Good point FW. Not only do I like the ship but agree with whats below it too. I'm getting sick of SFC blamming BC for all the bs going on with theft. The recent captain russel/darkdrone issue didn't involve theft because he didn't release it. You can't have theft without release. There was an issue over WZ's D7, that was a noob who didn't know which ship was credited to whom in a ZZ pack release and said "I don't know" in the readme. Could he have done better? I suppose, but he could have done far worse and credited himself, but didn't. And more to the point, with help from me and another member of my staff we got the 2 of them together and it was settled in a way that didn't result in anyones hard work being yanked and apparently there will even be more in the future. Plus, the guy learned something without being publicly bashed over 6 different forums. And lets not forget how much of this goes on in house, within SFC, such as the same model having 4 different readme's. This fingerpointing at bridge commander as being the enemy every time soemone makes a mistake is not only nonsense but doesn't do either community any good. Locking your ships out of BC or limiting them to one game wont stop an actual theif because such a person doesn't give a flying f*** about you or your work. You can keep your work to yourself, but something tells me that most of you enjoy the sharing of your work with others as much or more than the actual act of creating it. I will enjoy hardpointing a ship much more if I know tons of people get to enjoy it. Additionaly, SFC isn't the perfect angel of a community either. I recently suggested a group consider allowing outalance to port their blakes 7 ship pack to SFC and you want to know what they said? They said their previous releases had been ported to SFC without permission. Others have been hesitant because they've heard what goes on here as well, with readme's being thrown out ect. Before you start fingering the BC communty as the problem you'd better look at your own community. The same applies to the armada community, I know it goes on there too. If we'd start thinking of our communities as one instead of selfishly pointing fingers, throwing accusations over each others forums, and other such nonsense, perhaps this stuff would actualy decrease. The biggest reason why credits regarding sfc are wrong in a BC release is because they don't know the work, they don't know this place, and they've never heard of any of ya. Trust me on this, I've talked to several such peoplel and because I PARTICIPATE here I know you people and your stuff and can just take a look and say that belongs to..."insert name" and I know where you can find him, or I know he only requires credit..ect. We're not going to boot your threads out of BCU modding just because you don't play come over and share your wips and get to know people. I generaly tell modelers at BCU (and when I promote someone's project from here over at BCU) the link to the source forum, so that an actual connection is made so people can get to know who the work is comming from rather than seeing me promote ship X by author Y.