Topic: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...  (Read 31773 times)

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #80 on: February 19, 2006, 12:30:02 pm »
ok. Just to throw a wrench into part of this argument, the where does SFB Online fit into all of this? It's a computer game, with SFB rules, that has both Trek and ADB stuff in it, at least as far as i can tell. play SFB online you still have to purchase all the SFB materials you intend to play with...

SFB online is only a system to play against others online...not a game unto itself...

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #81 on: February 19, 2006, 12:40:33 pm »
You know, I was thinking about the difficulty level, and personally I think that the way Bridgecommander handled it was kind of cool.  yeah, I know.  Folks here hate BC, but here's the thing.  You could take full control of the ship, if you wanted to, micromanaging everything, or you could just give your weapons officer the orders to fire at will (or a couple other types I think) and other officers would do their jobs, and you could play at a much lighter level.  I think that would be a good way to still have all the content but alleviate some of the supposed difficulty of a game like this.

I think that asking for a dual ruleset is deadly, imo.  It's like asking a company to make two games for the price of one, essentially.  They still have to develop and test both sets, and we all know how difficult it is to test and balance even one group of rules.  I just don't see the dual thing happening, but I could see computer assisted play.  Officers that take control of systems if you allow them to (set as on by default so the folks wanting an easy game don't have to jump through hoops in order to get a fun experience, but you can change it to off all the time if you want).  Now, I know some will complain that "Hey, I can't compete against someone that controls everything and really knows the game well."  Well, that's the way the world works.  If you ever see someone that plays an FPS competitively then you know that some guy who just bounces into a game on the weekend doesn't stand a chance.  He knows his weapons and maps better than most folks.  That just the way it is.  I think the problem is that a community for a game like this is smaller than your standard largely publicized FPS and but we have more hard core players per capita than the other, so the folks in for a weekend game tend to feel a little overwhelmed if they are bothered by folks that are better at the game.  Personally I look at it as a challenge no matter what kind of game I play, but maybe that's just me.

An all SFB product will probably not be's allready been done...

IMHO...asking for the duel rule set is the only way to get any SFB in it at all...

They are allready licensed to do anything Canon they wish...

Call it SFC4 : Strategic Assault...

They will allready have done Tactical assault...and have developed a ruleset for it..and will most likely being looking to port it into a PC game...

I'd like to see them add another layer of using other tables of data from the SFB ruleset...

Is it two games in one? is...but that is the beauty of my widens the market for such a Game....

Our community wont make or break thier product....we can surely help promote it...and help increase sales...

And while it wont interest us if it has no will most likely not interest others if it is only SFB...

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #82 on: February 19, 2006, 12:42:45 pm »
My two cents:

I concur that the Franz Joseph thingie is how ADB has been able to publish SFB all these years.  I also remember them nixing TMP versions of their ships, mentioning Paramount saying something or other (which is why the 'Ktinga' klinks are not currently official SFB canon, even though they briefly existed in Designer's edition Expansion 1, and promptly disappeared after that).

Also, can ADB do a computer game not involving the trek-based races?  Absolutely?  Would they want to?  Probably not, as most people who got into their game recognized the D7 and Constitution class, and the original series uniform artwork, etc.  90-95% of those of us that play(ed) SFB got into it BECAUSE it was a trek sim, and incidentally got to play (arguably) the best spaceship combat boardgame sim made to date.

ADB loves trek.  We love trek.  So I'd recommend directing your efforts to convincing Paramount/CBS/Viacom/Quicksilver and whomever else that:
1) Another SFC series game based on Starfleet Battles is wanted by the community
2) That there are enough of us in the community to justify doing the product
3) Get those ideas ready for cool, rpg-ish campaigns (I miss accumulating those officers in SFC1) to make the game more interesting.  I love SFC combat, but wish the campaigns were more compelling.  Having a more compelling storyline helps games sell better, and it'd be cool if you captain was an actual game entity with issues rather than an abstraction... Heck, Kirk is a very storied character, and it'd be neat if your Captain ended up having his own storyline (outside of Dyna RPG threads that is). 

Of course, most campaigns currently end up being the same for everyone, but RPG's are good at 'you made this decision so now you can't go down that other path', and I'm sure there are ways to script such options into SFC, if the programmers put the work in to allow it...

My goal would be to make SFC 1/2/OP more compelling to the average customer.  AND I'd even suggest that a 'SFC lite' option be part of the game (minus all the confusing stuff that us veterans enjoy so much), so that newbies don't get overwhelmed.  They can always play the 'advanced' version of said game later once the 'tactical challenge' bug has bit them.

Play level: Easy (no drones, boarding parties, etc.)
Play level: Medium (introduce some of the harder stuff)
Play level: Full (all SFB-ish nuances come into play)

Paramount and Quicksilver want a product that the most people are willing to buy, so they can make the most bucks, pure and simple.  So lets make our case that people ARE willing to play an SFB based SFC (if designed properly), and that the game will be the coolest thing ever!!!

I want Tholians and Andromedans dammit!

BTW, I am still lamenting the sucky, waaay less than 56k dialup connection I'm supposed to have, that makes dyna play effectively impossible for me..., but the threads here keep me entertained in the meantime!!!

I play on dial up just fine...

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #83 on: February 19, 2006, 03:49:38 pm »

BTW, I am still lamenting the sucky, waaay less than 56k dialup connection I'm supposed to have, that makes dyna play effectively impossible for me..., but the threads here keep me entertained in the meantime!!!

I play on dial up just fine...

What that I had YOUR dialup connection. It took about 90 seconds just to get this forum to display the posting window to reply to your quote!  My entire internet experience runs about that fast.

I used to have really fast internet at my old job, but they frowned on people playing computer games at work for some reason.

Fast internet.  It's a dream I have... In the meantime, the cable/phone companies haven't got off their asses to get it to where I live.

So, it's single player campaigns for me for the time being!  Oh, and following the Hexx/J'inn/Dizzy you bastard saga!

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #84 on: February 19, 2006, 07:04:51 pm »
I used to have dial-up until finally cable became available in my area.  It ran at 57.6   3 years ago so those using dial-up still, listen up.  If your speed is below the 44-48 range, or even at that range, go to the modem(internal or external, does not matter) website and download the latest drivers, then: contact your ISP and ask for the latest initialization strings.  Doing these 2 simple things should increase your speed dramatically. 
These are free. 

Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #85 on: February 19, 2006, 07:43:54 pm »
I still think a dual ruleset is too much to ask for.  It doesn't really solve the 'too complicated' problem, unless they go out and make different ui's, etc. either, so really you're at two games there.  I am fairly sure that an all ADB product isn't going to be given the go, but SFC3 had a license from ADB didn't it?  Seems like I recall seeing that in the legal stuff somewhere.  So, if it's got even a little bit, and could be modded to be SFB complient (which the game has an SFB license so it's not like going behind ADB's back) wouldn't that be more appealing to a developer than calling for two completely different rules (and in the end, two different games)?  Plus, if the game was successful, and the complete SFB mod was had the most players, the powers that be would likely take a look at that for future products, wouldn't they?  For me personally, I'm not so married to SFB that I have to have only that.  What I do realize, though, is that SFB offers such a tried and true base, and anything else that is invented for the game (especially a whole new set of rules) wouldn't likely have a chance at offering the kind of depth.  I think asking for moddability, in the end, gives you a much better chance of getting what you want than asking for 2 games to be made.

You would need to have an in game mod chooser, of course.  The way things are handled in SFC currently is not very user friendly.  Personally I like the idea of a sliding scale for weapons degredation.  However, even if they did have such a system, and made it moddable, you could easily make it SFB compliant.  For instance, say you have a scale that degrades from A to B to C, etc.  You would mearly need to keep A and B on the same level up to a certain range, then slide the C marker directly underneath the B marker.  Sort of like working with envelopes in audio software (I'm sure someone could come up with a fan made UI for editing weapons in that regard).  Problem solved.  The best of both worlds are worked right into the system.  As long as you have enough edit points to make all the weapons, then you are golden. 

The up side is that you get a little SFB in there already, but enough of it taken out for those that are on a holy war against SFB to be moderately happy.  The rest can be modded in, and the SFB haters can mod the rest out if they really want to.  I would guess that fans of SFC would want an added level of modability to the game compared to what we currently have anyway.

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #86 on: February 19, 2006, 09:35:34 pm »
I still think a dual ruleset is too much to ask for.

I dont.

It doesn't really solve the 'too complicated' problem, unless they go out and make different ui's, etc. either, so really you're at two games there.

Gee...two screens for each ship class in each race?....way too much work....forget it....(yes I'm being a smart ass)

Remember...part of the base Idea is to have fans do alot/ most/ or all the art and graphics...there are guys on here that could do 16 really sweet screens in one night....

I dont see multiple UI's as a problem...

I am fairly sure that an all ADB product isn't going to be given the go,

Then we agree...

but SFC3 had a license from ADB didn't it?

IIRC....ADB credit only appears in the spash screen of the Beta version not the commercial release (I'd have to boot both versions to check)

Seems like I recall seeing that in the legal stuff somewhere.

Possibly...bust most likely..because SFC3 is built on OP code....and there are leftovers still included in the game code

  So, if it's got even a little bit, and could be modded to be SFB complient (which the game has an SFB license so it's not like going behind ADB's back) wouldn't that be more appealing to a developer than calling for two completely different rules (and in the end, two different games)?

Again...IIRC...Activision never purchased any rights to SFB...nor TOS for SFC3...only rights to OP code...which contained reminents of SFB data...

I really dont know what all was stripped out of OP  and added for SFC3...

But I seriously doubt Bethesda or Quicksilver is going to call activision and ask...

The way to do this is with all new code anyways...IMHO...

Plus, if the game was successful, and the complete SFB mod was had the most players, the powers that be would likely take a look at that for future products, wouldn't they?

Chicken and egg....we allready know how successful each game in the series was....SFC1 was way more successful than SFC3 IIRC...

  For me personally, I'm not so married to SFB that I have to have only that.

That's cool.....but for's a deal breaker either way....some people dont want ANY SFB content...some people want ONLY SFB content...

