it wasn't as bad as I first thought.  But one time I did think, why did I write this?  I guess you can call it a little insecurity on my part.  :)
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #45 on: May 03, 2006, 12:19:41 pm »
If I remember correcly we all are adults anyway. Plus it's pretty hard to shock most dutch anyway esp. with this story. So I think that it rules.
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #46 on: May 08, 2006, 09:01:06 pm »
The five Orion ships broke formation and tried to scatter as the Four Federation Starships bore down on them.  Two Light Raiders ceased to exist as they took the brunt of the formation's fire.  Lexington and Revere broke off and pursued the Battle Raider and one of the Pirate Raiders, while Saladin snared the other Pirate Raider in a tractor beam.  The Roger Young put her phasers into the Pirate Raider's shields.  But the Raider's shields held.

"Reading surface to space phaser fire directly ahead."  Tenis called out from science, "Looks like the Orions want to keep this base."

James nodded, "Keep us between the Young and the planet.  They can't take more than one or two hits from a Starbase class phaser."

"Phasers recycled," Clarke announced, "Firing."  The phaser pattern didn't destroy the Pirate Raider, but it wasn't going to be a problem any more,  Saladin released her victim and moved on to the planet.

"Divert all available power to the foreward shields."  James turned to communications, "Get the Roger Young as close to us as they can.  If they can touch our nacelle, I'll be happy."

"The planet's phasers are targeting the Roger Young,"  Tenis paused for a moment, "I count only four phasers."  The ship shuddered slightly.  "The Roger Young has locked a tractor beam onto us.  They appear to be trying to push us."

James grinned, "Cut the Impulse Engines, let them settle themselves on our shuttle bay.  Extend our shields to surround the Young, and put everything into the shields."

Clarke looked confused, "Even the phasers?"

James shook his head, "Hell no, we need those to take out their phasers."

"Coming up on effective phaser range in thirty-five seconds."  Tenis called out, the ship shook harder, "The planet is now targeting us.  Foreward shields are at 90%."

"Phasers locked, thirty seconds to range."

"The Lexington has driven off the remaining Orion Vessel.  The Revere has destroyed the one we left behind.  They are taking up position roughly 3 AUs away.  I am detecting an ECM field protecting the planet, no planetary shields however."

"Divert power to Sensors to compensate."

"We've reached maximum output for our sensors, the relays just can't handle anymore."

"Entering phaser range, twenty seconds until planetary orbit."

"Tenis, begin your task.  Will, fire at will."

Saladin's phaser banks lanced blue fire down towards the planet's surface.  The phasers swept across the planet seeking out the Base's phaser batteries.  A beam washed over one batteries power feed system, severing it.  Three beams lanced back out towards the Saladin.  They penetrated Saladin's shields and tore open a hole near her navigational deflector.  Roger Young took this opportunity to release it's tractor lock and race towards the surface.

"The Roger Young has picked a landing zone approximetely 500 meters from the disabled phaser battery."  Clarke was readjusting his phaser locks to get the two adjacent batteries, "Damage control teams are responding to the hull breach on deck eight.  Continuing phaser barrage, readying Photon Torpedoes, all bays."

"Planetary Orbit, now in thirty seconds."  The helm officer intoned, "Now we're at a dead stop."

James laughed, "Maybe I should get out and push."

Phasers once again flared to life and walked thier way across the base's outer defensive perimeter.  One phaser battery exploded when the blue beam came into direct contact with its capacitor.  One of the remaining phaser batteries took a shot at the Roger Young, which completely stripped the Young of her shields.  The other battery couldn't bear on the Young without putting a hole in the base.  It fired its shot at the Saladin, blasting a hole where the Saladin's Port side phaser bank was.

"The Young is down, they're deploying the troops." Clarke reported, "Port side phaser bank is gone, we're going to need a dry dock to replace it."

"Noted." James looked towards science, "How's it going Tenis?"

"As Captain Wesley noted, it is not an easy task.  I am through the first layer of security, but I cannot be certain If I have not tripped some early warning system.  I would hope that their attention will be fully turned to the invading soldiers."

"How long?"

"I cannot determine how many layers of security there are.  So I cannot give you even a rough guess."

"Just keep at it."

"Photons standing by."

"Give 'em hell."

Photon torpedoes rained from the sky like a god throwing meteors at the Orion base.  One struck one of the two remaining phaser batteries, turning it into a smoking crater.  Another demolished a barracks in the center of the base.  One turned a courtyard inside the base into a lifeless patch of scorched earth.  The last one flew off and landed 'harmlessly' a kilometer from the base.  Four phaser beams lanced down and destroyed the remaining phaser battery.

