Topic: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..  (Read 18988 times)

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Offline Chris Jones

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Updated 9/12/06

1. Install the game from CD

2. Patch to 2552 link..

3. Install OP+ 4.0 link..

4. Install UAW - 1 File (now includes the original big file, the 1st Official Patch AND the Dynaverse Missions and shiplist!!)

If you have an older version of UAW installed..

Dynaverse shiplist - link..

Missions for the Dynaverse - link..

Before you start OP - double click on the batch file that says UAW_DYNA_BETA on your desktop..

7. Have fun...

« Last Edit: September 12, 2006, 03:44:38 pm by Chris Jones »
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Offline Bonk

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2006, 02:52:55 pm »
Stickied, and you should be able to edit it by clicking the "modify" button at the top right of the post.

Offline Centurus

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2006, 12:41:47 pm »
When is this camp gonna take off, and what are the rules?  I've been wanting to play this for some time.
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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2006, 04:17:03 pm »
it's a test server. jumpin, the water's fine.
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Offline Sochin

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Might just do that

Offline Sochin

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OK downloaded all the files and have got a problem. When I install the mod i fet an error message

UAWOPMODELS.exe cant be overwritten.

Just in case its a fault thats been cured by the patch I soldier on and go through the instalation process. When I fire up the game I and get into a mission I cannot see my ship and as soon as I fire any weapon I CTD. Is there a quick fix for this or is it a bad download?

Offline Bonk

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Sounds like a bad download, try getting the big file from here:

and WinRar: to decompress the installer. (if you don't have it).

Offline Sochin

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Thanks Bonk ;D, AG this might help you as well.

Offline Sochin

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That worked a treat, thanks, hmmm interesting mod.

Offline Bonk

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This might also come in handy for some for large downloads:

Star Downloader Free - will allow you to pause downloads and resume interrupted downloads. Its a dandy little program. I do not use its browser integration as it can just get in the way (as it does not work with indirectly linked scripted downloads), but rather I just enter downloads in the program directly with the "Add" button.

Offline KBF-Kurok

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Umm  been getting the endless esg loop. It might be my set up  but thought id let you know.

Offline Victor1st

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Ive talked to chris about this as well on the CUGS TS.

The current dyna is almost impossible for a casual single player like myself to make any good amount of prestige.  It constantly puts me against borg heavy cruisers or dreadnaughts...

It might be a good idea to either tone down the AI or do something with the AI matching.

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Offline Bonk

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Roger that, you're not the first to find it a bit much.

I've reduced the campaign difficulty from Admiral to Commodore. Let me know how that goes. If its still too much we can give Captain difficulty a whirl.

Thanks for the feedback.


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I was flying a kling BDL, went into misson and couldn't see the ships or stars (screen was black). Mission was running and all ctrls were visible on the side and bottom  interface. I downloaded the mssions and shiplist not the large UAW file and ran the batch file.
By not downloading the large file with the first patch, is this what is causing me not to see the ships/stars etc.?

Offline Bonk

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Correct, if you have not installed UAW before you will need all the files linked. It sounds like you are missing the models.


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All is well now. Thanks Bonk!
So, I ran a couple of missions on a fed hex, but even though I won the patrol (evil dave), the dv went up instead of down.
Mods and sounds are cool. Definitely refreshing to play.

First engagement was with a Borg cube. Nasty, had to bail from that one lol.


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Now I feel like an idiot. So accustomed to fighting feds, I completely forgot that klings and feds are allies here.

pls. disregard last post. :P

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hey at least you didnt try shooting them :)
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Offline Bonk

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Now I feel like an idiot. So accustomed to fighting feds, I completely forgot that klings and feds are allies here.

pls. disregard last post. :P

Lol, I made the same mistake myself a few times. It takes some getting used to.  :D

Glad to hear you got things working.  :)


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Good times, but there is one issue I need to address.

Ship explosions. When i have fully reinforced shields and an exploding PF blows me up. Is there a way to turn down that effect? I know there are kamikaze ships, but a PF??. Anyway, thought I'd bring it up.

Offline Bonk

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Roger that, we'll have to add explosion force to our list of possible dyna shiplist tweaks.