Why not please both crowds in one title for increased sales?

  What I do realize, though, is that SFB offers such a tried and true base, and anything else that is invented for the game (especially a whole new set of rules) wouldn't likely have a chance at offering the kind of depth.

We tried to tell activision that...they scoffed at us (some of us visioneers)

I think asking for moddability, in the end, gives you a much better chance of getting what you want than asking for 2 games to be made.

Possibly...I think asking for what we want, and showing it will be profitable, in the first place is a better proposition....

You would need to have an in game mod chooser, of course.

Wouldnt this be sorta like saying "we dont like your game and are only supporting it so we can change it"

  The way things are handled in SFC currently is not very user friendly.

Luckey for us there are some great firesoul...

  Personally I like the idea of a sliding scale for weapons degredation.  However, even if they did have such a system, and made it moddable, you could easily make it SFB compliant.  For instance, say you have a scale that degrades from A to B to C, etc.  You would mearly need to keep A and B on the same level up to a certain range, then slide the C marker directly underneath the B marker.  Sort of like working with envelopes in audio software (I'm sure someone could come up with a fan made UI for editing weapons in that regard).

And you think a dual ruleset is too complicated? :skeptic:

Problem solved.  The best of both worlds are worked right into the system.  As long as you have enough edit points to make all the weapons, then you are golden.

So what happens when you want to join a server?....or host one?... 

The up side is that you get a little SFB in there already, but enough of it taken out for those that are on a holy war against SFB to be moderately happy.

I dont want a little....I want it all...

Screw the rest of those people....they can play any host of Trek games and avoid the dreaded SFB...

OR...we can share a product by having it use two tables for canon...and one SFB...

The canon setup can also disable or delet weapons types all together...

  The rest can be modded in, and the SFB haters can mod the rest out if they really want to.

Why go all half assed? say testing two disctinct systems would be a head ache?...what about a blended the hell do you even start to decide what is balanced and what is not?

The biggest issue with balance in SFC was that SFC didnt have ALL the systems working....the more SFB compliant it became (thanks to Taldren and Khoromag) the MORE balanced it became...

  I would guess that fans of SFC would want an added level of modability to the game compared to what we currently have anyway.

Frankly...moddability is what fragmented and drove the stake in the heart of the SFC3 many different set ups...some peeps like this...some like that...we dont like this...they dont like that....we flame this mod...they flame that one...


Poof....instant fragmentation...

What I a good, solid,relatively balanced,and solidly playtested ruleset instead....

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #87 on: February 19, 2006, 11:21:56 pm »
Heh, mods killed SFC3?  Ok, I tend to think it was the game itself. ;)  Still, if there had been an in game mod chooser, or better yet, the ability for the game to just load up the selected (previously downloaded) mod upon entry to the server, then a lot of the fragmentation thing might have been solved.  Nothing is more annoying than having to load up a game, see that nobody's on the server you want to play on, you see another so you have to log out and reload.  It just takes a few extra steps out.  Also, where would OP be without mods?  Would have of the few remaining players still be here?  Mods are the lifesblood of long term gaming.  The prolem with SFC3 was that the core game was so bad that it required mods immediately (how long was it before SFC2 came up with majore meaningful mods?) and there were several groups vying for control.  The core game was the problem, the rapid influx of mods only made matters worse as people were trying to find a place to play.

I agree that the more SFB you can put into the game the more balanced it becomes, and that most problems with the game come from not having all the systems in.  I'd love to see a full SFB compliant game, but the problem arises in that there are a large number of SFB haters out there.  They shout and yell about how it's not Trek (even though folks have taken the time to show where all the various elements those people cry about are actually in Trek episodes).  The people looking at making a game are working with Paramount, who are also said to want to drift away from SFB.  So, you've got a vocal section of the community (unfortunately) and some of the power structure who is opposed to an SFB game.  I would rather have half a meal than no meal at all, especially if that meal could be augmented after purchase into a full meal. ;)

Plenty of games have a mod chooser in game, or at least allow for you to join a server that you already have a mod downloaded for (and show which mod is being run in the server list).  I doubt all the developers who made these games put it in because they were looking to be insulted by people who didn't like their game and wanted to do something different.  I think in today's gaming market it's almost understood that any really good game will have people who want to take it to that next level, and I'm grateful that some developers realize this and make it easier for people to do this and get people into the game.

As far as a blended system, it would be just as easy as coming up with your own, except that you already have elements created for you.  Sure, not all elements, but part of the work is already done (I find a lot of Trek game creators have a problem with creativity anyway).  If you want them to code, test and balance the SFB stuff, then create, code, test and balance the non-Trek stuff.  That appears to me to be a lot harder than a 'blended' system.  You're doing twice the work, the second half of which (new rules) you would have to create from scratch, as opposed to a blended system where you only do half the rules.  You would still have to test the blend and the new either way.  No more work there

Here's the thing I would see, though.  I would personally take a lot of the Fed ships and make them more "Paramount".  Take out the drones and plasma.  I might also run some variant Klingons on a shiplist to appease the Paramounties.  I don't think there would be much need to actually rewrite everything as far as weapons and systems.  I think that's where a lot of the complaining comes from.  "I never saw a Fed ship fire a drone.  Why would they need such an archaic system?"  (they don't take into account that sometimes they use a shuttle to get down to the surface too, instead of the transporters.  Why would they use such an archaic form of transportation? heh).  Personally I think that a lot of the Paramount fans don't value real 'balance' as much as they want their Fed ships to blow up the enemy really easily. ;)  Still, they are a force in the overall Trek community and anyone making a game is going to want to appease them.

I know that SFC1 was the best (although I've heard plenty of people say that SFC3 outsold them all.) and it should prove that an SFB based game can and does perform and can have a long life.  Anyone who logged into Mplayer could see how many people played that game.

I guess in short, I'll say that I would rather have a partially SFB complient game that has the ability to be made into a fully made version, than none at all (or a non-SFB only version).  We could sit around and lobby for an SFB based game, but the suits are going to want to maximize the games appeal (which we all see how that went, but they'll want to do it anyway).  I could see someone willing to make a full or half SFB, but one SFB, one Non, I just see as creating two games for the price of one.  I would think such a game would, in the end, deliver fewer features than the single moded alternative.  I would love to say "Screw everyone else, they can go play every other Trek game out there."  The reality is that they won't, they'll sit around and whine (like they always have) that this game is based on SFB and why can't it not be.  I don't think the financiers will take to that view, though.  I could say we could try, but as you said, you don't even believe an full SFB game is going to be made, and I don't think they will create two games in a genre that has somewhat questionable appeal to an audience the size that a lot of the other genre's get. 

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #88 on: February 20, 2006, 12:23:23 am »
Heh, mods killed SFC3?  Ok, I tend to think it was the game itself. ;)

Helped kill...

And as a point of reference...If Non SFB was such a would have more players than OP does...

  Still, if there had been an in game mod chooser, or better yet, the ability for the game to just load up the selected (previously downloaded) mod upon entry to the server, then a lot of the fragmentation thing might have been solved.

On the other might have been even worse..instead of two or three camps...there could have been fifty...all with three players on who wont play the other mods...

Might as well make it single player..

  Nothing is more annoying than having to load up a game, see that nobody's on the server you want to play on, you see another so you have to log out and reload.  It just takes a few extra steps out.

But then again....we OP players are allready so small that doesnt come into play much...

  Also, where would OP be without mods?  Would have of the few remaining players still be here?  Mods are the lifesblood of long term gaming.

Yes..and no...the biggest Mod (which is SFB based) is now the "baseline" should have been the baseline allready by being part of the game...

  The prolem with SFC3 was that the core game was so bad that it required mods immediately (how long was it before SFC2 came up with majore meaningful mods?) and there were several groups vying for control.  The core game was the problem, the rapid influx of mods only made matters worse as people were trying to find a place to play.

And a built in mod chooser would negate this how?

Or would it make matters even worse?

I agree that the more SFB you can put into the game the more balanced it becomes, and that most problems with the game come from not having all the systems in.


  I'd love to see a full SFB compliant game, but the problem arises in that there are a large number of SFB haters out there.  They shout and yell about how it's not Trek (even though folks have taken the time to show where all the various elements those people cry about are actually in Trek episodes).

I've never been one to let people who dont like what I like dictate what I like...

The people looking at making a game are working with Paramount, who are also said to want to drift away from SFB. a link...I'd like to read that...

  So, you've got a vocal section of the community (unfortunately) and some of the power structure who is opposed to an SFB game.

Only one person I can think of...and he had a big influence on SFC3...

I would rather have half a meal than no meal at all,

I'd rather eat what's in my pantry...than be forced to eat what I dont want...

I dont go to resturants that dont serve what I like....and I dont choose resturants based on others dislikes...

especially if that meal could be augmented after purchase into a full meal. ;)

Why not purchase a full meal in the first place?

Plenty of games have a mod chooser in game, or at least allow for you to join a server that you already have a mod downloaded for (and show which mod is being run in the server list).  I doubt all the developers who made these games put it in because they were looking to be insulted by people who didn't like their game and wanted to do something different.  I think in today's gaming market it's almost understood that any really good game will have people who want to take it to that next level, and I'm grateful that some developers realize this and make it easier for people to do this and get people into the game. about this....mod 6 shields into SFC3...oh cant....what about seeking weapons?...nope...etc etc...

Making something moddable is no garantee that you be able to mod what you actually want to...

As far as a blended system, it would be just as easy as coming up with your own, except that you already have elements created for you.  Sure, not all elements, but part of the work is already done (I find a lot of Trek game creators have a problem with creativity anyway).

I dont want a blended system...I want two for for trekkies...

I fail to see why one type of fan should be discriminated against...

  If you want them to code, test and balance the SFB stuff, then create, code, test and balance the non-Trek stuff.

NO!...I want them to use the same tested system for Tactical assualt...and I want them to use the same tested system for SFC....I wont them in one title...

