Topic: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?  (Read 3294 times)

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Offline MelbuFrahma

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Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« on: February 19, 2006, 01:55:14 pm »
I've already preordered a copy.. but it wont be till the end of the year before it comes out.. if it comes this year.

post if your going to play.. would like a few friends to quest with..

Offline MelbuFrahma

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 10:42:53 am »
WoW.. no one likes this game.. Tolkien pretty much created the whole fantasy genre and everyone would rather play copies.

I'm sad now.

Offline Dracho

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2006, 11:26:12 am »
I think it's just early is all.  Most people don't plan that far ahead, but everyone will be tired of D&D online by the time this one hits the shelf.   :D
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Offline MelbuFrahma

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2006, 12:08:02 pm »
I think it's just early is all.  Most people don't plan that far ahead, but everyone will be tired of D&D online by the time this one hits the shelf.   :D

still makes me sad..

i have alot of time on my hands.. too much i wrote this.. and still keep it.. gah!

I once thought I knew my friends gaming habits

  I Don’t know maybe it’s me,  but when I tried to get my friend to play a MMOG with me, he just kept coming up with excuses. Killing my friend in 1 vs.1 has become boring and a constant sore. So I invite him to play a certain game with me, which so happens to be a Massive multiplayer online game. What was I thinking!
  The MMOG, what is it that people hate? Single player games seem to catch the public’s attention more often than MMOG’s.
  So let’s make a comparison. Single player game vs.-I’ll start with the most recent game I’ve played, *Asheron’s Call 2, even with the monthly expense of 10 dollars, it was better than most single player games. Why?

•   The game tempo- in single player games the speed of the game is set to 1 value, the type of game it is. If it’s a racing game the speed is relatively fast paced, unlike a single shooter game which is relatively slow paced. With a MMOG you control the tempo just by playing. It just depends on the adventure your on.. It’s a bit like being on the football field among 21 other players just waiting for the quarterback to get the ball. The same intense rush is there.
•   The forum factor- Many people love their single player mismatch, I call it a mismatch simply because it is a huge oversight within the game design. In single player the game is heavily unintelligent. Always the same enemy doing the same thing no matter what difficulty level you set it on. So all one needs to do is keep up the games timing, In a MMOG you must rely on the other persons timing. It’s not often you can judge the players’ thoughts. But you can always count on getting double teamed, just like life it’s never a fair fight.
•   Content- why do single player games lack content? There should always be something to do in a game. That’s why it’s a game it brings entertainment to you so you won’t be bored while playing. MMOG’s have (well most of them do) a lot of things to do in the game, and that’s just without going to a player vs. player MMOG. Every one has played Grand Theft Auto I’m sure, well is there a huge point to “killing, stealing, thrashing, and being a thug, over and over again in a game? That’s such a small use of content, so small that the game bored me after just an hour of playtime and even worse they keep remaking the same game, and people still buy it. WOW! That game bugs me so much.
•   The personal factor- It’s probably just me again, but I seem to like playing with real people as my teammates or enemies, It just seems right. Interacting with Artificial Intelligence is a real game killer, unless of course the AI is just giving you info, while on a quest with your friends. A small interaction. Everything else is up to us, the players. Then again it’s hard to have a conversation with an AI while on a journey through the land.

  There is a lot of people playing single player games just cause its looks like a fun game, I find this interesting. I ask my friends to play a MMOG an all I get are excuses for why they can’t. Among the top are “Monthly Subscription! Who in there right minds would want to play a game you pay for!” My response is always showing them the math. Then like all people, the second excuse comes out, “Well I don’t have a credit card” So I stem to back away and take that as perfectly reasonable response.
  But it really isn’t, because if they enjoy hanging out with me playing single player games, playing a MMOG is basically the same thing. It’s all still hanging out playing a game with a friend.
So here’s the real excuse, “I’m afraid”
“I’m afraid I won’t like the game”
“I’m afraid of something new”
“I’m afraid I wasted my money on a game I’ll never have time to play”
“I’m afraid of playing amongst others”

  All of those excuses just bore me to death. Of course you don’t like to play with others, your afraid your skills will embarrass you. Sure, you’re afraid of something new, who isn’t. You won’t like the game? No, you took a chance on enjoying a game you don’t know. You wasted your money and won’t have time to play? Well how much time are you wasting playing single player games with your friends now?
  Do you see what a waste all those excuses are? Seems to me the only time you’re wasting is your friend’s time.
  Which brings me to the “enjoyment” of playing an online game with your friends? Well after all those single player taunts to your friend, humility is a lesson better taught by friend than by foe. And if you can’t at least try a game that your friend suggests, it tells me you only want to play something “you’re” good at, which makes you a very selfish person. 
  So after all that you’re still not convinced that the MMOG is a better brand of game? Let me do the math for you, like I did for my friend, using him as an example.

Single player games:          MMOG:         
   cost:   $40 per game      cost:   $12 per month
So on average he buys 5 games per year.

Single player    $40.00             MMOG’s    $12.00
                  x       5                    x           12
   $200.00            $144.00 

  $200.00 a year for single player games! Man playing a MMOG will save you $56.00 a year on games. The first year of the MMOG is off set by the cost of the software, which most new games cost about $44.00. Still saves you money.
Which that is the best news he had heard in along time. Kind of like saving money on car insurance by switching to geico.
  Let’s face it folks, a MMOG vs. single player there’s really no contest. It’s all about what you do in the game. If making new friends in game, along with having a real friend in the game means you’re having fun, then it’s settled, GO GET YOU’RE FRIENDS INTO A MMOG! 
  And one last thing, if you’re not buying the games you play with your friend then all the more better reason to play an MMOG. “You’re parents will be happy they saved money every year”.

