Topic: The rosebush from Hades!  (Read 922 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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The rosebush from Hades!
« on: February 16, 2006, 06:49:48 pm »
Global warming? Who cares? I'm in shorts and a polo shirt today and tomorrow, high 80's! Gotta love that unusual mid Feb winter temp, eh?

Check this baby out, It's a Mr. Lincoln tea rose that I planted last summer. Man, it is on steroids or something.  ;D I guess when I stayed with Leda at the duplex, my pee had something to do with it too, nothing like watering the bushes at night on the patio!  ;)

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: The rosebush from Hades!
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2006, 06:47:01 am »
To give you a perspective of how tall that bush is, I'm almost 6 feet tall, and the lower level of the privacy fence is taller than me!

The only thing I used on that baby was Miracle Gro rose food. I think it grew so high because the house is surrounded by oak trees, so it only gets a lot of hours of sun if it gets tall enough (I'm not about to try moving that heavy oak barrel of soil, I can't even budge it). I might go over there later and try another rosebush and experiment. If it pans out to be true, I could plant a lot of them and probably get a pretty penny for them from the rich people in Westlake.  ;D In my apt. I get full sun from east to west, my bushes are healthy but they bud instead of growing like crazy as this bush did.