Topic: a day off with mackie & lads  (Read 1225 times)

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Offline Mackie

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a day off with mackie & lads
« on: March 14, 2006, 10:40:08 am »
8.00 Morning sauna
- Drinking beer and random grunting.
- Shortly going through the weeks cursewords.

9.00 Morning workout
- A short walk in the woods without shoes.
- Pissing around in the wilderness
- Armwrestling and vodka
- Throwing stones at things.
- Driving around pointlessly.

10.00 Conjuration of spirit
- More vodka
- Boasting 101
- Wrestling behind the sauna

11.00 Workout
- Creative destruction of public property.

11.30 Lunch
- Sausages, peasoup and beer.
- Some vegetables so that you can fling them at your friends.
- Schnaps

12.00 "Siesta"
- Fall asleep somewhere with your boots on
- Boasting about your military career
- Listening to old war marches
- Shouting racist remarks and/or coming up with new ones
- Wank and sleep
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who ignores all above and goes for a drink behind the corner.

12.45 Working time
- Plough a stone somewhere
- Drinking beer
- Boasting about how hard we work
- Plough the stone back
- Vodka

13.30 Hobbyism
- Sharpening of the sticks you'll fry your sausages on for the evening,
because the knives will be taken away at 17.00.
- Finetuning of your wooden clubs and/or slingshots.

14.30 Activity
- Wander around the town while scaring the townsfolk.

15.00 Activity II
- Screaming at your wives and/or girlfriends

15.30 Activity III
- Trying to get some from random chicks.
- Return to the camp without getting any
- Pondering wether that chick with the big tits would have actually given some,
had Mackie not shown her his sausage.
- Screaming at your wives and/or girlfriends
- Lie about your experiences with girls that your friends have lied to you about. Repeat.

17.00 Dinner
- Sausages and peasoup.
- Mustard
- Beer and vodka

18.00 Evening Activity
- Blow up something
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who again is somewhere drinking something he propably shouldnt.

18.30 Warming up the sauna
- Everyone takes a turn at telling how to get the best steams and then fight about it
- Vodka and running around naked and/or swimming.
- Secretly take peeks at everyone to see how has the longest schlong.
- Beer and vodka

19.00 Pubbing time
- Everyone tries to pick a fight with anyone.
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who passed out earlier and now is locked and sleeping in the trunk.

20.00 Bonfire setup
- vodka
- Screaming at your wives and/or girlfriends
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who has been forgotten in the trunk.

21.00 Sausage time
- Drag Mackie out of the trunk to sober up a bit.
- Fry sausages.
- Boasting about who fried the best sausage
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who at this point is so drunk that he barely can keep from burning himself up.

22.00 Evening activity II and singing
- Finnish warmarches.
- German warmarches.
- Go get some from your wives and/or girlfriends and apologize for the earlier
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who is puking behind the corner.

23.30 Last deeds
- Pissing down the fire
- Everyone are everyones best buddies
- Crawling back to camps.
- Fall asleep somewhere halfway home with your boots on
- Well... Except ofcourse Mackie, who is nowhere to be seen but thought to be somewhere in the neighborhood... along with the rest of the alcy.

Yes. Im Bored
"Integrity is doing what is right even when the outcome is already known."

Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: a day off with mackie & lads
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2006, 06:55:03 pm »
I know this is intended to be a joke, but you guys don't actually drink and drive do you?

"Sex is a lot like pizza.  If you're not careful you can blister your tongue". -Dracho

Offline Mackie

  • Puu jok' unhoittaa juurensa, kaatuu.
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  • The tree that forgets its roots, will fall.
    • stupidfusion
Re: a day off with mackie & lads
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2006, 02:24:48 pm »
No not unless we're out of the sights of authorities (country side, ie) :P
"Integrity is doing what is right even when the outcome is already known."