How about a simple matrix table? And maybe color codes with legend for quick scanning?
Race | UFP | KE | HK | LSE | MSL | RSE | GC | ISC |
UFP | - | .05 | .93 | .05 | .93 | .05 | .95 | .05 |
KE | etc | - | etc | etc | etc | etc | etc | etc |
HK | etc | etc | - | etc | etc | etc | etc | etc |
LSE | etc | etc | etc | - | etc | etc | etc | etc |
MSL | etc | etc | etc | etc | - | etc | etc | etc |
RSE | etc | etc | etc | etc | etc | - | etc | etc |
GC | etc | etc | etc | etc | etc | etc | - | etc |
ISC | etc | etc | etc | etc | etc | etc | etc | - |
(excellent use of SMF's tables...

Yes, that is the kind of thing I was thinking of. Perhaps I could put a summary like that at the top of the page.
However such a display is complicated by the fact that the initial tensions can be different; i.e. in the the feds can be at initial tension of 1000 to the klingons, but the klingons can be set to an initial tension of 500 to the Feds...
One would expect that the current relative tension values then would only be stored once, however, each race has a complete table of its relative tensions to the other races. I have not established whether these values are indeed consistent with the 2d matrix style you suggest. I have only decoded the values and the means of calculating the meanings of the current relative tensions. To establish if such a 2d matrix display of the relative tensions is accurate I will have to dig further in the code to see how the matrix is initially produced and then modified by the incomplete tension increment/decrement code, as well as continued observations of the kit in action.
Logically, such a table should be accurate, but I have learned not to make any assumptions about valid logic and the OP serverkit.

The approach I have in mind now is an absolute one, eliminate the unpredicatable and incomplete tensions code in the kit by editing all the relative tensions to exact desired values.