Clarke let out a hollar, then collected himself, "All planetary defense systems are disabled."

"Excellent, Communications, signal Major..."

"Sir, Priority message from Captain Wesley."

"On screen."

Captain Wesley appeared on the screen with a very concerned look on his face. "James, We're picking up four Orion starships entering the system.  Three of them are cruisers."

"How long do we have sir?"

"Fifteen minutes at most, we might be able to buy you an extra five, but I wouldn't count on it.  How much longer do you need?"

James glanced over to Tenis, her antenae told him that she didn't know.  He got up and glanced over Clarke's shoulder.  "Major Tai will need at least twenty minutes to secure the compound.  Do we have any reenforcements?"

Wesley shook his head, "None available.  I'll give Major Tai the abort code, we'll deal with this another day."

"Understood sir, We'll remain on station as long as we can, maybe Tenis can get through before we're forced away."

"Negative, as soon as the Roger Young is reloaded, I want you to get out of here, take the Revere with you.  I'll hold them off long enough for you to get out of range and then we'll rendezvous at rally point Bravo."

"Aye sir."

"I was through the second layer of security, there was at least two more in my way.  The Revere will be alongside momentarily."  Tenis paused to gather her thoughts, "Major Tai's forces are falling back to the Roger Young.  I am sure they will not be too happy about having to abort after the blood starts to flow."

"Indeed, but the alternative is for them to take their objectives, only to lose it after the marine complements of two Orion cruisers come down on top of them."

"Sir."  The young ensign at the communications console turned with confusion written all over his face. "You just received a two word message. 'Please Deliver.'"

"What frequency did it come over, Ensign?"

"An older frequency, thirteen sir."

James became annoyed, "The exact frequency Ensign."

"Thirteen mark eleven, sir."

James nodded, and glanced at the chronometer on his console. "Mr. Clarke, you heard Captain Wesley.  You have the conn. Commander will you join me in my office?"

"Aye... sir..."  Clarke looked very confused, but wasn't about to argue.  Tenis looked at James quizically but said nothing as she headed for the turbolift.  She waited until the turbolift doors had closed before she said anything.  "Please Deliver?"

"It's her countersign, she responds with that phrase, the frequency the transmission is on is the time of her day that she will make contact.  In this case, in two minutes."  The turbolift doors opened and spilled them out onto deck two.

"Two Minutes, she is cutting it awefully close."

"We're a little further from the Klingon border than we normally are when I make this kind of inquiry."  The two stepped into the office, James sat behind the desk, Tenis took a chair in front of the desk.  James reached over and toggled a switch that would patch him into a secure connection directly to the Communications console.  He would field the next transmission without the Comm officer knowing. "During the conversation, I'd like you to keep silent.  If she believes that someone else is listening in, she might be a little upset."


A light blinked on his computer, James reached foreward and flipped a switch. A feline face appeared on the monitor, "Starfleet."  She stated flatly.

"Tigress." James responded. "I need your assistance."

She perked up slightly, purring her response, "What kinnnd of asssisstance?"

"The Orions have become a nuisance again, and they knew we were coming."

"Hmm...Interessting.  I may be able to help you.  What do you have to offffer?"

"Same as last time.  Food, Supplies, Spare parts."

"Not enough, I must insssissst on ssssomething more."

"We cannot supply you with weapons."

"Then I cannot help you."

"Wait...Wait..."  James hesitated, "How about Targeting Scanners?  I know your ships are armed with the antiquated Phaser-2s.  They can be retrofitted with our Targeting Scanners, making them the equivilant of the Phaser-1s deployed on most Federation and a few Klingon and Lyran Ships."

"Acccceptable."  The Lyran grinned, "Meet my Ssship at the K-1 Ssstation.

"I can be there in twelve days.  Payment will be delivered upon the successful conclusion of the mission."


James reached over and closed the channel before sighing and turning to Tenis. "Captain Wesley should be pleased with that arrangement."

"How do you plan on getting to K-1, Saladin will be needed elsewhere."

"I'll have the shuttle Nuradin fitted with a Warp Sled.  She'll be able to get me to K-1 and back."

"I do not like the idea that you are going alone."

"I'll have Will come along.  He can watch my back."

"I would rather I watch your back."

"And I would rather have you here.  If I get in trouble, I feel safer with you leading the cavalry than with Will.  He's just not seasoned enough to handle it, not yet."