That appears to me to be a lot harder than a 'blended' system.  You're doing twice the work, the second half of which (new rules) you would have to create from scratch, as opposed to a blended system where you only do half the rules.  You would still have to test the blend and the new either way.  No more work there

You are in a paradigm....a blended system will take TWICE as much work to playtest and balance....if balance is really even an issue by that will just be another SFC3...with a couple extra weapons tables....

Here's the thing I would see, though.  I would personally take a lot of the Fed ships and make them more "Paramount".  Take out the drones and plasma.  I might also run some variant Klingons on a shiplist to appease the Paramounties.  I don't think there would be much need to actually rewrite everything as far as weapons and systems.  I think that's where a lot of the complaining comes from.  "I never saw a Fed ship fire a drone.  Why would they need such an archaic system?"  (they don't take into account that sometimes they use a shuttle to get down to the surface too, instead of the transporters.  Why would they use such an archaic form of transportation? heh).  Personally I think that a lot of the Paramount fans don't value real 'balance' as much as they want their Fed ships to blow up the enemy really easily. ;)  Still, they are a force in the overall Trek community and anyone making a game is going to want to appease them.


And that is exactly what you going to get.....another canon DUD of a game that isnt worthy of being called a "wargame"...

I know that SFC1 was the best (although I've heard plenty of people say that SFC3 outsold them all.) and it should prove that an SFB based game can and does perform and can have a long life.  Anyone who logged into Mplayer could see how many people played that game.

Then WHY for the love of Taldren...would you accept ANYTHING less?

I guess in short, I'll say that I would rather have a partially SFB complient game that has the ability to be made into a fully made version, than none at all (or a non-SFB only version).

I'd rather play OP and not spend a dime...

  We could sit around and lobby for an SFB based game, but the suits are going to want to maximize the games appeal (which we all see how that went, but they'll want to do it anyway).

Again...that's what I've been saying all along...

  I could see someone willing to make a full or half SFB, but one SFB, one Non, I just see as creating two games for the price of one.

Again...a's ONE GAME with two rulesets...

  I would think such a game would, in the end, deliver fewer features than the single moded alternative.

IF the devs had to do it all alone...YES....but that isnt the idea I have put it...

  I would love to say "Screw everyone else, they can go play every other Trek game out there."  The reality is that they won't, they'll sit around and whine (like they always have) that this game is based on SFB and why can't it not be.

If that was all that mattered...there would BE no SFC at all...

I don't think the financiers will take to that view, though.

And who is it that we are putting this idea up to?....the SFB haters?...or the Game developers?

  I could say we could try, but as you said, you don't even believe an full SFB game is going to be made, and I don't think they will create two games in a genre that has somewhat questionable appeal to an audience the size that a lot of the other genre's get. 

*Sigh*.....1/2 + 1/2 = 1....yes?.....why sell ONE game to 1/2 when you can sell ONE game to the whole?

I fail to see WHY we cannot come up with a product that will please BOTH crowds and SELL very well...

Call me a dreamer...but I'm not going to ask for half a loaf while others are being served a full corse meal...

I'm not a half of loaf type of guy...I'll just eat the stale bread I allready have...

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #89 on: February 20, 2006, 02:46:20 am »
Ok, the whole point about modding is that they would make is so that you COULD mod in the stuff that's not there.  I know you can't do it to the previous versions, so a new version is necessary in order that the dream may come to fruition.

As far as the food analogy, you don't really have a pantry.  You've got an old plate of food at home, that doesn't fulfill all of your needs (otherwise you wouldn't need a new, more SFB based SFC, right?).  All the other food is locked up by some mean farmer guy.  Now, he's willing to give out a full meal, but you really only like half of what's on the plate.  He has told you that you can have the other items you really want, though, if you're willing to wash some dishes and maybe go out into the fields and pick for a while.  So, that's your option.  Nothing (unless you happen to have that old half satisfying plate at home) or the half a good meal with the promise of a full satisfying meal if you're willing to do a little work.  The whole point, wich I think I covered above is that people want more maddability and a new game should deliver on that.

I ask you this.  Since mods were a necessary thing from the start on SFC3, in order to make it somewhat enjoyable (to some at least) did mods really kill it?  Would more people be playing that overly simplified arcade sludge now, if the mods hadn't been there?  Nobody knows for sure, but I would be willing to bet that the already smaller number of folks who were interested in continuing to play SFC3 would have dropped off very fast if there had been no mods at all.  ;)

Um, 1/2 +1/2 = 1.  Hmmm, so you're only asking for half of the SFB stuff you want, and for the Paramount folks to only get half a game.  I put it to you that asking for full dual rule sets is actually asking for 1+1=2 for the retail price of 1.  I think you can see where the producers might have a problem with that, can't you?  Now let's say you can double up on some things.  You're still over the top.  1 + 1 - 1/2 (for overlapped development) = 1 and 1/2.  Still more than any producer would think about on a genre that doesn't bring in the huge numbers, I would think.

As far as others getting the full course meal.  Let's say the Farmer distributes to a restaurant.  Now the Farmer doesn't like certain food combinations, so he really only wants the restaurant to serve certain combos.  The combo platter that is available to all doesn't really fully please you, but it's the plate taht the restaurant owner believes keeps his costs down the most while pleasing the most people (again his perception) and still following the guidlines set forth by the farmer for platter combinations.  Now you go to the restaurant manager (not the owner) and would really like to have a different plate.  He looks at the options.  He believes that the plate you ask for is too costly and not only wouldn't please the restaurant owner, but wouldn't please enough people to make it a full menu item.  He has the ingredients in the back, so he will allow you that meal, but you will have to go in the back and cook the parts of it that aren't part of the main menu, yourself.  You still get the meal you want, because the restaurant manager is allowing for more moddability than others might, and the restaurant owner doesn't tick off the Farmer by offering too much of a certain combination, all while giving what he believes is the meal that the most people will not only pay for, but will enjoy and come back for more.

I would put it to you that it may be more likely that lobbying for a pure SFB game might be more appealing than asking for a dual ruleset game.

Now let's talk about being forced to eat what you don't want.  Hmmm, that sounds a lot like what caused a lot of the anti-OP movement.  "Yeah, it's got a lot more SFB in it, but I hate X-ships.  Especially since they aren't SFB x-ships.".   So?  Don't eat them, then (which was even easier to do as they came on a plate later in the meal and would be easier to avoid than things that were on the main plate).  You're still getting more of what you wanted than you had, and would have had otherwise.  Did anyone really want eight pirate cartels?  I don't think so.  I know people wanted to fly pirate, but eight cartels with their own map?  Doubtful.  Solution?  People didn't eat the pirate cartels, they left them on the plate, all while still eating up all the rest of the extra SFB goodness.  Of course the cartel's were originally slathered all over the rest of the meal making eating much of anything difficult at best, but the cooks eventually took care of a lot of that problem.


  The prolem with SFC3 was that the core game was so bad that it required mods immediately (how long was it before SFC2 came up with majore meaningful mods?) and there were several groups vying for control.  The core game was the problem, the rapid influx of mods only made matters worse as people were trying to find a place to play.

And a built in mod chooser would negate this how?

Or would it make matters even worse?

Well, first it would facilitate people to find the version they liked the most.  Sometimes if they have to boot up a bunch of times, switch over files, etc. people figure they might just as well go play something that doesn't take so much work to get going.  Now, you talk about how a mod chooser negates the problems of a sucky game.  Um, I think the desire here is that the game isn't sucky, and the player base is much larger than OP currently enjoys.  We aren't talking about doing a port of OP with a new graphics engine afterall, are we?  We want more, right?  So, things when things die down, you probably still want to have an easy option to play.  Will there be 50 servers with 3 people on each?  Doubtful, as people want to play with eachother.  Even when there were a lot more servers on EAW or OP there were a couple of standards and folks would go there to play, because that's where the people and the action were.

I don't think the financiers will take to that view, though.

And who is it that we are putting this idea up to?....the SFB haters?...or the Game developers?

Um, we aren't technically putting it up to either of those two parties.  The push for the game should go to Bethesda, who is not the developer but the publisher.  We would hope, of course (or at least probably), the Quicksilver would be involved in the actual development because of their association with SFC1, but the money and the mandate comes from the publisher, which is Bethesda at this point, if you want to get any Trek game made (with the exception of the MMO which is under development).  So, despite the fact that those in Quicksilver may have an affection for SFB still, they aren't the ones to convince.  It's the money men at Bethesda, who have to operate within the guidlines set forth in their licensing agreement with Paramount (which I don't believe we know what in contained in that document do we?).

I would love to say "Screw everyone else, they can go play every other Trek game out there."  The reality is that they won't, they'll sit around and whine (like they always have) that this game is based on SFB and why can't it not be.

If that was all that mattered...there would BE no SFC at all...

If SFB was all that mattered, you'd be playing a turn based game and filling out allocations forms, and clicking a button for the computer to roll the dice.  Sure it would be better than SFB in a way because it would calc out the allocation forms, and there wouldn't (hopefully) be any cheating of numbers, but that's SFB.  SFC is a lot of SFB and then some other stuff.  You take a look at what you want, then at what others are willing to offer and then try and strike a deal for what you think you can get.  I personally would go for no less SFB than is in OP (if I could get it), and actually go for more (if I could get it), but I might add in some other elements (weapons) to flesh things out for those who want a more "paramount" view.  Maybe a couple of torpedo types for the Feds to replace the loss of the drones and plasma, and so forth.  Leave the other elements in the game, but arrange them in a manner that the most people get what they want (even if they have to work a little to get it).  Again, this requires that the game be made more moddable than any SFC before it, which I would call for personally.  Things are supposed to move forward with a new game, not stay the same or move backward.  Just because certain types of modding isn't possible with a current title doesn't mean that future titles will never be. 

When I say that a pure SFB game is unlikely I believe that, but I do believe that a game that is much more SFB than not and contains more SFB materials than OP is still possible.  You may not get the full meal you want but I would you could get a good 3/4 out of the box, as long as there are elements (which you could easily slide off of your plate) to appease the other side too.  Afterall, SFB is based on Trek, so many things could technically overlap.

I know that SFC1 was the best (although I've heard plenty of people say that SFC3 outsold them all.) and it should prove that an SFB based game can and does perform and can have a long life.  Anyone who logged into Mplayer could see how many people played that game.

