Red...I'm not baiting anyone in any way...
No one is going to flame ANY modeler for not wanting to contribute anything....not as long as I'm around...
The entire proposal is completely voluntary...
The whole Idea is quite frankly a
very long shot....
They might even shoot the whole thing down out of hand...
I simply had the feeling that others would feel the same way I did...( I have 3DSmax...but as of talent for modeling)
What I do have a talent the "gift of gab"....I'm trying to at least show them various ways they could save money, be innovative, break new ground, and gain noteriety amongst the gaming communities in general...
I want the topic to come up around their office....I want to put the bug into their minds....when they discuss another title...or PC product in meetings...I want someone to mention SFC4...and in SFC4 I have proposed a dual ruleset (canon/SFB) product to appeal to MORE gamers with one product...
If they arent even thinking about will never's that simple...
This is VERY "pie in the sky"...and it might never happen at all....
But it wont be for a lack of trying on our part...
Like I said...if Bethesda chooses to ignore all the positives of doing another SFC game....and the positives on including the community in development....then it will be their least we tried...
So far we got a "maybe"...and that is MUCH better than a "no way"....