"And just what am I to do while your gone?"

"Whatever Captain Wesley asks you to do."

"I still do not like it."
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #47 on: May 10, 2006, 05:10:27 am »
Neither would I if my significant other decides to venture out into the vast expanse of space in a mere shuttle.
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #48 on: May 15, 2006, 09:35:50 pm »
Future installments of Sword and the Targ will not be seen until the end of Economic War...I am sorry for the inconvience.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #49 on: June 05, 2006, 09:54:57 pm »
The interior of the small, normally sublight, shuttlecraft was roomy with all but three of the chairs taken out.  The Standard Federation Shuttlecraft normally could carry seven passengers. Today it was carrying only two.  Lieutenant William Clarke sat in the left console, updating the inventory list. While Commander James Atkinson was piloting the shuttle.  The Shuttlecraft had attached to its underside, the latest in Federation technology, a warpsled.  The warpsled was usually found at planetary Starbases that did not have their own Starship for running errands.  All Command Cruisers carried one as well, in case the Commodore or Admiral needed to abandon ship.  Captain Wesley lent the Lexington's warpsled to the Saladin's shuttle Nuradin. Starfleet was considering a new design of Shuttlecraft, dubbed the Mark Two Shuttlecraft, that would be capable of FTL flight without the need of a warpsled.  Unfortunately the size of such craft would prohibit their deployment on Starships.  The warpsled allowed Nuradin to maintain a speed of Warp Three.  Which would place their arrival at Deep Space Station K-1 in just outside of ten days.  James glanced over at William, "So what exactly did you bring along?  You've had your nose in that list since we left Saladin."

William glanced up, then back down at the list, "Two months worth of emergency rations, I packed a wide selection, so we don't get sick of eating one thing or another.  Four standard issue Lasers.  Two Phaser Rifles."

James' head snapped around, "Phaser Rifles?!  We're supposed to be undercover! Those things are so new they scream Starfleet!  Why'd you pack them?!"

William grinned, "The same reason why I packed a box of condoms...just in case."  James shook his head but said nothing, "Do you want to hear the rest of the list?"

"Not really, but I'd better know if you have something else packed away that's going to give me a heart attack."

William nodded, "Two long range distress beacons. Two emergency medical kits. Ten stun grenades.  Twenty high-explosive grenades. A couple kilos of thermite explosives. A Gauss Rifle.  The aforementioned box of condoms.  And a Disrupter Rifle."

"I'm not even going to ask where you got the Disrupter Rifle from."

"Good, because you won't like the answer."

"I'm not even sure if I want to ask why you packed all that stuff."

"I like to cover all my bases."

"Obviously.  What did you bring to do while in transit?"

"A few things, I loaded this PADD with a couple of computer games.  You?"

"All the paper work that has been building up since the start of the month.  With the Combat Operations we've been doing the last couple of weeks, I was wondering if I was going to have time to finish them before the brass started breathing down my neck for them."

"You're supposed to be thinking of this trip like a a little."

"If I don't get the paperwork done, I'll be getting a vacation all's called a desk job."

Silence filled the shuttle following that remark as both of them went to their respective PADDs.  Five minutes passed before William asked, "I forgot to bring a spare power cell for my PADD, did you bring an extra one?"

"Yes, I brought an extra one, but you can't use it.  My paperwork is more important than your entertainment."  James motioned towards the back, "I did bring along a technical manual if you're interested though.  Starfleet Intelligence's latest on the new Klingon D-7C Command Cruiser."

William's face brightened, "Really?!"

"Have fun."

William bounced out of his seat and ran back to James' satchel.  Sitting on top of the satchel was the spare power cell for his PADD, right beneath that was the Intelligence document.  He picked it up and thumbed it open.

"Don't forget to put your power cell on the terminal."

"Oh...right."  Will disconnected the power cell from his PADD and attached it to the power terminal in the rear compartment.  Satisfied that he'll have a full charge in a few hours, he grabbed the Technical Manual and sat down in his seat.  "Uh...Cap, since when did the Klingons get advanced Phaser Targeting equipment?"

"SI believes they got it a few months after we got it.  Because it was so close Intelligence can't rule out espionage."

"But if the Klingon's have had that for ten years, why don't more of their ships carry them?"

