Topic: Create our own universe **UPDATE**  (Read 3588 times)

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Create our own universe **UPDATE**
« on: February 22, 2006, 06:06:45 am »
I have been toying with this idea myself, but having recently seen all the original art work and great ideas from the likes of Major Radical, Furyofaseraph, Ship_Rods (Red_Green), and Jad; I think we need to start developing our own universe. I am not proposing that we put alot of work into collectively developing back stories, political envrironments, or technologies, (we are moddelers after all) but rather that we each create our own race. We could set the timeline an indeterminable amount of time in the future, no Earth around, what ever your view of what that would look like could be the perspective of the race or races you develope. I think it would be alot of fun, not to abbandon Trek or SG, more like a refuge for creative moddelers to be let loose and know that their work will be appriciated. There would be room for both experienced modelers and in experienced modellers, we can allow kitbashes, onlookers can claim a race as their favorite, versions of OP will boast peoples favorite 16 races. It will also help us with copyright concerns, if it is our universe created by use, no big gorrilla will be looking for his bannanas.

Here are a few examples that I came up with over the past year to get our creative juices running:

Interstellar Alliance
The Interstellar Alliance was founded 00AGT when the majority of the void-faring inhabitants of the galaxy united against a common foe. The mysterious and formidable Imperial Frontier was fast pressing in with their heavily armored and weapon-laden void craft. It was only by the uniting of these worlds that the Imperial Frontier is held at bay. The alliance was founded by five advanced planetary states. Each contributed a single representative to the Alliance Senate, the Interstellar Alliance’s governing body. As additional planets joined the alliance, a senator from each of the original five member planets is added as well as a single representative from the joining planetary state. Advantages of membership in the Alliance include protection by the galaxy’s largest and most advanced voidal navy, and a seat on the Alliance Senate. In return each planet must submit to utilization of any of its resources and technologies at the discretion of the Alliance Senate. Civilian travel through the void is prohibited in the Alliance without being permitted by the Alliance Senate.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2006, 03:56:41 pm by Interstellar Machine »


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2006, 06:11:25 am »
Necaran Commonwealth
Necara’s planetary state is the Necaran Commonwealth. The Necaran Commonwealth relies on importation of food and other perishable goods in exchange for its vast resources of metals and silicones. The Necarans were introduced to the dimensional tangent drive in 136AGT during the Galactic Freedom War by the Interstellar Alliance in exchange for a 1000-year lease on 60% of Necaran mining zones. The Necarans have applied countless times to become members of the Interstellar Alliance, however there always seems to be complications in the final negotiations. Necara’s resources have allowed it to build a powerful navy, but they are held at bay by their extremely limited supply of food and the necessity of good trade relations with other nations.


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2006, 06:17:01 am »
The Biok race is a biologically advanced nation adept at splicing DNA. All Bioks are reproduced by cloning methods and each individual is genetically engineered to perform a specific task within the Biok society. Biok technologies have biological material grafted into them and are often controlled through an artificial nervous system. Biok worlds are the chief source of the illegal drug rhynus.


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2006, 06:20:57 am »
Imperial Frontier
Like looking over a vast sea, the Empire of the Imperial Frontier has seemingly no end. Its only known boarder is that which brings it against the worlds of the Interstellar Alliance and a few holdout planets lying between these territories. Nations become engulfed by the Imperial Frontier either by conquest or shear intimidation. Officers are encouraged to show displays of brute force and inhuman military techniques to scare the fight out of planets in their path, as it generally saves on wear and tear to their fleets. The Imperial Sovereign, a totalitarian and self-perpetuating line, rules the Frontier.


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2006, 06:24:30 am »
NAND is a mysterious race of gorillas. They are not sentient but rather controlled by neuron implants making them a type of biological robots. Some study of the race has indicated a sort of hierarchy in their social structure and it is debated whether there is a single intelligence behind it.


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2006, 06:30:24 am »
The Sceun are a less advanced race just starting to venture into the void. The majority of the Sceun fleet consists of sublight interplanetary craft and orbiters; however, the Sceun have successfully tested some interstellar void craft with dimensional tangent drives. The Sceun home world is rich with fuels nessasary to maintain and run a dimensional tangent drive, which the Sceun are quickly learning to utilize. Sceun induction into the Interstellar Alliance has become a controversial consideration. While the Alliance lusts after the Sceun resources, it held off in approaching the Sceun until they were more advanced and were perceived to be more receptive to the idea of life on planets other than their own, thus honoring the Alliance’s noninterference policy. The controversy nearly came to blows in 430AGT when the Republic of Tahnyce V contacted the Sceun first and introduced the dimensional tangent drive and their bent toward national sovereignty. The Sceun, being a proud nation, are seeking to undertake advancement into the void independently, while, at the same time, trading fuels for technologies with the Tahnyns.


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2006, 06:36:21 am »
Pick a race to join, or create your own! I think we could have alot of fun making our own races and original art! The fantastic thing about the universe is that it is boundless.

