Well its been a long while, so many stuff happening on my end 3 comps confiscated by family members
they broke theres
7 months saving up for my new game pc was shot when my dad had his heart attack. moved in to my new house last winter. well u all rdy for the update got my new game pc finally finished . and as C.Heston says they can try to pry it way from my cold dead hands
well heres the new specs
AMD 64x2 3800+ proc
2 gig DDR 400 400 mhz ram
160 gig HD - soon to be alot more when i gets me more money
ATI sapphire graphics card x600 series 256 mb ram
custom blue and crome case
23 in flat panel LCD monitor YES 23in of uberness
i am now in the process of installing my games on it. now i know u r wondering what that means.
well now it means my other uberness compy can now be fully dedicated to work purposes
and i will be back in bussiness and i will need help on a project i have been hiding and only hinted a few times at. but i will give u all a preview of some
it is the EXCELSIOR STUDY MODEL 3 srry no pixs yet dont wanna spoil anything quite yet once i get the mesh done i will need someone to map and put basic textures on it.