"Because they're expensive.  Starfleet gets almost all of their targeting systems from manufacturers on Earth.  Earth has always been able to build excellent computers, better than any other Federation Member.  The thing is, some of the critical componets used in computer construction are rare outside of the Terran system, and very expensive to create synthetically.  The Klingons have to spend a lot of money on building these.  Too much money, its speculated that the Klingons are actually stealing them from us and the Hydrans."  James had yet to look up from his paper work, a sign that William took as meaning he didn't want to be disturbed.  William looked back at the technical manual.


A Federation Starship arriving at a Deep Space Station is not an unusual event.  A Federation Shuttlecraft, on the other hand, is.  Very few people are willing to take the risk of traveling near the Klingon border region in something as lightly armed as a shuttlecraft.  K-1 was a capable defense station, but was not designed to handle invasion defense, it was simply a way station for traders that provided anti-pirate protection.  Which meant that the station was officially nuetral territory.  Ideal for meeting someone clandestinely.  The Shuttle Nuradin was tractored into one of the Deep Space Station's landing bays.  Two men stepped out of the shuttlecraft once the bay was repressurized.  Niether man looked like they had shaved or showered in days, expected since shuttlecraft don't usually have the luxuries of a full bathroom.  It also allowed them to blend in with some of the more shadier persons on the station.  Which was helped further by the civilian clothing both men wore.  Slightly out of date if you were keeping up with the fashion trends on the Federation Core worlds.  They blended in almost seemlessly as they walked into the bar.  Almost.

"Captain Atkinson, welcome back.  I almost didn't recognize you."  The voice came from behind the bar, the human bartender was waving them over to her.  They strolled up quickly to the empty barstools and sat down.  A breif glance around told them that their cover probably hadn't been blown.  The few patrons still conscious around the room looked to be in no shape to remember anything that happened to them that night, let alone the name of one minor Starfleet Commander.  James fished out a fifty Federation Credit note out of his pocket and slid it across the table to the barkeep.  "What's this?"  The question died on her lips as James gave her a look of dissapointment.  She nodded and picked up the bill, she didn't bother to test it's authenticity, or place it in the till.  Instead she smoothly secreted the bill into the only place she had available, her cleavage.  "What can I get for you two travellers?"

"Saurian Brandy."  James held up his middle two fingers, and placed another twenty Federation Credit note on the table.  She snapped up the note and brought it over to the till.  In one smooth motion she quickly bent over and selected a flask of Saurian Brandy from a hidden stash underneath the bar.  The motion was designed to make anyone watching her believe that she had dropped the payment and was merely picking it up off the floor.  When she came up, she had produced a pair of glasses along with the flask, but she didn't bring them above the counter yet.  She filled the glasses with the brandy, and in another slight of hand move, placed them on the tray for the dispenser.  Only the most observant would have noticed that the drinks didn't come from the dispenser at all.  And only a few of her customers knew she kept a secret stash of better quality liquor under the bar.  She returned with both the drinks.

"A word of advice," she started as she placed the drinks in front of them, "Not many people use Federation Credits out here."  James shrugged as he pulled out of his pocket a handful of different currencies.  Hydran Pounds, Lyran Lynx, Orion Dollars, even a couple of Romulan Eagles, all told he had the equiviliant of six hundred Federation Credits in his pocket, factoring all the various exchange rates.  She nodded in approval as he put the carefully folded currency back into his pocket.  A loud crash filled the room, the barkeep looked over in the direction of the noise and scowled.  She vaulted herself over the bar and grappled with an obviously drunk Rigellian, before he could break another table.  James smirked as station security quickly entered the premises and hauled away the Rigellian.  She followed, presumably to file her complaint.

"Where did you get all that from?" Will asked after setting his drink down. "I've seen some of that stuff before, but never in person."

"Here and there."  James took a small swallow of his drink, "Federation Credits aren't all that popular, only Earth and Vulcan have completely abandoned their currency and moved to the Credit. Earth still had twelve different currencies, they couldn't agree on one, so they jumped at the chance to adopt the Federation Credit.  Vulcan thought that the use of an international currency was completely logical, and adopted it as well.  The rest, still prefer to use their own currency, and resist any effort by the Federation to force the change over.  Although the Federation Credit is good anywhere in the Federation, and must be honored by any business with a Federation Operating License, locals still prefer you deal in the local currency."

"What's the local currency out here?"

