Topic: Serious question for the modelers....  (Read 5353 times)

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Offline Tus-XC

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2006, 06:59:42 pm »
I tihnk what crim is trying to say w/ that post about model rights for SFC is that they 'could' do that if they wanted to.  However that would be unlikely, and we all know it. This SFC community made one game fail by being split before, enraging it by taking models of those in the community would be a rather stupid move, and highly unlikely.  What He is suggesting, at least what i think, is putting our cards on the table to entice this company into making the game we want.  There is a saying somewhere that you have to give up little in order to achive the final result you want.  In this case Crim is suggesting we offer our support on the model side, giving a little of our selves in order to achive a final result we, as a whole, are looking for.  He is not suggesting that they come take the models we put our hearts and souls into, no that would unethical by most standards. 

In the end its not about standards or quality, its about placing an offer on the table in order to show our support for such a game.  The logistics of it can be solved by the company, who if they accepted would probably put forth standards, poly count ranges, texture sizes/#s etc.  all we have to do is be willing to support it.

I for one would do this.  I'm not a fast modeler/texturer, but i would donate my time to such a cause.

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Offline pepperman

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2006, 07:07:11 pm »
While I am by no means an elite modeler and I have only made a few models from scratch (all Romulans) I personally would consider it a honor if one was chosen for use.  So the short answer is yes.

Offline Red_Green

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2006, 07:09:33 pm »
Tus, what you say makes sense to me. I would be supportive of a community effort to help bring this about.  I certainly would be willing to allow use of a model or two of mine if a use could be found for it. If this comes to fruition and guidelines are established, I know I could redo some of my earlier stuff using less poligons if necessary.

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Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2006, 03:04:37 am »
Red...I'm not baiting anyone in any way...

No one is going to flame ANY modeler for not wanting to contribute anything....not as long as I'm around...

The entire proposal is completely voluntary...

The whole Idea is quite frankly a very long shot....

They might even shoot the whole thing down out of hand...

I simply had the feeling that others would feel the same way I did...( I have 3DSmax...but as of talent for modeling)

What I do have a talent the "gift of gab"....I'm trying to at least show them various ways they could save money, be innovative, break new ground, and gain noteriety amongst the gaming communities in general...

I want the topic to come up around their office....I want to put the bug into their minds....when they discuss another title...or PC product in meetings...I want someone to mention SFC4...and in SFC4 I have proposed a dual ruleset (canon/SFB) product to appeal to MORE gamers with one product...

If they arent even thinking about will never's that simple...

This is VERY "pie in the sky"...and it might never happen at all....

But it wont be for a lack of trying on our part...

Like I said...if Bethesda chooses to ignore all the positives of doing another SFC game....and the positives on including the community in development....then it will be their least we tried...

So far we got a "maybe"...and that is MUCH better than a "no way".... ;)

Offline manitoba1073

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2006, 03:40:50 am »
i am all for it  ive had a few things used here and there, love to have an official use of one of mine

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2006, 08:21:17 am »
Red...I'm not baiting anyone in any way...

This is VERY "pie in the sky"...and it might never happen at all....

But it wont be for a lack of trying on our part...

this is very true ..  but also keep in mind this old saying that I heard a looooong time ago.  It has stuck with me ever since

"Aim at nothing and you will hit it every time."


It's been well over a year ago ...  perhaps even 2.  I began to post ideas and sketches here.  It had been over 30 years since I had put pencil on paper to design a star ship.  ( And frankly it showed ).  It took a little practice ..  but we got back into the swing of it ( the way we use to do things by hand in the old days ).  SB777 is an example of the type of sketches we now turn out.  Then it was time to take a bigger step.  Antivyrus provided me the web site to down load a legitimate free 3-D program to start building meshes.  They are still need to be optimized ... and floaters removed  ( he has a more sopisticated program to do that with) ...  but we have finally entered into a new and exciting phase for making models.  And in spite of some recent posts ... I still plan on continuing this type of work.

