heya Alphageek i have joined the Cugs ladder league and have found rather entertaining

would u and ryker and the rest of 9th be interested in putting a team in thier ladder league?? also,from time to time,thier are tourney's fought between the dyna players and cugs players for fun .this is how FSD fills the down time between dyna servers,which as you can see,sometimes stretches for a bit.
if you are interested the cugs ts server addy is pw=winston the present cycle ends in 11 days and the next one starts imediately after,however ,your fleet can still fly in this cycle if you and 9th are looking for some action

thier is also a mod out for the server betweening tweeks by Bonk ,from the dyna and Cugs which gives you races like the dominion,breen,borg,andromidans forrengi ect ect.this is a mod that is in use right now on the dyna server but is being tweeked for balance .anyways hope to see ya on gamespy....i'll be on tonight if you want to talk