Topic: KCW WEBMAP!!  (Read 4027 times)

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Offline Bonk

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« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2006, 08:27:25 am »
Very Cool Bonk!!!

You're a Sql God ;)

I'm assuming that the planet and base totals don't include the original homeworld and surrounding bases?  Very cool "summary" - think  you'll include this feature on future webmaps.... running totals etc.


No SQL here... all PHP manipulation of the binary flatfile. (SQL's easy...;))

The totals are overall totals, they do include the initially held assets. This way the code is generalised and not specific to any one server, but I could add configuration parameters to exclude specified assests from the totals. Yes, I intend to include a version of this in all future webmaps.

edit: actually I already had the flatfile decoding necessary for this done in another include file... I wanna get back to working on that file sometime, I stopped at political tensions as they are weird values, but now that I have the serverkit source I can figure them out and move on to the character and ship tables producing a politics page and character roster... perrhaps even the battle log as for the SQL webmap, but I'm not sure that is done the same in the flatfile or if DarkElf's db cleaner that is commonly used leaves it intact...

edit #2: I'm also cleaning up the html output of these scripts as I go. My use of the echo function in these scripts dates back to when I first started working in php and thought it necessary to output the html page headers I desired, when in fact it is not and just makes for unweildy html output.

Also, I'm kind of focusing on the SQL serverkit right now, once we get it stabilised I can focus on the webmaps in earnest as its really  the SQL version that has the real potential for player registrations, OoB... etc...
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 08:45:12 am by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2006, 04:07:53 pm »
Summary page updated to include terrains, politics page added. Portability issues fixed (mainly, the byte order from the flatfile data would have been wrong on*nix servers). Html output formatting still needs work. Character roster will be the next addition. I'll update the posted webmap wips zip file soon.