Topic: my models and mods................................  (Read 3342 times)

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Offline Darkdrone

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my models and mods................................
« on: February 20, 2006, 11:11:00 am »
hi guys a few things too say

first up after the release of my asgarud ship that will be it from me for models
last few days few things have gone on i`m not happy with a few things
this has nothing to do with the sfc people but it goes to show me
that few have np taking whats not theys

anyways for my old stuff i ask that its not released anywhere and its not
Kitbashed or retextured or ported to anyother games i want it left as it is
sites that have my work on can keep what they have thats fine

sorry to do this but i`m at point i no longer want to mess around with sorting out crap like this all the time
so whats out they can stay

all new stuff will never be released over the web again

i`m more then happy to share the new stuff over MSN to people so i know who`s got it
thats as far as i`m going to do from now on


Offline Sandman3D

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 12:07:52 pm »
Damn DD, sorry to hear you are having these issues. :( More and more it's happening, and it's really sad cause it only hurts the good people in here...the idiots doing the stealing just move to someone else. At least you are leaving 'em available thru 1-1 contact. :)
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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2006, 12:48:43 pm »
I've seen more mod thefts these past few weeks, then i've seen the past year. Why can't people simply understand that if you wish to use someone else's work, to ASK permission to use it before you start modifying it... and above all, do NOT credit the work as your own if it was derived from someone else's mods.

Sucks that Darkdrone won't be releasing more stuff publicly, but I definitely understand his reason for doing so.
// Darkthunder

Offline Bonk

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2006, 02:39:55 pm »
I cannot bear this. It is just too sad. This is the second post like this recently. We cannot afford to keep losing modelers like this.

I have a possible solution. (Tested in-game and it worked fine) Check the attached file to see if you can find and strip all instances of the credits and permissions embedded in the model files. Attach it to a post here and I'll tell you by PM if you got them all. Do not reveal the locations of the embedded credits here.

I notice however that you did not include a credits/permissions readme in the model package, which might explain where some of your problems with this situation are coming from. (though I realise that readmes will not stop those who are determined to steal anothers work)

PM me if you are interested in the details of how I did it.

EDIT: After discussions with Tus I have added another embedded tag to the model files. With this addition it is extremely unlikely that anyone would find and remove them all. None of them are visible on the model and do not affect the model in game. If you figure them all out (quite unlikely unless I tell you), please keep it within the SFC modeling community.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2006, 08:51:14 pm by Bonk »

Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2006, 02:46:43 pm »
bummer this sux does this mean i cant add your asguard ships to the SGC Mod , if i cant thats a pity, as your asguard ships kick ass :(
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Offline Sapharite

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2006, 03:16:57 pm »
Damn it Darkdrone Damn it!! I'll say this once. We all here know and recognise your work and contribution for the community.

I may have to in the future ask you for one or maybe two permissions. I do not expext you will agree because I understand
your recent situation. Nevertheless I admire you and respect as well as Rick Knox, Maggot, Atrahasis and many others. I respect
you (at least i remember) since you've handed me a Borg cookie after the interview at Blackops Station.

I don't give a damn there are many sh*theads since the major download repositories were opened for a wider range of use for
many gaming communities. But please do not give it up so easily. We will kick their damn asses and hang their balls on the carpet

Damn it's so annoying those things happens to the best of us as people :/
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Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2006, 04:15:23 pm »
just saw the thread now i know what ya mean DD, that mesh looks way to close to yours its like all he has done is moved the pieces 90 degrees opposite
Star Trek: Unity
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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

Offline Starforce2

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2006, 06:02:25 pm »
I've looked at the model and why many features appaear the same , the individual  blobs have different poly arangments,  so while he may have copied DD's cube he didn't steal the mesh.  and Darkdrone, you've always told me all you require for BC ports is credit, so why are you trying to have russel burned at the stake for not asking when you don't require  permission? You've even said as much to me I don't know how many times?  Who you trying to kid?  Not only that but russel has not released anything of yours yet anyways, and he said he fully intended to credit you for the textures (apparently just some armor?) he used  in the readme, but since there was no release and thus no readme as of yet, publicly bashing as a thief was totaly off the wall. I think the 2 of you need to hook up over PM, sort this sh*t out in private where it belongs and get back to the business of making mods.

Offline Dawntreader

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2006, 10:37:09 pm »
So I guess those of us who don't use MSN or don't trust it are screwed then huh?
Dawntreader Shipyard
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Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2006, 02:21:55 am »
Nooo dd! I hate those mechgrabbing bstards!!
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2006, 04:38:42 am »
The mesh is 99% close to DD's coincidence i think not
Star Trek: Unity
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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

Offline Starforce2

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2006, 05:04:49 am »
The mesh is 99% close to DD's coincidence i think not

It isn't 99%  DD's. Half the BCU staff has looked at this thing and has circled and higheted parts all over that look  similar  but have completely  different poly aragements. He may have used DD's cube as reference or even tried to duplicate it to learn how to do it but he didn't steal the mesh.

Offline Red_Green

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2006, 05:38:10 am »
Excuse me, but how do you know which ships DD is referring to as he never mentioned any specifics? I think something was mentioned in this thread or another similar thread about ships getting ported over to other games without permission. I think there might be more going on then just a problem with 1 ship. At any rate I support DD in whatever he feels he has to do to protect his creative works.

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Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2006, 09:06:42 am »
weird that both images of captain russell's and DD's models at BCU have vanished showing that they where or where not similar
Star Trek: Unity
"Recycling the Old to build the new ships of the Future"

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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

Offline Starforce2

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2006, 09:20:07 am »
Excuse me, but how do you know which ships DD is referring to as he never mentioned any specifics? I think something was mentioned in this thread or another similar thread about ships getting ported over to other games without permission. I think there might be more going on then just a problem with 1 ship. At any rate I support DD in whatever he feels he has to do to protect his creative works.

Because I've seen the thread where specifics were mentioned. I was the one who cleaned out all the accusations and responses.

Offline Darkdrone

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2006, 09:46:12 am »
guys please drop it i dont want a flame war i said what i wanted to say and its done
i dont want me and starforce falling out over this so please drop it

i`ve made my mind up and thats it


Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2006, 10:03:04 am »
yea its not DD's or SF2's fault but you have to admit the meshes close ah well better to leave it dropped
Star Trek: Unity
"Recycling the Old to build the new ships of the Future"

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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

Offline Bonk

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Re: my models and mods................................
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2006, 11:30:01 am »
guys please drop it i dont want a flame war i said what i wanted to say and its done
i dont want me and starforce falling out over this so please drop it

i`ve made my mind up and thats it


Cool, but did you look at my tagging scheme posted above at all? I had hoped it might be useful for modelers here to protect their work somewhat.