Then WHY for the love of Taldren...would you accept ANYTHING less?

Um, sometimes people don't look at things the same way.  Just because I think it proves the point, someone else may have a different decoder ring that says that it doesn't point to anything at all.  We as a community can try to make the point, but then again they thought they had a better way with SFC3 too.  Now we do have the relative failure of SFC3 (although there are those who still claim it was a huge success that eclipsed the previous versions(with the possible exception of SFC1), so opinions vary) Again, Yes.  I would love the full meal deal, but when I don't have hardly any food, and someone else owns it all, and would honor a request to give me a good portion of the stuff I like as long as I take some other stuff with it.  I guess I'll take that other stuff, rather than say "All or nothing" and walk away empty handed to my half loaf of bread and glass of water at home (again we have already established that OP doesn't give it all or we wouldn't want another, right?)  For the record if OP is bread and water (at least at this point in it's life) then the one that followed is something unimaginable that you wouldn't want to put in youre mouth. ;)

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #90 on: February 20, 2006, 10:40:23 am »
Ok, the whole point about modding is that they would make is so that you COULD mod in the stuff that's not there.  I know you can't do it to the previous versions, so a new version is necessary in order that the dream may come to fruition.

And why would they do all the extra work to allow things to be modded?

Exrta work is extra work...

Taldren went out of their way to make SFC moddable to throw us a bone....

As far as the food analogy, you don't really have a pantry.  You've got an old plate of food at home, that doesn't fulfill all of your needs (otherwise you wouldn't need a new, more SFB based SFC, right?).  All the other food is locked up by some mean farmer guy.  Now, he's willing to give out a full meal, but you really only like half of what's on the plate.  He has told you that you can have the other items you really want, though, if you're willing to wash some dishes and maybe go out into the fields and pick for a while.  So, that's your option.  Nothing (unless you happen to have that old half satisfying plate at home) or the half a good meal with the promise of a full satisfying meal if you're willing to do a little work.  The whole point, wich I think I covered above is that people want more maddability and a new game should deliver on that.

You're getting way too deep on the anology...I would have allready kicked his ass and ate what I wanted...

I ask you this.  Since mods were a necessary thing from the start on SFC3, in order to make it somewhat enjoyable (to some at least) did mods really kill it?

Did Mods kill SFC3?

Not all by themselves....

what mods DID do...was to splinter an allready reletively small community into different factions who all disliked the other factions...

Mods in the case of OP have bound us together...

Different crowd...different demographic...different mind set..

Would more people be playing that overly simplified arcade sludge now, if the mods hadn't been there?  Nobody knows for sure, but I would be willing to bet that the already smaller number of folks who were interested in continuing to play SFC3 would have dropped off very fast if there had been no mods at all.  ;)

probably so....but then again...if SFC3 would have had the content it lacked in the first place...there would have been little NEED for mods....they would have been done by fewer groups..

Um, 1/2 +1/2 = 1.  Hmmm, so you're only asking for half of the SFB stuff you want, and for the Paramount folks to only get half a game.  I put it to you that asking for full dual rule sets is actually asking for 1+1=2 for the retail price of 1.  I think you can see where the producers might have a problem with that, can't you?  Now let's say you can double up on some things.  You're still over the top.  1 + 1 - 1/2 (for overlapped development) = 1 and 1/2.  Still more than any producer would think about on a genre that doesn't bring in the huge numbers, I would think.

ARGH..... 1/2 of a community + 1/2 of a community = a whole community.......BREAK the paradigm! I said nothing about half a rule's stuck in your mind!

I said why sell a product to only half the community when you could sell the product to the whole...

Forget what YOU would do.....YOU are not a game developer...

As far as others getting the full course meal.  Let's say the Farmer distributes to a restaurant.  Now the Farmer doesn't like certain food combinations, so he really only wants the restaurant to serve certain combos.  The combo platter that is available to all doesn't really fully please you, but it's the plate taht the restaurant owner believes keeps his costs down the most while pleasing the most people (again his perception) and still following the guidlines set forth by the farmer for platter combinations.  Now you go to the restaurant manager (not the owner) and would really like to have a different plate.  He looks at the options.  He believes that the plate you ask for is too costly and not only wouldn't please the restaurant owner, but wouldn't please enough people to make it a full menu item.  He has the ingredients in the back, so he will allow you that meal, but you will have to go in the back and cook the parts of it that aren't part of the main menu, yourself.  You still get the meal you want, because the restaurant manager is allowing for more moddability than others might, and the restaurant owner doesn't tick off the Farmer by offering too much of a certain combination, all while giving what he believes is the meal that the most people will not only pay for, but will enjoy and come back for more.

No more food anologies....if it aint what I want...I aint buying it...

I would put it to you that it may be more likely that lobbying for a pure SFB game might be more appealing than asking for a dual ruleset game.

Then I put it to you to get off your duff and go lobby them yourself instead of telling me what I should ask for....

Now let's talk about being forced to eat what you don't want.  Hmmm, that sounds a lot like what caused a lot of the anti-OP movement.  "Yeah, it's got a lot more SFB in it, but I hate X-ships.  Especially since they aren't SFB x-ships.".   So?  Don't eat them, then (which was even easier to do as they came on a plate later in the meal and would be easier to avoid than things that were on the main plate).  You're still getting more of what you wanted than you had, and would have had otherwise.  Did anyone really want eight pirate cartels?  I don't think so.  I know people wanted to fly pirate, but eight cartels with their own map?  Doubtful.  Solution?  People didn't eat the pirate cartels, they left them on the plate, all while still eating up all the rest of the extra SFB goodness.  Of course the cartel's were originally slathered all over the rest of the meal making eating much of anything difficult at best, but the cooks eventually took care of a lot of that problem.

MYTH...what caused the loudest backlash against OP was the decision to sell it as a "stand alone" expansion....

And a built in mod chooser would negate this how?

Or would it make matters even worse?

Well, first it would facilitate people to find the version they liked the most.  Sometimes if they have to boot up a bunch of times, switch over files, etc. people figure they might just as well go play something that doesn't take so much work to get going.  Now, you talk about how a mod chooser negates the problems of a sucky game.  Um, I think the desire here is that the game isn't sucky, and the player base is much larger than OP currently enjoys.  We aren't talking about doing a port of OP with a new graphics engine afterall, are we?  We want more, right?  So, things when things die down, you probably still want to have an easy option to play.  Will there be 50 servers with 3 people on each?  Doubtful, as people want to play with eachother.  Even when there were a lot more servers on EAW or OP there were a couple of standards and folks would go there to play, because that's where the people and the action were.

What I SFC4...

I don't think the financiers will take to that view, though.

And who is it that we are putting this idea up to?....the SFB haters?...or the Game developers?

Um, we aren't technically putting it up to either of those two parties.  The push for the game should go to Bethesda, who is not the developer but the publisher.  We would hope, of course (or at least probably), the Quicksilver would be involved in the actual development because of their association with SFC1, but the money and the mandate comes from the publisher, which is Bethesda at this point, if you want to get any Trek game made (with the exception of the MMO which is under development).  So, despite the fact that those in Quicksilver may have an affection for SFB still, they aren't the ones to convince.  It's the money men at Bethesda, who have to operate within the guidlines set forth in their licensing agreement with Paramount (which I don't believe we know what in contained in that document do we?).

Interplay had the trek license BEFORE SFC...IIRC...

What I want SFC4...

I would love to say "Screw everyone else, they can go play every other Trek game out there."  The reality is that they won't, they'll sit around and whine (like they always have) that this game is based on SFB and why can't it not be.

If that was all that mattered...there would BE no SFC at all...

If SFB was all that mattered, you'd be playing a turn based game and filling out allocations forms, and clicking a button for the computer to roll the dice.  Sure it would be better than SFB in a way because it would calc out the allocation forms, and there wouldn't (hopefully) be any cheating of numbers, but that's SFB.  SFC is a lot of SFB and then some other stuff.

SFC is not is a simulation of SFB...and that's what I want it to stay...the more SFB the better...

  You take a look at what you want, then at what others are willing to offer and then try and strike a deal for what you think you can get.

We gee...we dont yet know what the other are willing to offer...and you are allready willing to settle for less...

  I personally would go for no less SFB than is in OP (if I could get it), and actually go for more (if I could get it),

Then WHY are we having this pointless discussion about asking for half of that???????

but I might add in some other elements (weapons) to flesh things out for those who want a more "paramount" view.  Maybe a couple of torpedo types for the Feds to replace the loss of the drones and plasma, and so forth.  Leave the other elements in the game, but arrange them in a manner that the most people get what they want (even if they have to work a little to get it).  Again, this requires that the game be made more moddable than any SFC before it, which I would call for personally.

Then by all so...but keep the canon crap OUT of one of the rulesets...

Things are supposed to move forward with a new game, not stay the same or move backward.  Just because certain types of modding isn't possible with a current title doesn't mean that future titles will never be.

And hoping certain things will be moddable doesnt mean they will ever be... 

When I say that a pure SFB game is unlikely I believe that, but I do believe that a game that is much more SFB than not and contains more SFB materials than OP is still possible.

THAT'S WHAT I'M ASKING FOR DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHHEEEEEEEEEESH!

  You may not get the full meal you want but I would you could get a good 3/4 out of the box, as long as there are elements (which you could easily slide off of your plate) to appease the other side too.  Afterall, SFB is based on Trek, so many things could technically overlap.

What I SFC4....without the canon crap...

I know that SFC1 was the best (although I've heard plenty of people say that SFC3 outsold them all.) and it should prove that an SFB based game can and does perform and can have a long life.  Anyone who logged into Mplayer could see how many people played that game.
Then WHY for the love of Taldren...would you accept ANYTHING less?

Um, sometimes people don't look at things the same way.  Just because I think it proves the point, someone else may have a different decoder ring that says that it doesn't point to anything at all.  We as a community can try to make the point, but then again they thought they had a better way with SFC3 too.  Now we do have the relative failure of SFC3 (although there are those who still claim it was a huge success that eclipsed the previous versions(with the possible exception of SFC1), so opinions vary)

Sale of copies dont vary....look them up...SFC1 was 500,000 copies.....SFC3 wasnt even close...