Raniz Murjuri
Fellow MMOG Gamer

*note- Asheron’s Call 2 has been discontinued since December 30th

i guess that would be why i look to friends to enjoy games with. :)

Offline Dracho

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2006, 01:44:50 pm »
The online games of today are much more affordable than in days gone by.  In the early 1990's I played Mechwarrior on GEnie.  I was a frontal commander for House Marik, so if one of the other Houses attacked us, I'd have to be online to move lances of Mechs onto contested planets, etc.

GEne charged by the minute.  There were some MONTHS that my GEnie bill was $300, in 1992 Money!

$10 a month doesn't seem all that expensive to me now.
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Offline FPF-Jem

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2006, 10:00:34 pm »
Perhaps it's because most MMOs are RPGs and not everyone likes RPGs, or perhaps it's the sheer amount of grinding that is often involved?

When you get right down to it comparing MMOs to any other game type is like comparing apples and oranges. They're different types that have different appeals.
Capt. Jem

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2006, 10:18:15 pm »
I don't want to get sucked into an MMO, so I just try to avoid them.  I have a friend that just lost his ROTC scholarship and Army contract because he's very close to failing out of college since World of Warcraft has taken over his life.  I'm not really afraid of becoming that extremely involved in it, but I don't think it would be good for me.

Offline MelbuFrahma

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2006, 10:21:00 am »
Perhaps it's because most MM Os are RPGs and not everyone likes RPGs, or perhaps it's the sheer amount of grinding that is often involved?

When you get right down to it comparing MMOs to any other game type is like comparing apples and oranges. They're different types that have different appeals.

Every game is a RPG.. simply because when your playing.. because it's not real. you still have to role play the main character when controlling him/her. your still doing what the main character is intended to do.

Grinding? well don't you play the same games over and over again.. especially SFC.. you had to practice to get better.. that's grinding... in fact the same type and kind of grinding.. just no levels involved.

Apples/oranges= Both fruit, both round, both are nutritious,both you can eat with your mouth, the only thing different is the color and the tree they grow on. ;)

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« Last Edit: February 21, 2006, 10:44:15 am by MelbuFrahma »

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2006, 01:35:17 pm »
I'll wait to see what it is like when it is finished. Battle for Middle Earth wasn't my cup of tea, which sucks since I loved the movies.

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2006, 04:28:30 pm »
I love online games...I've played City of Heroes (and Villains), Asheron's Call, EVE Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and I even gave Everquest a try for thirty minutes.

They're fun.  However, in terms of actual gameplay...not how much fun you have while playing them, that, in this case, is a different issue...they're invariably weaker than a good single-player game.  Most single-player games are designed around either a storyline or a sandbox concept (sometimes both), and since the entire game serves a single purpose, they come out as superior to MMORPGS. 

MMORPGS on the other hand, are exercises in levelling, gameplay wise (exception:  EVE Online, which is more about making money).  They usually lack a compelling storyline that a player can participate in as a mover and shaker.  They're made to find a balance between speed of level and frustration, to keep you playing.

Normally that wouldn't be any fun at all for me, but that's where MMORPGS play their trump card:  The social aspect.  It may not be much fun to grind out four levels on SWG by myself....but it's whole hell of a LOT of fun to grind out four levels with my RL and online buddies beside me, trash-talking stormtroopers, insulting each other, and tooling about Tatooine in our custom landspeeder.  The social aspect can turn a mechanically simple game into a very compelling experience, which is why people are willing to pay monthly fees, endure disconnections and frequent patches, etc.

In my experience, though, if you're not a social butterfly who makes friends wherever they can find people, MMORPGS are best enjoyed with a group you already know and love who are all interested in the game, and if you've got that, it almost doesn't matter WHICH MMORPG you play.  With a couple of exceptions, they're all basically the same XP grind...which is different than enhancing your own skill at SFC or something.  It doesn't take much skill to level a character.  I can take a lot of personal skill to get an alpha strike in on some of our Dynaverse guys.:)
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2006, 06:06:02 pm »
Star Wars Galaxies tried to rob me of my life, but luckily I thought the game was kinda lame.  ;)

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2006, 06:17:41 pm »
I will not play  the Lord of the Rings ,as it is surley again made for kids..,BUT i will definitvly Play this , its adults only ..

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2006, 02:41:04 pm »
I will not play  the Lord of the Rings ,as it is surley again made for kids..,BUT i will definitvly Play this , its adults only ..

Uhm... is it based on hte D20 Conan game, or is it a re-hash of some other game engine? I've played D20 Conan and enjoyed it- though I never quite got the hang of the magic.

SW Galaxes was depressing in that aspect for me. I thought it would be more like the SWRPG's, wither the old one from WEG or the new one from WotC. When it turned out to be nothing more than Evercrack In Space, I lost intrest fairly quickly, only paying for one month past my free trial.
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Offline FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2006, 06:40:41 pm »
no its not ,check the link and read the faq, there are screenshots too.
The kicker will be the combat system,really read the faq, i think it will be like nothing we ever saw or palyed before.

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Offline J. Carney

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Re: Anyone looking at Lord of the Rings online?
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2006, 12:29:07 am »
no its not ,check the link and read the faq, there are screenshots too.
The kicker will be the combat system,really read the faq, i think it will be like nothing we ever saw or palyed before.

I did... I saw something about 'action combat' and a lot of stuff about combos and slashing.

Didn't mean much to me. I wanna know how things WORK- not how they look on screen. ;)

Oh... and I want to know how much it'll cost me.
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

"Flag of Alabama I salute thee. To thee I pledge my allegiance, my service, and my life."