"There's four in place, besides the Federation Credit.  This is a Federation Deep Space Station, and as such the Federation Credit must be honored here.  The Lyran Lynx is considered local, but only because this is a favorite spot for Lyran-Federation Trade runs.  The Orion Dollar is good just about anywhere in the known galaxy.  Then there's the" James made an attempt to pronouce the Klingon currency but gave up and settled for credit.  "The Kzinti Cani is taken by some establishments here.  The fact that the Kzinti are fair weather friends to everyone except the Lyrans seems to put businesses on edge whenever they try to cash in their Canae."

"How long are we waiting for this contact of yours?"

James took another drink, "Not long.  I expect her to be here in a couple of hours."

"So what do we do in the meantime?"

"The Promenade has a few novelty shops.  You can browse for a bit.  The station administrator was going to come down here in a few minutes.  I intend to make sure that no one knows about the Nur being here while we're gone."  James used the shortened Nur instead of Nuradin as he lifted his glass to his lips.

"Where are we going?"

"If I knew that, I wouldn't need her now would I?"

Will looked down and hesitated before making his next statment, "I didn't bring any money with me."

"I didn't think you did.  You don't have to have money to browse.  If you find something you like while you're out, I'll loan you some cash when we get back."

"Right.  I won't be gone long."

"Don't hurry back."
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #50 on: June 09, 2006, 03:00:41 pm »
I'm getting a Mos Eisley shade Han Solo bar feel. And whats the what on  a fed captain known on the shady fringes?
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #51 on: June 09, 2006, 10:39:31 pm »
It's a Federation Space Station, Federation Starships have to make stops here every so often.  I figure its just something that a Cruiser wouldn't be called on to do very often, so its Destroyers and Frigates that make the routine calls.  The Cruisers are called in only if its really important. (Trouble with Tribbles)
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2006, 10:03:23 pm »
"We will be enterrring orrrbit arround Rrrrigel VII momentarrrily."  The call from the Privateer's bridge had woken William up, when James signaled his acknowlegdement and closed the channel without saying a word, Will sat up and shot him an inquisitive glance.  James didn't pay him any attention, turning back to his PADD instead.

"Rigel VII?"  Will asked.

"Good Morning, Lieutenant."  James looked up from his PADD.  He was clearly taking some pleasure in something.  Then Will noticed, he had been asleep for almost twelve hours.

"I thought I asked you to wake me up if I overslept.  Sir."

"I tried, but I thought I was going to have to call sickbay and have them deliver a bodybag."  James tapped a few notes into the PADD before setting it down.  "On the plus side, I think that's the best sleep you've had since we left Saladin twenty days ago."

"Certainly feels like it."  Will rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, "But I still wanted to be up two hours ago."

"And I wanted you well-rested and alert, not groggy."  James handed him a cup of coffee.  "This is going to be a covert mission, nothing more than the Lasers, anything else and we arouse suspicion."  He reached over and put the PADD between the two of them, on it was the base layout.  "There's a lot of commercial traffic out here, but this appears to be the main trading hub for the Orion Cartel."

"And a good number of legitamite businesses as well."  Will mentioned between gulps of his coffee.

"Too many for Starfleet to move in and shut this place down.  The main base is actually ninety-nine percent legit, there's a secondary base buried beneath it.  Starships in orbit don't detect it because it is so close they mistake it as the sewer system for the main base.  As typical of most trading centers the base is shielded from commercial transporters, if we were on the Saladin we could punch right through it."  James pointed at a unsheilded site near Landing Pad D, "We'll beam down here, browse the stores for an hour or so, slowly making our way here.  To the access shaft.  The access shaft is guarded, but not overtly.  One of her crew will cause a small disturbance which will allow us to slip in."

"What are we expecting once we get inside?"

"We're not expecting an immediate fight, you notice Landing Pad E?"  Will nodded. "That connects to both the Legit base, and the Orion base underneath.  We can probably expect to find a lot of contraband underneath, and a lot of people willing to buy, and sell...things.  We should be able to blend in with the crowd, but because we came in through the access shaft, we won't get searched for weapons."

Will finished his coffee just as James was finishing, "How long are we expecting to be down there?"

"I'm not sure, we know where we need to be."  He pointed at a small room not far from the main area. "The problem is, we don't know how well it's going to be guarded, and if we start shooting, we're likely to get a couple hundred non-Orions attacking us, because they'll think we're here to arrest them as well."

"We're not here to arrest anyone."

"No, but they don't know that."  James changed the diagram on the PADD, "Fortunately, the room we're looking for has one enterance, so once we get in, we can barracade ourselves in if the need arises.  Our host is providing us with a Transporter booster, which should allow them to get a lock on us through the shielding.  I'd honestly feel a lot more comfortable if the Saladin was beaming us out of there, but she insists that her Transporter cheif is one of the best.  Hopefully we wont have to use it."