Again, Yes.  I would love the full meal deal, but when I don't have hardly any food, and someone else owns it all, and would honor a request to give me a good portion of the stuff I like as long as I take some other stuff with it.  I guess I'll take that other stuff, rather than say "All or nothing" and walk away empty handed to my half loaf of bread and glass of water at home (again we have already established that OP doesn't give it all or we wouldn't want another, right?)  For the record if OP is bread and water (at least at this point in it's life) then the one that followed is something unimaginable that you wouldn't want to put in youre mouth. ;)

This seems like a useless discussion at this seem to be purposfully ignoring what I am going to ask for...and why...

You ask for half a loaf and that's what you'll get..if you are luckey...

What I want...(in case you missed it) SFC4...NOT SFC 3.5

I'm not going to start out by asking for half of what I the hopes of getting even half of that......that would be insane....

I will ask for what I's not "all or nothing"'s "SFC4...or I'll save my money and play OP"....OP is NOT nothing...

The worst they can say is no...I'm not going to be meek about what the game should contain...

I dont see any logical reason why they would pay for an ADB license and only use half of it...or why they would alienate half the potential customers by making it all SFB..or ALL canon when it could easily be both...

If you feel are free to ask for something's a free internet...

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #91 on: February 20, 2006, 11:47:48 am »
What I would like to see in SFC4 would probably make everyone happy. Which is why I want it :) but it also allows everyone their favorite playgrounds. In SFC-OP, you have four time periods: Early, Middle, Late, and Advanced. What happens is that we heavily redefine this.

Early period ship classes would be up to and including the TOS Constitution class, D7B, and so forth. Ship classes and races seen on ENTERPRISE. Main enemy races would be Orions and the SFB races that died out early, like Paravians, Carnivons, etc. Everything in SFB excluding X-ships.

Middle period ships would be ENTERPRISE-A, Ktinga, and all of the other early movie ships, and seen-on-TV classes up to AMBASSADOR class (in other words, everything pre-TNG). Enemy races would include a number of independants popping up like the LDR, Vudar, WYN, Andromedans, and a few others. SFB X-ships and SFC-OP X-weapons. The ISC would first appear in this period as they played no real part in galactic affairs before now.

Late period ships would be GALAXY, DEFIANT, and most everything else we've seen or heard on TNG, DS9, Voyager, and so forth. Enemy ships would include the Borg. Quantum Torps and other serious advanced weapons enter service, including some of the SFC3 stuff that's worth keeping.

Advanced period would be the playground for all the modders out there who have introduced goodies that split from either Paramount canon or SFB canon.

One key point is that as each new period occurs, the map becomes larger (or the size of the empires shrinks a bit) to allow space for the new arrivals.

This is only an outline, it needs a LOT of work and fine-tuning, but it could be made to work without too much effort. Other people have made much the same suggestions, here and there, but this is one approach to the game's background that would accomodate both the SFB purists with the people who never got into SFB and grew up believing TNG and DS9 were the only way to go.

Anyhow, that's my two cents worth.

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #92 on: February 20, 2006, 12:48:08 pm »
First off, I'm guessin' nobody from the companies involved is paying attention to this thread.  I guess I could be wrong on that.  So really it's just a discussion.  I'm also not telling you what to do, but rather giving my opinion on how the community should proceed.  I have absolutely no way of enforcing my opinion, so there's no reason to get upset.

Let me ask you this.   If it's "Screw the other guys, give me my SFB" then why ask for two sets of rules at all?  That's personally what I would think would be the biggest turn off of all.  Go and ask for SFB, but if they slap a little non-sfb in there don't walk away from the table and kill any chance of what you wanted from the beginning.  Afterall, OP has non-SFB stuff. 

You're kidding yourself if you don't think X-ships were a major deterrent for some crowds.  But that, just like the stand alone arguement, are complete nonsense.  Who cares if it boots up on it's own.  Yeah, it would have been nicer if you could have booted up one game and had access to all servers EAW and OP or whatever, but who cares?  In the end, it should have bolstered the community numbers (had it worked properly) but people crying about this and that and then saying they won't go over to the new is what hurt it.  X-ships were a big part of the crying (also balance issues, map interactions that were never fixed, etc.).  You know when you are on gamespy and there's a big room full of EAW players and no OP players to speak of, and you go and ask some to switch over so you can play with the new goodies like the boom arcs, and they won't because of the x-ships, then that's a problem.

When I say that a pure SFB game is unlikely I believe that, but I do believe that a game that is much more SFB than not and contains more SFB materials than OP is still possible.

THAT'S WHAT I'M ASKING FOR DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHHEEEEEEEEEESH!

Um, no it's not.  You're asking for SFB only, no 'canon crap'.  As it says in my comment, you're likely to get something that is more SFB than not, but you know they are going to put some other stuff in there.

More work to put mod stuff in, especially compared to creating a dual set of rules?  Hmmm, I don't know, but it seems to me that they have to edit the weapons and everything else as they balance it during development.  If they create the tools to do it easier at that point, it can speed things up later in the game, imo.  Then they just have to release them when the game comes out.

As far as ignoring you, I'm not, but when I say
When I say that a pure SFB game is unlikely I believe that, but I do believe that a game that is much more SFB than not and contains more SFB materials than OP is still possible.

Then you say
THAT'S WHAT I'M ASKING FOR DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHHEEEEEEEEEESH!

And then your very next comment is
What I SFC4....without the canon crap...
and you talk about only asking for what you want, I think you can see where some confusion might seep in, as the two comments oppose eachother.  If a game is more SFB than not, that means that what's left of the game is not SFB.  You have stated that you absolutely do not want that and would walk away from the product if it was such.

I think you confuse my stand here.  I want SFB in the game.  I want more SFB than OP.  I probably want a lot of the same stuff you want, but that's a lot.  I don't see a game that encompasses all of SFB, being made, though.  What I don't see is someone coding all of what I want, then going back and starting all over again and coding an entirely different set of rules.  It's like making two different games, and then selling it for the price of one.  Yeah, it might appeal to more people, but at some point you are losing ground.  There are those who would switch between the two groups, so the numbers of people you are getting by appeasing both don't match the cost and effort of just appeasing one with a single game then appeasing another with a different game.  I'm with you on the fact that if they don't like SFB they can play any other Trek game on the face of the planet and not have SFB, but when you deal with money people they don't always see things that way.  They are looking to maximize the returns.  I don't think of it as asking for half of what I want.  I think of it as realizing that I will not get only what I want.  There's will, most likely, be something that isn't SFB (afterall, it's not an exact port of the game).  By saying that if there is anything non-SFB you'll walk away, that doesn't look good to the money men.  It means you are too finicky and are an investment risk.  If you can, instead, present what you want, give the reasons why it would be better to have it your way, but that you are willing to work with them and support their decisions then you are more likely get what you want, and since you are working with them instead of against them, you can help influence them to make it so that those extra things can be cast aside if desired.  We've all seen how much an individual can work with the devs to influence the outcome of things (or so some would say).  It's the whole catching flies with honey as opposed to telling the flies that if they don't fall into your non-baited trap exactly the way you want them to, then you're just going to walk away and deal with having flies around all the time.

You are correct, OP is not nothing.  I don't believe I said it was in my analogy.  I did say it in reference to the all or nothing comments.  But we all have OP (or at least should) that's a given at this point.  We have consumed it, and the numbers have dwindled greatly.  A new game is needed to bring people back, and suck in new folks.  Sure you can just sit around playing OP but for how long?  Eventually you'll have to have an extra machine around, as the new ones won't play something that old.  There will be almost nobody to play with either.  How many play now?  I think it's time for something new, and if I have to have a little paramount in with my SFB base then I'll take it, especially if it can be edited out after the fact.  Frankly though, if someone could come up with a system that was as deep as SFB I'd get that too.  Is it likely?  Not even close, at least not without a couple of decades of development time. ;)  I just went and read an interview about III and they were talking about how they thought they had improved over SFB and that if SFC fans would just give it a chance they would see how deep it is.  Heh.  Somebody was living in lala land there, but that's the kind of folks you're dealing with.  You'd probably have to trick them (aided by the few people in power who share your vision) into giving you what you want.

Where do I look up the sales of SFC?  I've looked around and couldn't find any real solid numbers (I know there were some posted on the old Taldren forums, but Taldrens numbers were somewhat questionable at times) but numbers can be fudged to look like what you want them too, as well.  Take for instance if you published the opening numbers for something.  It may not tell the whole story, as the numbers may drop off dramatically when people find out what it's about.  If you don't publish the results of the falloff and only the strong start then it can make it look like you had a really good thing going.

I think that I would do some research and get as much info on Trek and what appeared, and draw correlations to SFB.  What is a runabout if not a PF?  What are certain shuttle types if not fighters?  Drones were used by several races (I think Feringi, but I know there was reference to a big Cardassian drone).  Heck didn't they have one lodged into the hull of the Enterprise at one point that didn't go off?  If you can prove your point that SFB is Paramount compiant, that would go a long way to getting you what we want as well (and then have them publish the info on the web to support their use of the weapons).As far as why they would do the extra work to make things moddable, well, why does anyone?  A lot of games have mod tools released for them, so you can make new items to put into the game.  If you're creating tools to manage your assets anyway, how much extra work is it to put them out there?  I would guess it would be a lot less than creating a whole different game to tack onto another and sell for the price of one.  Say, for instance you have three groups.  1 is the SFB group.  All or nothing.  1 is the Paramount group.  Absolutely no SFB.  Then you have the 1 in the middle who don't care as much.  They'll buy either.  If you make an SFB game you appease 2 groups for the price of one game.  If you make a Paramount game, you appease 2 groups for the price one game.  Now if you try and tack it all together in one you either appease 3 groups for the price of 2 games (notice you haven't doubled your appeal) or, more likely, you appease nobody because the quality of either section isn't up to snuff.  If you want to appease everyone make 2 games.  One that appeals to 2 groups another that appeals to 2 groups, and you get to sell them each for the price of a full game.  Assuming the publisher (who doles out the cash for the projects) believes each group combination is large enough to warrant a game.  If one fails, then the problem is solved and the survivor comes out on top.  Now this is a little simplified but I hope the point comes across, as far as the dual ruleset's possible appeal to a publisher.