Funny ...   I was told there was no way I would be able to learn this sort of thing  ....  it was waaay over my head.

I shared this illustration to remind you of only one thing ....  ya never know what ya can do 'til ya try.  Aim high bud !  Aim for something fresh and new ... as much as possible with in what ever legal possibilities are.

My only word of caution from a development stand point is to steer clear of a SFB based game.  OP is there.  It is unlikely that an SFB game will provide the audience you need to make it a success.

Yeah .. I know ...  I can expect to get my but flamed ... and Karma driven into the ground (again) ..  and essentially told that I'm and idiot ...  etc .... 

But that's ok. 

Yes... I would like very much to see another ST game.  And there are some elements of the old SFC series that IF used correctly might make it fun to play.  But if the current reflections of the SFB era, style of play ... and other formats are followed ... I'm sorry ... but it will not be the success that some perceive it to be.
If you aim at nothing:  you WILL hit it every time !

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2006, 11:50:21 am »
I agree Buzz, I personally want a Star Trek game with massive amonunts of alien slots for ALL the races , I want ALL the weapons, I want enough fighter slots to utilize ALL the shuttle/fighters/runabouts/captains yachts. I want more episode based missions, ENT through TNG , DS9 etc. I want enough ship slots to have a massive fleet for ALL races. I want to after all that be able to customize the crap outta the game. I want ships to have to worry about collisions with other ships. I want true landing parties and planetary invasions. I want it all  ( SIGH ) I can dream.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2006, 12:23:52 pm »
I agree Buzz, I personally want a Star Trek game with massive amonunts of alien slots for ALL the races , I want ALL the weapons, I want enough fighter slots to utilize ALL the shuttle/fighters/runabouts/captains yachts. I want more episode based missions, ENT through TNG , DS9 etc. I want enough ship slots to have a massive fleet for ALL races. I want to after all that be able to customize the crap outta the game. I want ships to have to worry about collisions with other ships. I want true landing parties and planetary invasions. I want it all  ( SIGH ) I can dream.

Like i said ...   if ya aim at nothing ...  you WILL hit it everytime.

IMHO .. dreams like warp drive ...  and the possibilities of maneuvering through space at such speeds ... 

well ... at one time we dreamed about landing on the moon too !
If you aim at nothing:  you WILL hit it every time !

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2006, 01:10:29 pm »
Dual rulesets Buzz....

One SFB canon based...simply allow the server admin or single player to choose which at start up...

Both in one appeal to more people and boost potential sales...

That's the idea anyways....

Like I may go no where....but at least we tried... ;)

Offline Red_Green

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2006, 11:10:32 pm »
An all eras game would be awesome.

 If it doesn't get done by a game company. Is there a way this could be put together as an all non-profit game by fans? I think a fan based game would not be able to use any Official Star Trek ships or logos, but perhaps we could create a Sci-Fi game with made up races. There would seem to be plenty of modelers. I imagine programming is more time intensive. As long as were dreaming, anyway a project like programming a game could be used as a school project by a team of programmers? I think you would have no problem getting game testers for play balancing. Also lots of texturers, both 2D and 3D in the forums.

This would be a huge project but maybe it can be started out with just 2 races in game. Once it got started it might snowball if it got enough support. The game system couldn't be SFC based but would have to be all original as well. I have some things in mind but I know nothing about programming. I think a game created completely by the SCI-FI community would be kinda cool even with only 2 race slots.

Probably too much development involved. Because we wouldn't be able to make ships in .mod format. A new format for saving models would have to be created, unless we can pool all our money and buy up the rights to SFC..........sigh
« Last Edit: February 17, 2006, 11:36:05 pm by red_green »

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"The universe hates you. Deal with it!"

Spoken by Harper in a 1st season episode of Andromeda.

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Re: Serious question for the modelers....
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2006, 01:57:47 pm »
I think a non-trek game would be great! I love that Idea. I don't think you would have a hard time finding models for more than two races. There are alot out there.