"Are you sure I can't at least bring the Disrupter?  It's small enough I could hide in my shirt."

"What would you use it for?  You'll have two Laser Pistols."


"If we do our jobs right, we won't need to be intimidating."

The computer buzzed, indicating that orbit had been acheived and that they were ready to beam the Starfleeters down.

"We'll grab a bite to eat while we're browsing.  Lets go."  James got up and headed for the door.  Will glanced over at the Disrupter Rifle, but followed him out the door.


The frozen tingle of a commerical transporter gave way to the hot and humid air inside the Base.  As typical of most trading stations, it wasn't designed to handle the amount of traffic it was handling and the support systems suffered.  They stepped out of the Transport area and into the main hall.  The place was busy, and crowded.  James hoped that once they got into the main area the density would drop slightly.  They worked their way into the main hall, finally able to at least swing their arms without striking someone else, they started down towards the food court.  About half way there, they were accosted by a very aggressive Tellarite electronic salesman.  Not wanting to draw any suspicion they took a look at his wares.  When the Tellarite started to boast of the quality of his stuff, and as to how superior they were to the Vulcan who sold similar wares in the other wing, James saw his chance. 

"Are you trying to swindle me with this obviously defective merchandise?"  He not quite yelled, but certainly wasn't trying to be quiet about it.

"Defective?!"  The Tellarite drew back in disgust, "You will not find a better system outside of the Terran system, but I do not know why I am wasting my breath on someone as unobservant as you!"

"Really?  Then why did I see that exact same model at a second hand store on Altair?"

"They obviously did not know what they had!"

"No, it's because that model is obsolete!  Sony came out with their latest version of this four months ago, you should be able to pick it up from their vendors out here in another couple of weeks.  But I'll bet the Vulcan had a contact and probably already has it!"

The Tellarite's eyes widened, "I will take ten percent off if you promise not to tell anyone."







James paid the Tellarite, as he placed the device in a bag.  James thanked him and strolled back out into traffic.  Once they were far enough away Will glanced into the bag.  "Just what are you going to do with that?"

James shrugged, "We might need a bribe.  If not, it's something to do on the way back."

"There isn't a latest version is there?"

James snorted, "He didn't know what he had there, he had memorized the sales brochure.  When he closes down for the night he'll look to see when he can get the latest version.  Odds are he wont be able to.  He'll be angry, but we wont be here tommorow."

"I thought you didn't want to draw attention?"

"You draw attention by NOT arguing with a Tellarite."  James looked around, "What do you feel like for breakfast?  There's Andorian, Vulcan, Tellarite, Klingon! another Andorian, two Terran, a Rigellian, Three Orion, and a Deltan."

"I'm not feeling too adventurious, I'll have the Terran."

James fished out a ten Orion Dollar note and handed it to him.  "Coward. This is my Lunch, I'm going to go see what Klingon food is like."

"Better you than me."

James had his plate of gagh long before Will had even placed his order.  He sat down next to a pair of plants that he couldn't even begin to identify, he only hoped they weren't carnivorous.  From his position, he could see the access shaft, and more importantly he could see the Orion that was supposed to be guarding it covertly.  He began to have second thoughts about the Klingon food when he noticed that it was still moving, but he had pushed that aside.  Now he was having third thoughts...or more appropriately fourth thoughts.  Fortunately the Klingon did give him a Utensil, since it was his first time.  "Broaden your horizons James."  He muttered to himself as he took a fork full and stuffed it into his mouth.  The taste wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be, but the worms slithering down his throat almost made him throw it back up.  He fought to keep his stomach from wretching as Will sat down.

"Well, how is it?"

"Not bad."  James swallowed hard, "If you can get used to the fact that it's still moving," James swallowed again, "in your stomach."

"Not something I'm interested in getting used to."

When James felt that his stomach was going to cooperate some more, he gestured with his fork over towards the Orion he noted earlier. "He's not doing a very good job of hiding, I would think that he doesn't think that anyone would dare try to sneak in."  He scooped up another forkfull of gagh, steeled himself, and put it in his mouth.  It went down a little smoother this time, but he still had to fight his stomach to keep it down.

"How long do we have?"

"About fifteen minutes, then the fun really begins."

