The "everyone loves each other" idea was getting old anyway. The Federation started as Human standing between Andoria and Vulcan with the Tellarites joining in for the hell of it. 200 years and 150 species later, the Dominion came in to shake things up, and occupying Betazed among others did that. I imagine Betazed would be a little pissed that the Federation let them down, liberated or no.
Anyway, everyone's all buddy-buddy and it got old. A couple things bug me about the execution of the plan. The storyline kicks total ass, and a little bit of throwback to TOS might relate to having large portions of the Federation bannned to sublight by Omega detonations, and blending eras would work great. However, animating the series in the Orbitz-car-insurance-commercial-style.... no. Just no. CGI would be a great wat to go, all CGI, with characters that can be programmmed once with several facial expressions and movements so that all they'd have to do is plug in dialog and the character will just do it. Besides, ship designs ar soooooo much cooler in CGI!