I have yet to:
-Pull the convoy missions from the test server
-adjust spares on the serverside shiplist
-and now take a look at explosion strengths.

Chris might want to adjust the spares and explosion force on the client list too... we'll have to get together for a chat soon...

Offline Chris Jones

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Universe At War Dynaverse
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2006, 07:43:19 am »
I will reduce the explosion rates, paying attention to the PFs.

too many spares or not enough?

Also, I'd like to change the name from UAW Test Server to simply say, 'Universe At War', maintaining the current settings and roster.
Real life has prevented me from doing much work on this mod of late..

but it is coming along..
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Offline Bonk

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2006, 08:10:43 am »
I will reduce the explosion rates, paying attention to the PFs.


too many spares or not enough?

Waayyy too many, so much that it seems to be causing bugs in spares on the server. (I'd at least make sure all have less than 128 spares)

EDIT: The maximum "Damage Control" on the stock and OP+4 shiplists is 16 (80 spares) which does not seem to cause issues. (max DC = 10 for ships (battleships) , 12 for planets and 16 for starbases)  There are valuus of 17-22 on the UAW shiplist that should be brought into line with values that are known to work.

Also, I'd like to change the name from UAW Test Server to simply say, 'Universe At War', maintaining the current settings and roster. 

Consider it done!
« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 09:07:50 am by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Server renamed, convoy missions pulled... time is ticking by though, I didnt expect runs this long... we're at 2311.215 now, we can just let it keep running as is, or I can slow down the clock if need be.... would be simpler just to set it for a four month run like The Forge when we finally do reset UAW though.



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There seems to be a problem with the ESG sound. Won't shut off after use and after match is done. Have to restart game to shut the sound off.

Offline Bonk

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The ESG loop issue will not be encountered if UAW is installed over OP+4. (OP+4 includes a fix for it)

Ah, so does the SFC:OP Mini-updater:   <---- USE THIS TO FIX IT!
(you should be able to safely install that over UAW, you could select only the "ESG SoundLoop Fix" if desired)

NSIS scripts (if interested):,163345859.0.html

Some interesting info on the subject:,163347456.0.html

From MagnumMan's comments it appears that using the newer mss32.dll might fix it too...
(Pestalence might want to look at that for the OP stability updater package)


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Question: Can the AI flip hexes or affect the dv of a hex in any way?

Offline Bonk

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Question: Can the AI flip hexes or affect the dv of a hex in any way?


AllowAIToTakeHexes=0 is set in


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The missions with the Breen MN ships tend to crash alot. Mostly when its a 2v2(ai) with a pirate thrown in. It doesnt seem to matter if its patrol or planet/HW missions.


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OK, after running more missions, it is definitely the Breen MN class ships causing the crashes. Also, the crashes only seem to occur when 2 Breen MN class ships are in one mission. If the MN is with any other ship, the mission seems stable.

Offline Bonk

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Is it happening with any one mission in particular?

It might be helpful for you to run the models testing script for us on it to see if it crashes on that model...:

Just load the script up in skirminsh and run it through the breen list... it logs to c:\TestModels.txt - if it crashes, the last model in the log is the problem...

If not, I'll give the whole list a run-through sometime soon with the whole shiplist version: takes ages to run through the whole list though...

But if its stable with one and not two of these ships then I suspect the mission...


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I have been running planet missions as of late but it has crashed in patrols and it only crashes when the Breen MN's are in the mission.
lol, Just before I posted this message, I crashed in a Planet Assault ( not little "a") and it had 1 breen light and a MN.

Offline Bonk

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Sounds like that ship is to blame then, either the specs or the models for it. We'll have to look into that.

Offline Bonk

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UAW server back up!  :)


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UAW server is down. Its been offline for a few hrs now.  :huh:

Offline Bonk

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Looks like the server got rebooted... the UAW server should be back up now.

Offline Chris Jones

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Breen MN  - add that to the bug list.

Bonk - can you see why Victor1st is still logged in when he really isn't?

I'm slowly working on getting this all fixed up - I had a little team working on my CUGS verison of UAW - but they left, lol. Real ife and all, so now I'm doing 2 shiplists.