A scuffle from one of the wings of the complex drew everyone's attention, even the Orion.  James kept his eye on the Orion, running the possible scenarios in his head.  He shoveled another forkful of gagh into his mouth, and for a moment forgot about what he was eating.  He remembered quite quickly as the slithering worms hit his stomach and instantly caused it to lurch again.  William was devouring his food, and was almost done with his bacon and eggs.  James shoveled another scoop down and did his best to ignore his stomach.  He gestured his fork to the Orion, "If he moves, we go."

He moved, they went.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #53 on: June 15, 2006, 02:17:35 am »
you'll probably need redundant stomachs for Gagh. That orion is not the only guard there, right?
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2006, 10:20:30 am »
As a matter of fact he was...but theres a reason for it  ;D
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #55 on: June 15, 2006, 02:38:00 pm »
the rest went to see the tell sell markting guy selling vacuum cleaners which also can do your dishes for only 30 dollars? Now for only 25 if you call now?
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #56 on: June 17, 2006, 08:35:13 pm »

But I am sorry I can't put the next chapter up when I usually do.  My Computer is in about ten different peices right now patiently waiting to be carefully placed (and buckled) in to the back seat of my car.  I'm moving back to Houston, and a much faster Internet connection.  ;D
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #57 on: August 01, 2006, 09:17:13 am »
You made it to Houston yet? It's been a couple of weeks...
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #58 on: August 01, 2006, 10:25:19 am »
Yeah... I suppose I should finish the chapter I'm on shouldn't I...

I haven't had much chance to do any writing at all since I got down here, so it would just be to the end of the chapter...  :-[
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Sword and the Targ
« Reply #59 on: August 01, 2006, 10:46:06 am »
The two starfleeters dropped down the shaft and into the smoke filled complex below.  Not wanting to linger for long they quickly merged with the rest of the traffic.  They waited a few moments to make sure that they were not noticed by the two Orions at the far end of the hall before they made their way deeper into the facility.  The atmosphere was different than it was upstairs, it was still overcrowded, but there was less of an attempt made to eliminate the irritants.  A few vendors were down here trying to sell contraband goods, Klingon Aphrodisiacs, Disrupters, Venus Drugs.  But few people were paying any mind as they strolled ahead to the ampitheater.  Will noticed something out of the corner of his eye.  "An Earth Starfleet Phase Pistol..."  He suddenly stopped to admire it, "I thought they got all of them when they recalled them back in 2175?"

The Vendor overheard, and prompty began his sales pitch, "Ahh, yes Starfleet did indeed recall all of them, and all but this one, a couple in Xindi Space and one that's turned up in Klingon Space were recalled.  That makes this a very rare item indeed.  Would you like to here the story behind it?"  The merchant paused briefly, but didn't allow either to answer. "An Earth ship had penetrated the borders of Orion territory, and an Orion Ship beamed off about a dozen of their crew.  One of them had this on them, it was removed by the transporter buffer, but since Earth Phase Pistols were not well regarded, it wasn't very expensive.  My father bought it for dirt cheap, that was before they found the...interesting side effects that Phase Particle Weapons had on Andorian physiology.  Starfleet attempted to correct the problem, but were unsuccessful and went to the simplier and safer Lasers.  They recalled the Phase Pistols, and had assumed that the ones they didn't get were destroyed.  Certain people have been inquiring about them, but Starfleet destroyed them, rather than storing them for a rainy day, making these weapons much sought after if someone's looking for a Biological weapon to use against Andorians."  He paused again to let the full story sink in, "I can see that you are a man who knows your way around a weapon, I can sell you this fine piece of Earther equipment, for ten-thousand Orion Dollars."

"Not interested.  Thank you."  James stated. Will looked at James as if he was going to plead a case.

"Five Thousand then."  The vendor returned.

James shook his head and gently nudged Will away.  Will hissed, "We should have at least taken it off the market."

"Do you have Five Thousand Orion Dollars to spend on that?"


"Neither do I.  We're here for one reason, and anything else is a potential obstacle to that objective."  The two men entered the ampitheatre, a large cavernous room lined with flood lights, fans, and...cages.  Inside some of the cages were living people, mostly female, but a few men and a few...others... filled them.  At the focal point of the ampitheatre was a large monitor that currently contained a countdown timer until the next auction begins.  Off to the side of the ampitheatre, tucked away to the point where it was almost hidden, was thier target.  A small door that led to the computer terminal they were looking for.  Standing in front of it however, was a 2.5 Meter tall Orion.  The man was also extremely bulky, his neck was easily the size of James' thigh.  If that didn't make him intimidating, the old style plasma rifle he cradled in his arms finished the aura.  James motioned his head slightly in the direction of the guard.