Yes, it's a free internet.  But it's always better to come to a relative concensus when you are asking for something.  Otherwise those with the power will just see a bunch of fragmented people who all want different things.  I don't think what we want is really that different, but the way we ask for it differs.  I don't see asking for only what in my game (or I walk) and then asking to slap another version for the other people on for the same price as a plausible approach to getting the game made.  If you do, that's fine.  I'm not trying to force you into anything, just expressing my opinion.  I want a deep wargame mostly based on SFB, but if I have to take a little on the side to get what I want, then so be it.  It's not like there's a monitor sitting over my shoulders forcing me to play with those parts (assuming they are separate like the x-ships and pirate layer)


     Truthfully, I'm not sure that would make everyone happy, though.  As you can see, there is an all or nothing thing going on with some.  You mention "including some of the SFC3 stuff that's worth keeping".  What would that include then?  For many here there isn't much worth keeping at all (translated as nothing, except for possibly a few features of the D3).  How do you manage a longterm dyna campaign where some players don't get to start when everyone else does, because their empire doesn't show up until a later era?  Wouldn't they just go to a server that already has that race in play and play there?  Seems like a major divider of numbers there.  Why limit modding to advanced?  If you allow mods, then why not allow them for all eras?  Unless you are proposing that all eras are moddable, but there is an era with no content tacked on at the end so that modders could create their own weapons and combinations to fill it up if they desire.  It also doesn't accomodate the SFB purists, because it includes TNG, DS9, Voyager all of which would not follow an SFB paradigm (or more than likely).  Now, I could see that if they follow the weapons table it might be a little more accpetable, but a true purist isn't going to go along with anything but SFB.   Also, how do you make a paramount purist's view of TOS sit in the same era with an SFB purists version?

Now, I would love to see the ability to add and remove races from play and mod them, especially mid-campaign.  Say you are playing along and a group of lyrans wants to form their own republic.  Then you could do that, and it might be cool.  Afterall, many of the custom d2 campaigns haven't followed the SFB storyline, but the SFB storyline is what a lot of folks want from the get go in the core project, I believe.  What you would have to do is have a little button at the beginning of the game, where you select "Enterprise, TOS, TNG, or SFB" and then it loads up the version of the game that appeals to the individual.  Possible I suppose, but like I said, that's a whole lot of work to make a wide range of weapons and systems, and if those eras are actually to interact with one another, then you're dealing with a whole lot more work.  A photon in Enterprise era or TOS (according to Paramount canon) isn't nearly as powerful as those in TNG, I don't believe.  They are different models.  Thus you would need to do all the various models of weapons for all the races for every era.  As cool as that would be, how much of a headache would that be, if SFB alone is thought to be too much of a headache to put all of it in.  Imagine doing it for 4 or 5 other eras.  Hey, if someone's willing to do it, more power to them, I'd like to see that kind of diversity, but the problem is that SFB has had such a long development period, that when others try to create a "newer, better" system in a couple of months, they fall far shy of the mark.  I think SFB proved that.  The OP X-ships helps to prove that as well.  So, trying to create the same thing for eras that are Paramount canon, and merge them with SFB canon and hopeing that they will work well together is asking a lot.  There is, afterall, more to SFB than the names of weapons, races, and the appearance of their ships.  That is kind of where Paramount is, when you think about it though.  The writers just write in the weapons effects to fit the story.  In a game like this, what is a Paramount purist?  Is there any officially published and adhered to standard for the level of shields, or the damage of a photon?  Heck, Trek games invent races all the time, why then are SFB races so hated by the Paramount canon guys?  Are they saying that the SFB races absolutely couldn't exist in Trek, but they are willing to accept another race that's pulled out of a game dev's hat?   Personally, I think the Paramount purist guys are even more irrational than the SFB purists.  At least SFB has a rule book.  It has set standards, a historical timeline, etc.  As we saw with Enterprise, Paramount has no set standard for anything at all.  History is up for grabs for whatever the writers want to come up with, to heck with what another episode said.  I've just never understood why those folks couldn't accept SFB stuff in one little game, especially when they have all the other games that walk all over the board and have no set standard.

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #93 on: February 20, 2006, 08:37:18 pm »
First off, I'm guessin' nobody from the companies involved is paying attention to this thread.  I guess I could be wrong on that.

We'll...Gary is here...he counts in an unofficial advisory position in my book.. ;D

  So really it's just a discussion.

Tis true...
I'm also not telling you what to do, but rather giving my opinion on how the community should proceed.  I have absolutely no way of enforcing my opinion, so there's no reason to get upset.

I'm not upset...I'm frustrated...a slight difference...

You seem to really want to tell me why this or that wont work or is a bad idea...while at the same time saying you want the same thing I do...

Let me ask you this.   If it's "Screw the other guys, give me my SFB" then why ask for two sets of rules at all?  That's personally what I would think would be the biggest turn off of all.  Go and ask for SFB, but if they slap a little non-sfb in there don't walk away from the table and kill any chance of what you wanted from the beginning.  Afterall, OP has non-SFB stuff.

*sigh*  :banghead:

I'm not even AT the table yet....and I'm not going to adjust my request for a dual relset until someone in power shuts it down....and even then not until a long drawn out discussion on the merits and possiblities of it...

You're kidding yourself if you don't think X-ships were a major deterrent for some crowds.

What crowds? any names?

yeah...a couple people griped about it...

but what REALLY kept the community from crossing over to OP was the bugs...(which have since been fixed)

what effected SALES...was the stand alone concept...

  But that, just like the stand alone arguement, are complete nonsense.

I was there....I was one of the ones did I imagine that too?

  Who cares if it boots up on it's own.  Yeah, it would have been nicer if you could have booted up one game and had access to all servers EAW and OP or whatever, but who cares?  In the end, it should have bolstered the community numbers (had it worked properly) but people crying about this and that and then saying they won't go over to the new is what hurt it.  X-ships were a big part of the crying (also balance issues, map interactions that were never fixed, etc.).  You know when you are on gamespy and there's a big room full of EAW players and no OP players to speak of, and you go and ask some to switch over so you can play with the new goodies like the boom arcs, and they won't because of the x-ships, then that's a problem.

And yet OP is the standard now...point is moot...

When I say that a pure SFB game is unlikely I believe that, but I do believe that a game that is much more SFB than not and contains more SFB materials than OP is still possible.

THAT'S WHAT I'M ASKING FOR DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHHEEEEEEEEEESH!

Um, no it's not.  You're asking for SFB only, no 'canon crap'.  As it says in my comment, you're likely to get something that is more SFB than not, but you know they are going to put some other stuff in there.

GEEZ.....I'm asking for two distinct many times must I say it?

More work to put mod stuff in, especially compared to creating a dual set of rules?  Hmmm, I don't know, but it seems to me that they have to edit the weapons and everything else as they balance it during development.  If they create the tools to do it easier at that point, it can speed things up later in the game, imo.  Then they just have to release them when the game comes out.

That seems like alot of speculation to me....and since you arent the one who has to approve such a venture...I'm going to stick to my guns until someone WHO HAS THE FINAL SAY tells me otherwise...

As far as ignoring you, I'm not, but when I say "When I say that a pure SFB game is unlikely I believe that, but I do believe that a game that is much more SFB than not and contains more SFB materials than OP is still possible."

Then you say "THAT'S WHAT I'M ASKING FOR DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHHEEEEEEEEEESH!"

And then your very next comment is "What I SFC4....without the canon crap..." and you talk about only asking for what you want, I think you can see where some confusion might seep in, as the two comments oppose eachother.  If a game is more SFB than not, that means that what's left of the game is not SFB.  You have stated that you absolutely do not want that and would walk away from the product if it was such.

Now your playing word's should be very clear what I want...another damn SFC title...

But the only way we are going to get one licensed for SFB is to make SFB the after thought...AKA..a second ruleset...

I think you confuse my stand here.  I want SFB in the game.  I want more SFB than OP.  I probably want a lot of the same stuff you want, but that's a lot.

a positive attitude...

I don't see a game that encompasses all of SFB, being made, though.

The negative...stow that please until such point as someone actually shoots us down...

  What I don't see is someone coding all of what I want, then going back and starting all over again and coding an entirely different set of rules.  It's like making two different games, and then selling it for the price of one.

Again with the paradigm....break away from the bonds that hold you are overlaying YOUR opinion on what you think the answer might be...

Stop it...

  Yeah, it might appeal to more people, but at some point you are losing ground.

More a question for the money men...yes?

  There are those who would switch between the two groups, so the numbers of people you are getting by appeasing both don't match the cost and effort of just appeasing one with a single game then appeasing another with a different game.

two stone...more money...

  I'm with you on the fact that if they don't like SFB they can play any other Trek game on the face of the planet and not have SFB, but when you deal with money people they don't always see things that way.

THAT is why a dual ruleset product can UNITE both SFB fans AND Trek fans to clamor for such a game...

  They are looking to maximize the returns.

So am I...I've even gone to the trouble of asking people if they would DONATE content to help the effort...

I don't think of it as asking for half of what I want.

I DO.....

  I think of it as realizing that I will not get only what I want.

Then you will get EXACTLY that...and nothing more...

  There's will, most likely, be something that isn't SFB (afterall, it's not an exact port of the game).  By saying that if there is anything non-SFB you'll walk away, that doesn't look good to the money men.

Never bought a new car or home?

I'm saying "if you dont make what I want...I wont buy it"....that has a great effect on money men who see money walking away...

  It means you are too finicky and are an investment risk. means I'm a consumer who knows what I want...and I wont be bought off with a bait and switch...

  If you can, instead, present what you want, give the reasons why it would be better to have it your way, but that you are willing to work with them and support their decisions then you are more likely get what you want, and since you are working with them instead of against them, you can help influence them to make it so that those extra things can be cast aside if desired.