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Offline Bonk

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Bonk - can you see why Victor1st is still logged in when he really isn't?

Sounds like the usual "ghosted player" issue. Has he rebooted his PC? That will often clear it. If not I'll reboot the server to clear the ghost.

Offline KBF Soth

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RE: MN bug

Maybe this will help,I have a Breen MN5 and have had no problems with crashes even when I have them as wings but,if i get 1 as a wing in my Borg acct. it ctd.
Another thing I noticed was that I could not purchase a VIN,DDX,SOV,DOM,NVR , they are in the Borg shiplist but not listed in the webyards .
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 05:41:10 pm by KBF Soth »
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Offline Bonk

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I'll look into the ship availability on the webyards. (note that Firefox currently cannot render the entire list of ships in the webyards - this issue was introduced around - I have not submitted a bug report to Mozilla yet).

Missions updated!

Current missionlist:


The UAW server is the most stable SQL server I have seen to date. It runs for weeks and weeks without crashing. When I updated the missions it had not crashed, and I last checked on it over a month ago... :o  might have something to do with the fact that the server it runs on is a smokin powerhouse...  8)

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It would seem to me that a great many of our issues have to do with servers running on machines that are less that...sufficiently robust for the role of a server.

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Offline Bonk

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Aside from configuration/shiplist issues, I agree. However the serverkit should just slow down on an underpowered machine, not crash outright... we are on the track of someting that fits that bill in the development project. Gotta get the testing schedule back in gear soon...

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jus sayin hi guys

thanks for all you do Bonk and CJ (Chris Jones)

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Offline KBF MalaK

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1. Install the game from CD

2. Patch to 2552 link..

3. Install OP+ 4.0 link..

4. Install UAW - 1 File (now includes the original big file, and the 1st Official Patch)

5. Dynaverse shiplist - link..

6. Missions for the Dynaverse - link..

Before you start OP - double click on the batch file that says UAW_DYNA_BETA on your desktop..

7. Have fun...

Still getting a bad D/L. Have you broken the main file up into smaller pieces yet ?? And what did you use to compress it ?? I get an error saying it's not a valid win32 application as well as winzip not recognizing it  as a valid archive.
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Offline Bonk

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Are you using wireless? It cannot handle large downloads very well as it usually cannot maintain a steady connection for that long. Another person was having this trouble, I reccomended Star Downloader to them and it seemed to work for them:

Star Downloader Free - will allow you to pause downloads and resume interrupted downloads. Its a dandy little program. I do not use its browser integration as it can just get in the way (as it does not work with indirectly linked scripted downloads), but rather I just enter downloads in the program directly with the "Add" button.

I also set it to max two simultaneous downloads and to only to break files into two parts in the options under performance, to be kind to servers, though for cases like this you might have better luck with the defaults.

Offline KBF MalaK

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Are you using wireless? It cannot handle large downloads very well as it usually cannot maintain a steady connection for that long. Another person was having this trouble, I reccomended Star Downloader to them and it seemed to work for them:

Star Downloader Free - will allow you to pause downloads and resume interrupted downloads. Its a dandy little program. I do not use its browser integration as it can just get in the way (as it does not work with indirectly linked scripted downloads), but rather I just enter downloads in the program directly with the "Add" button.

I also set it to max two simultaneous downloads and to only to break files into two parts in the options under performance, to be kind to servers, though for cases like this you might have better luck with the defaults.

Am currently using DSL (last 3 D/L's were on this line) but I'll try that D/L manager as this is my 9th attempt all with the same results. I'm beginning to think I'll never get to play UAW.
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Am currently using DSL (last 3 D/L's were on this line) ...

The issue must be serverside then... I'm not exactly sure where that file is hosted... I think its on a shared GoDaddy server.

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #47 on: August 01, 2006, 08:44:56 pm »
I am unable to reach the UAW server. I'll get in touch with Josh about it later. I'm unstickying this thread for now until the server is back up. (I'm busy with Slave Girls VI for now anyway)

Offline Chris Jones

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2006, 02:50:56 pm »
Hiya Bonk -

Josh tells me you guys were talking - need anything from me? The specs are the same for now.

