I have been toying with this idea myself, but having recently seen all the original art work and great ideas from the likes of Major Radical, Furyofaseraph, Ship_Rods (Red_Green), and Jad; I think we need to start developing our own universe. I am not proposing that we put alot of work into collectively developing back stories, political envrironments, or technologies, (we are moddelers after all) but rather that we each create our own race. We could set the timeline an indeterminable amount of time in the future, no Earth around, what ever your view of what that would look like could be the perspective of the race or races you develope. I think it would be alot of fun, not to abbandon Trek or SG, more like a refuge for creative moddelers to be let loose and know that their work will be appriciated. There would be room for both experienced modelers and in experienced modellers, we can allow kitbashes, onlookers can claim a race as their favorite, versions of OP will boast peoples favorite 16 races. It will also help us with copyright concerns, if it is our universe created by use, no big gorrilla will be looking for his bannanas.
Here are a few examples that I came up with over the past year to get our creative juices running:
Interstellar Alliance
The Interstellar Alliance was founded 00AGT when the majority of the void-faring inhabitants of the galaxy united against a common foe. The mysterious and formidable Imperial Frontier was fast pressing in with their heavily armored and weapon-laden void craft. It was only by the uniting of these worlds that the Imperial Frontier is held at bay. The alliance was founded by five advanced planetary states. Each contributed a single representative to the Alliance Senate, the Interstellar Alliance’s governing body. As additional planets joined the alliance, a senator from each of the original five member planets is added as well as a single representative from the joining planetary state. Advantages of membership in the Alliance include protection by the galaxy’s largest and most advanced voidal navy, and a seat on the Alliance Senate. In return each planet must submit to utilization of any of its resources and technologies at the discretion of the Alliance Senate. Civilian travel through the void is prohibited in the Alliance without being permitted by the Alliance Senate.