Posted Feb 25, 2006
A NASA Mars bound spacecraft is getting close to the end of its seven-month journey but still faces a few obstacles during its arrival.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, or MRO, is on course to enter orbit on March 10. If successful, it will spend the next two years photographing the surface and scouting for future landing sites.
The spacecraft is performing so well that engineers have canceled two final maneuvers to adjust its course in the last leg of the trip, said James Graf, project manager from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
The greatest challenge of the $720-million mission is yet to come. Within the last 15 years, NASA has lost two spacecraft during the orbit-insertion phase around Mars.
Engineers hope the two-ton Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has journeyed nearly 300 million miles, will not suffer the same fate.
On March 10, the NASA spacecraft will fire its thrusters to slow down so that it can be caught by Mars' gravity.