There is NO talk as of least not with money men...(still working on that)...

So far...Steve is willing to talk....quicksilver is showing interest....and you are telling me why it wont work...

We've all seen how much an individual can work with the devs to influence the outcome of things (or so some would say).  It's the whole catching flies with honey as opposed to telling the flies that if they don't fall into your non-baited trap exactly the way you want them to, then you're just going to walk away and deal with having flies around all the time.

I dont even know if they will consider it yet....much less have time to reach for the honey pot...

But, I'm still not going to ask for half a loaf...

You are correct, OP is not nothing.  I don't believe I said it was in my analogy.  I did say it in reference to the all or nothing comments.


  But we all have OP (or at least should) that's a given at this point.  We have consumed it, and the numbers have dwindled greatly.  A new game is needed to bring people back, and suck in new folks.

And until last week..(when I brought it up)...there wasnt even a glimmer of hope for another there is a slim chance...

  Sure you can just sit around playing OP but for how long?

Till the cows come home brother....MOOOOOOOOOOO!

  Eventually you'll have to have an extra machine around, as the new ones won't play something that old.

Please...I have atari games on my PC....NES games on my machine even runs a commador emulator....not worried....not for a long time...

And basiclly....SFC IS the only reason I'm even online...when it dont work no more...I'll drop biggie...

  There will be almost nobody to play with either.  How many play now?

A couple hundred....

I think it's time for something new, and if I have to have a little paramount in with my SFB base then I'll take it, especially if it can be edited out after the fact.

Me too....but if it isnt as good as OP, with AT LEAST as much content, I wont buy it...period....

  Frankly though, if someone could come up with a system that was as deep as SFB I'd get that too.  Is it likely?  Not even close, at least not without a couple of decades of development time. ;)

Then it's a moot point...

I just went and read an interview about III and they were talking about how they thought they had improved over SFB and that if SFC fans would just give it a chance they would see how deep it is.  Heh.  Somebody was living in lala land there, but that's the kind of folks you're dealing with.  You'd probably have to trick them (aided by the few people in power who share your vision) into giving you what you want.

*reaches for duct tape to keep head from exploding*

Dont you think that's what I'm doing?

Where do I look up the sales of SFC?  I've looked around and couldn't find any real solid numbers (I know there were some posted on the old Taldren forums, but Taldrens numbers were somewhat questionable at times) but numbers can be fudged to look like what you want them too, as well.  Take for instance if you published the opening numbers for something.  It may not tell the whole story, as the numbers may drop off dramatically when people find out what it's about.  If you don't publish the results of the falloff and only the strong start then it can make it look like you had a really good thing going.

Not certain...did a cursery seach

Hey ...look who i found...

I'll did around an get back to you on that...

I think that I would do some research and get as much info on Trek and what appeared, and draw correlations to SFB.  What is a runabout if not a PF?  What are certain shuttle types if not fighters?  Drones were used by several races (I think Feringi, but I know there was reference to a big Cardassian drone).  Heck didn't they have one lodged into the hull of the Enterprise at one point that didn't go off?  If you can prove your point that SFB is Paramount compiant, that would go a long way to getting you what we want as well (and then have them publish the info on the web to support their use of the weapons).

Bah...I dont have that much time to worry about such things...might as well try and prove that god exists for all the good it will do...

As far as why they would do the extra work to make things moddable, well, why does anyone?  A lot of games have mod tools released for them, so you can make new items to put into the game.  If you're creating tools to manage your assets anyway, how much extra work is it to put them out there?  I would guess it would be a lot less than creating a whole different game to tack onto another and sell for the price of one.  Say, for instance you have three groups.  1 is the SFB group.  All or nothing.  1 is the Paramount group.  Absolutely no SFB.  Then you have the 1 in the middle who don't care as much.  They'll buy either.  If you make an SFB game you appease 2 groups for the price of one game.  If you make a Paramount game, you appease 2 groups for the price one game.  Now if you try and tack it all together in one you either appease 3 groups for the price of 2 games (notice you haven't doubled your appeal) or, more likely, you appease nobody because the quality of either section isn't up to snuff.  If you want to appease everyone make 2 games.  One that appeals to 2 groups another that appeals to 2 groups, and you get to sell them each for the price of a full game.  Assuming the publisher (who doles out the cash for the projects) believes each group combination is large enough to warrant a game.  If one fails, then the problem is solved and the survivor comes out on top.  Now this is a little simplified but I hope the point comes across, as far as the dual ruleset's possible appeal to a publisher.

See...this part I'm going to put on ignore....I dont care...I will not be disuaded from asking for the whole loaf...I'm not interested in why it wont work...I'm interested in why it WILL...

I'm not willing to accept some frankenstien version of SFC...half this...half that...

Much better to please both crowds with a dual ruleset...(which is really ONE GAME with two sets of tables....GRRRR)

Yes, it's a free internet.  But it's always better to come to a relative concensus when you are asking for something.

*looks around* far it's just me doing the asking... hasnt been a post on that thread for days...

From the obvious lack of interest....I doubt if they even consider it...

In fact...I expect nanner to jump in any minute and start trashing the idea of even haveing any SFB content...

  Otherwise those with the power will just see a bunch of fragmented people who all want different things. seems it's just you and me pal...(and a couple others)  ;)

  I don't think what we want is really that different, but the way we ask for it differs.  I don't see asking for only what in my game (or I walk) and then asking to slap another version for the other people on for the same price as a plausible approach to getting the game made.

I'm asking for a game that pleases both crowds...the only way I see to do that is to have two rulesets...

It's actually the other way around....I'm asking them to do another SFC...and asking them to include a ruleset for US...

Call it my paradigm...

  If you do, that's fine.  I'm not trying to force you into anything, just expressing my opinion.

Alrighty no more "this wont work" stuff...ok...

  I want a deep wargame mostly based on SFB,

I want SFC4: Galaxies at War

but if I have to take a little on the side to get what I want, then so be it.

Depends on what that could be a deal breaker...I'd point out that Tactical assault allready uses 6 shields instead of 4  *wink*

  It's not like there's a monitor sitting over my shoulders forcing me to play with those parts (assuming they are separate like the x-ships and pirate layer)

True....but at the same amount of modding could get you to play SFC3...

That is my worry....asking for a blended game with one ruleset will just get us SFC 3.5...and please no one...and flop...

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #94 on: February 20, 2006, 11:17:09 pm »
EmeraldEdge, I did say that my concept needed a lot of work. Quite frankly, I don't know the answers to many of the questions you ask. Many of those points never occured to me as I rarely play online.

One I can answer is that I have no idea what bits of SFC3 are worth keeping, because I played SFC3 once, for about ten minutes. It took me that long to realize that ships only had four shields, and that they had trashed about half of the rest of the rules from SFB.  :cuss:

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #95 on: February 20, 2006, 11:51:09 pm »
Yeah, Gary's here.  I had written the first half of it before he posted and figured he'd dropped out after the first page like a lot of dev/producer types do. ;)  Thanks for sticking around!

Ok, short and simple.   Here's how I see it.  I don't think creating two different sets of rules, physics, universes, etc. would appeal to a producer, knowing that they would sell it in the same box for the price of a single game.  The money people are the people who ultimately have to give the OK on a project and hire someone to make it (again hopefully they would get someone from quicksilver because of their involvement in SFC1).  Apparently you think they will.  OK.

As far as the unnamed one goes, he's popped his head in over at STGU on the TA and SFB subject already. ;)  I found Bradley's resume doing the same search, ealier too.  Thought it was kind of funny that it should pop up.

I noticed over at STGU, though, you pointed out the fun time we had testing SFC3 and the headaches of testing and balancing even a simple system that's created from scratch.  Given the amount of time that an SFC type game has been given in the past, don't you think that doing so would take away from the time they have to create the SFB elements?  I suppose of the retail price were higher.

Anyhow, If you really think a dual set would appeal to them, I'd say write up a request.  I'd probably sign my name to a petition.

I would like an SFB game, and it's not like I would want a hodgepodge, but realize that sometimes you have to take a little of something you don't want to get more of what you do want (i.e. Orion Pirates).  I wouldn't sing the praises of a game that was SFCIII all over again.  That's for certain.  I don't think it's as much that I'm asking for a blended game, just that I would be willing to accept some elements as a necessary evil, should they be put in (and they usually are), in order to get the rest of what I want (especially if it can be cast aside if I don't like it).

Just out of curiosity.  You really see it as one game with two sets of tables?  When folks go "paramount canon" they will strip all the varying systems out of the game.  You end up with photons, phasers, disruptors, and sometimes plasma (usually direct fire plasma which is more or less just a different colored photon).  When you strip that much out, clearly something else must be put in to replace it (as we begged them to for SFCIII).  In SFCIII they had tactical warp, which apparently was popular (heck, I enjoyed it during testing for a while).  When you start adding elements like that, it becomes more than just a couple of number changes on a weapons table, though.  You're coding in new elements, new physics for a different universe.

Anyhow, if you really think it's the way to go (I'd just propose a full on SFB game, personally) I'll support you in you're quest, should you choose to take it on.  Like I said, I'll take a little of what I don't want in order to get what I do want and a dual rules game would probably be just that.  As far as the small number of people who have shown interest, I think once a rallying cry came forth, you would see more people joining the battle (and you know who, running in to make sure SFB didn't touch any of it ;))

On the TA subject.  I wonder how much of SFB is going to be in it.  I know they said it will have a different set of rules, but 6 shields...  I wonder how close to the sun that is SFB they will dare fly? lol.  I'm not going to poo-poo it before I see it though (although i probably won't see it, but it will probably get really high ratings and be lauded because it's not as 'hard' as early SFC was).  Although I think it unlikely that a new set of rules would come close to the depth that one that's been in development for decades can provide, I'm also a believer that most things are possible if you can find the right people.  Now, I know you're saying "So, why poo-poo the dual rules thing".  I guess because I find a dual rules game less likely than an all SFB game.  But again, it's all about the right people with the right motivation, being given the right amount of time and funding to make it happen.  It it can happen, then heck.  I might even get two games that I like.  maybe.