Will looked over at him, "How do we get by him?  I don't think a Laser set to stun would even faze him."

"And if we fired our lasers in here, we'd have everyone here scrambling to either kill us, or get the hell outta here."  James looked around,  "I think we're going to have to wait until the bidding begins, so...lets, uh browse, a bit."

They didn't browse for long, soon a buzzer sounded informing everyone that today's auction was to begin in five minutes.  As people began to fill into the ampitheatre's central area the Orion guarding the door relaxed slightly.  Suddenly another Orion ran over to the guard, whispered something into the guard's ear, and both Orion's ran off into the distance.

Will noticed first and got James' attention.  He started towards the door, but James grasped his arm and stopped him.  "Don't you think that's a little too convienent?"

"It's the best chance we're going to get."

"True..."  James conceded as they dashed off towards the door.  There was no complicated security device on the door, it slid open upon the touch of the panel.  "Way too easy."

"Let's make them pay for the arrogance."

"I'll get digging, signal the ship.  Have them send down some of your toys." James saw the evil grin flash on his Tactical Officer's face, shook his head slightly and turned his attention to the Computer.  He had only gotten a few keystrokes into the computer when a low baritone buzzer began to sound though the base.  "See if you can lock the door, Will."

"Already done, you want the Phaser or the Disrupter?"

"I'll take the Phaser."  James communicator chirped. "Go ahead."

"A Shield just came online, I can't keep the transporter lock on you."  Tigress paused momentarily. "And an Orion Cruiser has just locked it's phasers on us, I have to withdraw."

"Can you give me two minutes?"

"There's no way I can knock the Sheilds down in two minutes."

"Just give me two minutes."

"I'll do what I can."

Will looked over his shoulder, "You going to be able to take the shields down in two minutes?"

"No, but I'll have found the data we're looking for by then.


"We're expendable Will."  James tapped a few more keystrokes. The information he was looking for suddenly popped up on the screen, and James didn't believe what it said.  "That dirty Pig... That sonova Bitch!"  James slammed his hand down on the console.  Will glanced over but didn't say anything.  James tapped a button on his data recorder and reactivated his communicator.  "Tigress, incoming databurst.  See that it gets back to Captain Wesley of the Starship Lexington, he'll have your payment."

"We have it, Good Luck."  The communicator went dead.

"They're trying to cut through the door, who was it?"


"The Captain of the Revere?!"

James nodded.  "Think we can fight our way out of this?"


"Well, lets make it as painful for them as possible.  Take up a position behind that console over there."  Will began to move, "Does that Disrupter have a stun setting?"


"Good."  James took up a position behind the console he was working at.  "As soon as the door goes, start shooting."

The door fell to the ground with a thud, green disrupter bolts and red phaser beams shot into the hole.  Several screams were heard as the Orions on the other side were mortally wounded.  A few disrupter shots flew back through the hole but after a few minutes the firing stopped.  "We can't have gotten all of them. Can we?"  Will asked tenatively.

"Doubt it, those were just the ones that could get here quickly..."  He trailed off as he saw a ball thrown into the room.  "Grenade!"  They both tried to get their bodies behind cover, but the grenade detonated behind thier baracades.  James was thrown to the floor, he waited for the pain to flood his body, when it didn't happen he reached up to rub the bump on his head.  Only his arm didn't move.  Nothing moved.  He couldn't even move his eyes.  <i>Stun Grenade!</i>

A feminine shadow crept across his sight line, and a disembodied voice filled his ears, presumably belonging to the shadow.  "Well look what we have here.  A pair of Starfleet Officers.  Trajin didn't think you'd put up any fight if we let you get the data you were looking for.  I knew better, the fool is dead, and you two," she paused for effect, "are mine."  She finally brought her face into James' sight.  Jet black hair flowing down to her shoulders, black lips that were upturned in a smirk, all in all a very attractive Orion woman.  "The data was correct if that's what you're wondering, he was no longer useful to us.  Now, what do I do with the two of you?  There's plenty of people in the Klingon or Lyran Empire that would pay handsomely for a Starfleet Commander, and I guess your second officer would make a decent slave laborer."  She held up her left hand so that he could see it.  Tauntingly, she extended her index finger, the black nail paint glistened like it was still wet.  Very gently she used her nail to break the skin above his cheek bone.  Slowly she scratched her way down to his chin.  "Sweet Dreams," were the last words he heard.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)