Hey, Dracho, Bonk, look here: if a fighter ignites his afterburners, boy can he zip through the sky... and FAST! FUN! FURIOUS! But his ride will be shortlived by far, compared to cruising at a regular fuel burn rate.
Bonk, the whole point of having a good government is to regulate a nation. Capitalism DOESN'T HAVE TO BE predatory, fraudulent, nor unhealthy; why do you focus on the few spectacular criminals who have tried to milk the system like the way we conservatives focus on the spirit-dampening, drive-killing, initiative-prohibiting, in short, smothering, fraudulent, unhealthy aspects of socialism?
If you must, "elements of socialistic practice" (I'd just rather call it for what it is, legal regulation of a free market so that the evil bastards don't take advantage of the freedom) must be implemented to temper the things you fear in capitalism.
(Of course, it's the evil bastards that take advantage of the inherent authoritarianism of socialism so as to freeze the common man out of its benefits; six of one, half dozen of the other.)