Also, another note on the lack of reponse at the STGU TA forums.  STGU isn't a game specific forum like this one.  A forum like this maintains it's life because folks are actively playing a game, or have for a long time, and have created a community.  A general forum like STGU, I would imagine, would have a really hard time getting traffic during a time period where Trek gaming in general has been in a coma.  There hasn't been a whole lot of traffic there in a long time, just a couple of folks every so often digging up what little information there is available on the future (which is a good thing, actually).  Lurkers, I would imagine, but very few posters.  I believe that once there is a better sign of what is in store for Trek gaming (like an actual release, and then seeing the quality of said release) things will pick up and more SFC people will return.  Like I said, if you want to get a proposal/request going, I'd probably throw my support behind it.  I don't have the contacts in the community that I used to.  I've lost track of many of the Romulan pilots, but every so often they drop in and let me know what they are doing, and I still have a few other folks I have contact with.  I'm sure I could get them to swing by and give their support as well.


 Yeah, I know you said that it needed fleshing I was just wondering what you thought was worth keeping since you mentioned keeping some of it.  I can see that you were about as thrilled with the game as a lot of us were.  I hope I don't come off as too antagonistic.  I'm just interested in discussing and mulling over options and expressing my opinion, as well as hearing others opinions.  I'm just glad there are others of a like mind still around these parts with which to have a conversation on the topic. :D

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #96 on: February 21, 2006, 01:11:59 am »
Yeah, Gary's here.  I had written the first half of it before he posted and figured he'd dropped out after the first page like a lot of dev/producer types do. ;)  Thanks for sticking around!

Ok, short and simple.   Here's how I see it.  I don't think creating two different sets of rules, physics, universes, etc. would appeal to a producer, knowing that they would sell it in the same box for the price of a single game.  The money people are the people who ultimately have to give the OK on a project and hire someone to make it (again hopefully they would get someone from quicksilver because of their involvement in SFC1).  Apparently you think they will.  OK.

Consider it plan A....if they dont go for it...we fall back to groveling for what ever we can get...plans B-Z ;D

As far as the unnamed one goes, he's popped his head in over at STGU on the TA and SFB subject already. ;)  I found Bradley's resume doing the same search, ealier too.  Thought it was kind of funny that it should pop up.

 :) yeah..I couldnt resist kicking him for it too...

I noticed over at STGU, though, you pointed out the fun time we had testing SFC3 and the headaches of testing and balancing even a simple system that's created from scratch.  Given the amount of time that an SFC type game has been given in the past, don't you think that doing so would take away from the time they have to create the SFB elements?  I suppose of the retail price were higher.

Well..part of the head ache was them withholding weapons info and such...hard to test what you cannot check for errors
Anyhow, If you really think a dual set would appeal to them, I'd say write up a request.  I'd probably sign my name to a petition.

It's only a soon as I find out who to bug ....I'll bug em...

Right now the only goal is to get it on the radar....simply to get them to entertain the thought....

Details will be MUCH later...

I would like an SFB game, and it's not like I would want a hodgepodge, but realize that sometimes you have to take a little of something you don't want to get more of what you do want (i.e. Orion Pirates).  I wouldn't sing the praises of a game that was SFCIII all over again.  That's for certain.  I don't think it's as much that I'm asking for a blended game, just that I would be willing to accept some elements as a necessary evil, should they be put in (and they usually are), in order to get the rest of what I want (especially if it can be cast aside if I don't like it).
I understand...SFC isnt really SFB anyways...but rather a simulation of it...close enough for most of us due to the real time nature of it...

Just out of curiosity.  You really see it as one game with two sets of tables?

I see ALL things as possible...until proven otherwise..

  When folks go "paramount canon" they will strip all the varying systems out of the game.

Their loss....
  You end up with photons, phasers, disruptors, and sometimes plasma (usually direct fire plasma which is more or less just a different colored photon).  When you strip that much out, clearly something else must be put in to replace it (as we begged them to for SFCIII).  In SFCIII they had tactical warp, which apparently was popular (heck, I enjoyed it during testing for a while).  When you start adding elements like that, it becomes more than just a couple of number changes on a weapons table, though.  You're coding in new elements, new physics for a different universe.

I'll leave that for the programers to figure out...

Anyhow, if you really think it's the way to go (I'd just propose a full on SFB game, personally) I'll support you in you're quest, should you choose to take it on.

Actually..I'm leaning twords your idea....hit em with what we really want first... ;)

  Like I said, I'll take a little of what I don't want in order to get what I do want and a dual rules game would probably be just that.  As far as the small number of people who have shown interest, I think once a rallying cry came forth, you would see more people joining the battle (and you know who, running in to make sure SFB didn't touch any of it ;))

I understand...and yes...I'm still expect that too...

On the TA subject.  I wonder how much of SFB is going to be in it.

None....they arent licensed to use anything...

  I know they said it will have a different set of rules, but 6 shields...  I wonder how close to the sun that is SFB they will dare fly? lol.

The screen shots I've seen show 6 shield quadrants...

  I'm not going to poo-poo it before I see it though (although i probably won't see it, but it will probably get really high ratings and be lauded because it's not as 'hard' as early SFC was).  Although I think it unlikely that a new set of rules would come close to the depth that one that's been in development for decades can provide, I'm also a believer that most things are possible if you can find the right people.  Now, I know you're saying "So, why poo-poo the dual rules thing".  I guess because I find a dual rules game less likely than an all SFB game.  But again, it's all about the right people with the right motivation, being given the right amount of time and funding to make it happen.  It it can happen, then heck.  I might even get two games that I like.  maybe.

Who knows...I'm hoping their ruleset is pretty well done by the time they think about a PC game...

Also, another note on the lack of reponse at the STGU TA forums.  STGU isn't a game specific forum like this one.  A forum like this maintains it's life because folks are actively playing a game, or have for a long time, and have created a community.  A general forum like STGU, I would imagine, would have a really hard time getting traffic during a time period where Trek gaming in general has been in a coma.  There hasn't been a whole lot of traffic there in a long time, just a couple of folks every so often digging up what little information there is available on the future (which is a good thing, actually).  Lurkers, I would imagine, but very few posters.  I believe that once there is a better sign of what is in store for Trek gaming (like an actual release, and then seeing the quality of said release) things will pick up and more SFC people will return.  Like I said, if you want to get a proposal/request going, I'd probably throw my support behind it.  I don't have the contacts in the community that I used to.  I've lost track of many of the Romulan pilots, but every so often they drop in and let me know what they are doing, and I still have a few other folks I have contact with.  I'm sure I could get them to swing by and give their support as well.

I concure....I posted at STGU first to get the attention of Quicksilver....mission accomplished...

I bounced the Idea off Steve to see how receptive he would be....he said he'd at least consider it...mission accomplished

floated the idea of fan donated content in the models forum...recieved positive replies...mission accomplished...

Now I need to track down the right person at Bethesda to put the bug in their ear...mission ongoing..

As I said...this is only an idea...

But in my view....the planets have once again aligned and the possiblity of another SFC ,although very slim...still exists...

Thanks for the frank has really helped to hone my proposal...such as it is...

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #97 on: February 21, 2006, 06:09:49 pm »
You know, at this point, I am half-tempted to say to everyone that wants SFC4 or the computerized SFB equivalent to just go play SFB.  Seriously, one is never going to cram all of SFB into one game and that would lead any SFB/SFC product to be merely an implementation of part of SFB just as we have now.  What is enough SFB to satisfy and will that amount satisfy everyone?  I think one would find a host of divergent answers to that question.

There is already SFBOnline.  I'd say go pressure ADB to make it something worth subscribing to and you are set. 

Now if it's a question of getting more of SFB into something SFC-like, I think that is highly unlikely, because I can tell you how the release of such a product would go.  First title in the series would be just roms, feds, and klinks, maybe kzin.  Second title would add something like gorns, lyran, hydran, maybe kzin.  By third title, we are sort of back where we started.  Sales are falling off, etc, etc and still no Thols, no Andros, or maybe even no ISC.  No company is going to release a game with all the races we want in the first title.  I have never seen it happen and it certainly won't happen here.  That puts us on a path of waiting another 3 to 5 years for races that will never come.

What's the point?  You want SFB?  It is right there for the taking.  It just doesn't come in such a pleasant form as SFC.

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #98 on: February 21, 2006, 06:38:01 pm »
Ah, but what about those who really just want a deep and complex tactical (and possibly strategic) Trek game based on ship to ship combat?  Nobody has come close in their attempts, imo.  SFB provides a base.  When they go "Paramount", basically it ends up being a shallow arcade style game.  It's not necessarily their fault.  Just think about the amount of time SFB has had to pull things together.  They didn't have nearly what they have now when they started out.  I won't deny that I very much enjoyed SFB, but I'm open to other alternatives for the same style of gaming.  It's just that nobody has been able to deliver, that I've seen.  I guess where the fualt lies is in several places.

1) Paramount.  They have no set standard for anything beyond visuals and names(and sometimes not even then).  As time goes by they seem to have less and less interest in solving this problem, in fact they seem to be more interested in making it worse.  Although, with the departure of certain elements and change of structures, I guess it could be in a wait and see pattern.  Without it, it creates so much more work for a dev to do (and weakens their property since it doesn't even follow itself)

2) Vanity/Pride of Devs - Bless them for trying, and I'm not saying it's impossible, but do they really think they can, in a couple of months (assuming they even have that long to create it) they can come up with something that competes with something that's been in development for decades?  And then there are those who would even laud the effort as surpassing SFB on complexity and ease of use at the same time.  Hmmmm.  When they don't feel they have the time, or money to create an adequate game engine they (many developers) license one from someone else who's already done the work, so that they can focus on making a better game with the time and money alotted.  They get plenty of subcontractors to do things, but the thought of doing that for the base of the game system is out of the question I guess.

Now there are more places than that to look as well, but those are some fairly large factors. 

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #99 on: February 21, 2006, 09:08:30 pm »
That's why I think the solution lies in a dual ruleset...

Most game now come with at least two settings...


Everyone of those games has at least two rulesets...