I always thought that destroying the enemy's ship was an effect. Especially if he has little PP (non nutter).
It doesn't. Hex flippers use small cheap ships and have tons of PP.
I just don't like relegating those in small ships to running AI missions behind the lines
It doesn't. Even with the DR there are many ways a hex flipper can work the front lines.
1) Run under your opponent
2) Have a PvP group clear the hex for you (this was Fluf's original intent with the rule)
3) Work one of the many front line hexes where your opponent is not
This assumes there is active opposition on the line, while there often is not. Even when the flipper does get caught, he just goes to work another hex.
it takes all the fun out of playing on the dynaverse - might as well play singleplayer - in fact I have logged off disengagement rule servers to play singleplayer a number of times -
Exactly how PvP players feel when flippers run 3 or 4 missions to their every one, and there's nothing they can do to stop it.
its just too exclusionary, favors nutters and senior players who are assigned large ships, sort of makes them the only ones worthy of PvP.
It only "favors" them by giving them something to do besides selling off the big ship for a droner. Flippers still rule the map, just to a lesser extent than they do without the DR.
Until the PvP DV shift code is released, "The Slot" is the perfect solution - it allows non nutters and junior players to have some PvP fun too... further, any disengagment rule should not apply in "The Slot" so as not to further discourage PvP for casual players.
Sounds like D2 of old - buy a flipper and avoid PvP at all costs. I'll pass.
The slot is a gimmick, something for added flavor. It doesn't fix any problems.
Edit: I had 100x as many PvP battles on the dynaverse before the disengagement rule came along. Since then PvP battles have been few and far between for me. I'd bet I'm not the only one.
I don't consider a CC blowing up a DF PvP. Even equal battles become meaningless when mission times are unequal. What incentive does a Z-CC have to stay in battle with an R-KRC? He can run missions in half the time or less.
I guess we just can't see each others' position at all. Its a good thing I resolved to add PvP DV shifts. I sure hope I have them working right... so get on The Forge and get testing! 
Edit: I hope that we can at least agree that working PvP DV shifts will make the disengagment rule obsolete (regardless of whether it was really needed or not or if it was really a good thing for the dynaverse).
No Bonk ..it wont...at least not in my opinion..
What I predict it will do though....is make "gang bangs" even more attractive...and making reinforcement of your own space near, or on the front ,without a wingman a practical suicide mission...
Two peeps can simply wait for a solo player to show up...and get an instant 5 (or 3) dv shift (assuming they have at least two decent ships roughly two or less classes below the defender)...
This will also make flying a small ship quite un attractive...even in your own space...
Believe it or not...some people dont like PvP...and shouldnt be forced to a substandard under those who do ....
Lets use a common senario eh?
One defender...heavy cruiser...
5 attackers...frigates and destroyers....
Under the previous rule:...aka no rule...
Any attacker caught in a mision would simply run off the screen...or at the most...attempt to tie up the defender as long as possible with PvP...while the other 4 all ran solo missions.....
If the attacker ran off...they would simply rejoin the rotation and repeat...
If the Attacker was destroyed in PvP...he would simply get another cheap ship and rejoin the rotation...
It was simply impossible to be a member of an underpopulated race (or be on when no one else was) and still be able to defend territory...
Under the disengagment rule:
Same senario...
Any attacker the defender catches solo...will most likely be run off or destroyed.....one less attacker for a set time period...rinse repeat...
Or...the attackers are forced to wing up....cutting the attacking force in two ....thus doubling the cumulative mission times required to run down the DV...
Or....the attackers are forced to bring in some heavy iron to gain space superiority by running the defender off before the hex team can flip it...
ANY of these three results can slow the advance...or even stop it altogether...
With PvP DV shift but no disengagment rule:
The penalty becomes the defenders....if you get caught without a big iron wing....or outclassed....even if you disengage...you are giving up a multiple DV shift...
Now...since many casual players fly solo..or at odd times...and with smaller ships on average due to a lack of PP....these players would be out of their minds to risk getting caught on the front.....or even respond to a deep striker...
A co-ordinated attack force can simply chase thier way into your space.....there will be no effective way for a solo player to counter such an attack...or even risk re-enforcment of weak front line hexes...
I'm willing to try it out...but I think the law of untended consequences will rear it's ugly head...