Offline FoaS_XC

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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2006, 07:30:03 am »
Woohoo, i am SO going to have to have fun with this when i get home ^_^.
I have quite a few races to talk to you guys about.

Great Idea IM, Great Idea Indeed.
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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2006, 08:17:52 am »
Really cool races Interstellar!!

I like your idea very much.  Unfortunately I don't know the first thing about modding - well, I guess I've read some threads, but I don't have the $$ to buy 3DStudio or Lightwave. If I did, I'd probably be bashing away.    I guess I don't understand all of the discussion re, copyright issues that you folks have been dealing with? something to do with using the .mod extension I guess? 

I've defnitely dl'd my share of models from BattleClinic - and included some of them in my modded server "Bartoks Basement".  I always included what came with the model, readme's etc.  I must admit though, I didn't seek permission from the modelmakers to ask if it was ok to include their ships in my mod.  I took it as implicit that if it was up on BattleClinic that the creators wanted the models to be used.  That being said, I think i did change the skins on a model or 2 to use them as X era pirate ships (orions). 

I apologize to any of you talented folks that are reading this if I overstepped my bounds by including your work without seeking your permission first.  That server hasn't run in several months.  That being said, I never claimed the models to be my own - or reposted them as my own on BattleClinic pages - which seems to be the problem from what I've gleaned from other threads.

Cheers - and kudos for the wonderfully creative new races!! 


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2006, 08:34:05 am »
check out this link, it is the homepage for the software I use to model
very affordable:

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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2006, 09:05:42 am »
check out this link, it is the homepage for the software I use to model
very affordable:

ThanX man - I'm dl'ing right now!!!  I see a plugin for "SFC/Armada/BC/Others Import and export with hardpoint/node editing"  and am going to dl it as well.  Is this the plugin that allows conversion to .mod file format so I can include things in future mods?

Sorry - I guess I should actually start to play with the things I'm dl'ing before asking superfluous questions - but figured I'd pick your brain:D

Many ThanX


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2006, 09:14:37 am »
You are on the right track man, welcome aboard!

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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2006, 03:08:06 pm »
Count me in on this one i have a few ideas going :)

Chuck Norris floats like a butterfly and stings like a tomahawk missile. At mach 3. In the face.

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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2006, 03:54:24 pm »
Great stuff - the Imperial Frontier sounds wonderfully ominious.

I've still got a load of other stuff I was developing around the time I used to play the FASA game that have yet to see the light of day in 3d form... they'll show up some day I'm sure.


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2006, 06:25:48 pm »
I Very Much like this idea and have decided to create my own race, i have decided to call the "The Taut'uns" and by the name u can can by the pronounciation of the word be heard as 'titans', this race has been secluded to its solar system at present, much like Earth with its planets in the solar system originally not being occupier but have now been secured by the Taut'uns homeworld 'Balairia' and now has a solar system dominance, they are in mass production of space cruisers and such as planets are used as Space Station bases... there technology uses a uniquw type of controlled fusion usually in a sphere and kept stable by an energy grid but also gives off a huge amound of safe energy which can live for a very long time. The Taut'uns are very much an explorer type race although bein friendly and diplomatic they never approch another planet thats unknown to them witout backup... usually atleast one main Battleship with 2 cruiser transports goes along. The Taut'uns have luckily never experienced that of war but have the resources and advanced technology to e a force to be reconned with if needed, There Beachhead Solar system is protected by many defense satallites as well as general patrol cruisers.

Below in this order is their:

Drop Ship (WIP)
Cruiser (WIP)


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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2006, 07:00:17 pm »
Now thats what I'm talking about. Love the models. Any chance of us seeing them fro game play?

I especially like the crusier!!!

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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2006, 07:34:53 pm »
Oh, Jad

That fighter is friggin AWESOME !!!
I gotta have it
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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2006, 02:14:29 am »
lol thanks guys, the Crusier is nowhere near complelete, it may b textured but the modelling is only 40% done lol. As for the Drop Ship... i think the exterior is done and im working on the interior, ive done the cargo bay/Troop room and i jus need to be the controls at the front... heres a pic for you of the interior of the drop ship. Ive also quickly mopped up a building, an off world Outpost.... they can set these up in a matter of days and have them fortified quite quickly, they are heavily armoured with cruiser trype rain gun technology and ive also included a closup picture of the raingun turrets for you to av a look... them in themselfves are 62k polys!!

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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2006, 06:51:55 am »
wow nice models this idea is excellent,when you say create our own universe mabe we can get the programers in this community if we have any:) to use this engine and possibly actually do what you said:

not sure if it can be done but i'm tinkering with the source code as we speak..
all tools for the code are their as well..

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Re: Create our own universe - - Team Effort!
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2006, 12:24:01 pm »
United Nations of Earth.

Soon after the discovery of an Alien starship burried deep in the desert of Mesopotamia, the Human race began analyzing its various technologies and band together. The UN was militarized and centralized, and became a global government.
Anything more than that? You are going to have to read my webcomic when i get it up and running ~_^, assuming, that is, i can get some humanoid models -_-.

These are the various logos used by the UNE.
"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."