Don't get too excited, if this is actually investigated further it will take a long time, and I'd likely need some expert help piecing things together.
The main assistance I'd want is from Scippy and I don't know if he is interested or not, but I do know even if he were interested he's got Econ Wars as a more pressing item right now.
Still I love the imput, some really good thoughts here.
I appreciate your kind words and your high opinion of how much help I'd be.
The early years modules don't have any non-Klink "Klingon" starships. In SFB, there weren't really any other navies to fight against in order to take over their Empire as all the races were conquered by the Old Kings before they wandered from their home worlds. The Klinks were used mostly for military crews and thus when the Kings left they were in prime position to take over. The other races didn't really have a say since the Klinks had the Old Kings navy, and the rest had nothing. If there was some fighting it would have been with the same ships on all sides. (Kind of like KCW, only slower.)
However, that doesn't mean you'd have to do your server that way. If you wanted to do an alternate Klingon Conquest campaign with lots of different navies that could be cool.
Another option: Many of the Federation core members did develop their own navies and it was some time after they began working together that the Humans power-played them all into combining into one unified fleet. The Early Years modules do have ships for the early humans, Andorians, Tellerites, Vulcans, Orions, and Rigellians, and one other I think.
I have already translated most of these into SFC for my (still struggling and maybe abortive) Birth of Empires server. It's got some problems, but a lot of the work is done. You could run with your idea with the Feds instead of the Klinks, or subsitute all instances of photons with disruptors and call them all Klingon Client races.
Problems I've encountered so far:
1) Ships are SSSLLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWW. You are right about the map. Closing the range for that first pass is an exercise in tedium, and the fight afterwards feels like you are barely moving. (Because you are barely moving.) I'd seriously considered running this campaign at speed 10 in order to compensate for the complaints I was expecting on this issue.
2) Drones. Drones for these ships should be 6 points of damage and should be speed 8. Unfortunatley they do 12 damage and go speed 16. (See my above comment about slow ships! With slow ships, no AMD, and limited phasers, virtually every drone is a guaranteed hit!!!) In EAW I swear I was able to fix this by making the ships carry fighter drones, but in OP I can't make that work. (they still carry regular donres, just fewer of them if you give them fighter drone bays.)
One idea I had on fixing this (suggested by GDT-Ujin) was by upping ship speed. If I see what the max speed was relative to 8 that ships could do with everything armed, and give them the same thing relative to 16 with everything armed, maybe this would work out. But I haven't taken the time to test that since I got frustrated and started working on other servers.