 - Chris
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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2006, 03:59:38 pm »
Just some changes happening at CUGS that were keeping me from starting up the UAW server. I'm pretty busy with SG6, but I'll take a look in the next day or two to see if I can get through and start er back up. I might update the missions in sync with The Forge after SG6 is over. I'll give you a shout if I need a hand with anything.

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2006, 11:17:10 pm »
I just got through to the server OK. I cleaned the database and started the server back up!  :)

I'll update the missions later this month when I update the missions on The Forge.

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2006, 11:21:55 pm »
I just got through to the server OK. I cleaned the database and started the server back up!  :)

I'll update the missions later this month when I update the missions on The Forge.

AWESOME!  Checking it out!!   TY!!!
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Offline Chris Jones

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2006, 08:52:16 pm »
Updated 9/12/06

1. Install the game from CD

2. Patch to 2552 link..

3. Install OP+ 4.0 link..

4. Install UAW - 1 File (now includes the original big file, the 1st Official Patch AND the Dynaverse Missions and shiplist!!)

If you have an older version of UAW installed..

Dynaverse shiplist - link..

Missions for the Dynaverse - link..

Before you start OP - double click on the batch file that says UAW_DYNA_BETA on your desktop..

7. Have fun...
« Last Edit: September 12, 2006, 03:48:03 pm by Chris Jones »
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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #53 on: September 12, 2006, 03:49:04 pm »

Updated 9/12/06

see above post for new link to UAW that includes all dynaverse files..
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Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dynaverse
« Reply #54 on: September 29, 2006, 08:45:40 am »

The Universe At War Dynaverse is alive and well..

See the map here..

« Last Edit: September 29, 2006, 07:28:13 pm by Chris Jones »
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2006, 12:14:56 am »
Alive and kicking - the server was down for a little bit - back online and stable as stable can be!

..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #56 on: November 14, 2006, 05:16:44 pm »
Good to hear thanks. I was looking for it a little while ago.
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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #57 on: December 06, 2006, 01:26:30 pm »
Even with the release of Star Trek: Legacy the Universe At War Dynaverse remains strong and stable. Just got my *** kicked in one of those awesome patrol missions - I was Fed with 2 wings and a pile of Rom Allies defending a planet with some Drydocks.

Come play if you dare..
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Offline LockOn

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #58 on: December 09, 2006, 08:12:24 pm »
Greetings all,

I haven't played in quite awhile, so I appreciate any feed back. First off I am an old SFB player and really enjoy the SFC OP, I do own SFC 3 but I feel it lacks many things that I really liked about SFC OP. So I don't play it much. I was happy to find a site where you can find Dyna's to play on. I have a few questions about this mod:

1. Is there a ship list I can see? What I am looking for is a complete list of ships and fighters that have been added.

2. How does this Dyna work? Meaning is there any league's or clans to join.

3. Is there a Team Speak server or a voice chat equivalent?

4. Please feel free to give me info that I may need to know.

Best regards,


Offline LockOn

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #59 on: December 09, 2006, 09:51:18 pm »
Ok I got everything installed but see that there is alot  of batch files on the desktop. Which ones do I use, how do they work, which one do I click on to play the Dyna??? Thanks in advance for any help.

LockOn out! <S>

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Re: Universe At War Dynaverse - Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna..
« Reply #60 on: December 11, 2006, 11:51:31 pm »
Is there a batch file that says

UAW_Dyna_Beta  ?

If so - double click on it

It copies the correct files into the game for playing on the dynaverse. Simply start OP and log in..
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Offline Chris Jones

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You realize - that the UAW Dyna is back online -

I'll be answering questions if they arise... ;D :D ;) 8)
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Offline KBF MalaK

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  • Posts: 673
after NUMEROUS attempts at D/Ling the file I have 3 copies that all show as 'corrupt' when I try to install. What checksum does the file have. All 3 of mine show exactly the same checksum and I suspect that either my install of winzip or winace is hijacking the install process but I can't figure out how or why it's happening. The first thing I need to do is confirm my D/L is intact. Can anyone help me out ??
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