Topic: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...  (Read 31998 times)

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2006, 11:05:38 pm »
Todays kids and teens are more interested in rapper street gang fighting games and the like, not SFB type tactical/strategy games for the nostalgic dice hounds of old.

um, hi?
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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2006, 11:42:14 pm »
Whatever, just make sure it has Tholians, so Mavy buys a copy.

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2006, 11:48:09 pm »

I think way you are saying is a bit hyperbolic.  If I am understanding you correctly, you are faulting us.  Here is what I have to say to that.

1.  Trek is a dying or decrepit franchise.  When SFC was released, TNG has been on for 10 years or more ready, and there were I think two other Trek series on television, etc, etc.  It is no fault of gamers that Trek has taken a down-turn. No fault of the Trek gamer that Trek games don't sell like hotcakes.

2.  Sequels almost always sell less than their predecessor except of course for the first sequel which often sells more, which was certainly the case with SFC and I am sure Halo, etc, etc.  It has absolutely nothing to do with the attitude of gamers except that they get bored. 

3.  If OP had not been merely juice up EAW with a non-working dynaverse as I remember and if SFC3 had not been a snoring bore, "let's recycle content" fiasco, there might have been some gaming enthusiasm.  OP was a good game for maybe 2000, but SFC3, which I think was released in 2002, was competing the Xbox and Halo, and its other release titles.  Do you really think that SFC3 is as good as Halo or Project Gotham Racing?  And I am not even mentioning the PS or GameCube.  This series of games has always been mediocre.  What can be expected from a small software company?  Not much unless you are Peter Molyneux.  I am not saying Taldren didn't do the best they could and work their butts off to keep us happy and provide great support.  They were great in that regard, but really the game quality just is not there, and that has nothing to do with the gamers.

4.  I have never heard anyone ask for a full translation of SFB to SFC here or anywhere else, and as we all know the real time nature of SFC makes it far different than SFB.  People have requested basically three things that I can think of:  SFB rules implemented in the game engine (No biggy), races that Taldren hinted at including in a sequel or could have included had they had the time, Andros and Thols, and some working SQL support which should have been there in the first instance.  That's it.  I have never heard anyone ask for Omega Sector race, Y module stuff, etc, etc, etc.  The "promised" and "obtainable" have been what we have wanted, not the moon and stars.  Oh and perhaps an actual use for scout ships.  Again, I don't find these to be unreasonable requests and if any of our requests strained Taldren's relationship with their publishers that has more to say about the publisher than anything else.  You wanna see some whining and bitching.  Check out the Pacific Fighters forums.  Every patch, it's "This plane is porked!!!", "Luftwhiners win again", yada, yada, yada. Check out the Star Wars Galaxies forums after every attempt they have made to "fix" the game.  I am sure there have been some good kick-ups around hold costs, etc, etc in SFC's history but I hardly think any of those issues were show-stoppers.

5.  SFC is hard??  Hard??  You must be joking.  Energy allocation is hard??  Lol, SFB is hard.  SFC is a breeze in comparison and I'd take SFC any day in difficulty to the other games I have played.  Steepish learning curve, perhaps, but hard, no.  And who in the hell is calculating anything when they play this game especially vs the AI??  You just get in range and shoot.  No biggy.  Reviewers will can anything that they don't pick up immediately on or don't understand immediately.  They are nearly worthless for reporting on any games that I might like to play.

6.  Your argument is the same one that ADB and/or SFB fanatics are trying to use regarding Federation Commander (SFB-lite).  I don't think it holds up.  Give people something simpler and easier to play and they will do so for awhile happily, then when they get bored they'll move on to the next thing.  Federation Commander is not going to save SFB by bringing new blood in, nor will Tactical Assault make anyone clamor for SFC4.  That's like saying eating a hogie will make you hungry for Beef Wellington.  It don't work that way. You like hogies, you eat hogies.  If Ubisoft can put out a sub simulator SHIII that has complexity ranging from point and shoot to plotting your own damn course and firing solutions and managing the duty roster of your crew OR a flight sim that has switchs for everything from complex engine management and torque effects to simple unlimited ammo and invulnerability, you bet your sweet butt someone can do up a game with SFB style that has as much complexity level as one desires.  It's merely a question of who has the will and the market to sell it to.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2006, 11:59:03 pm by Lepton »

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2006, 12:27:23 am »
Got to agree with Bonk on this subject. My teenagers like rapper fight games (well 1does). The other likes the Tekken series. Anyway, the real simple bottom line is money. What will make money. A good Star Trek title will make money, if done and promoted correctly, and not rushed to make a deadline. It may depend on the state of the Trek franchise when the game is released.

 The gist of the original post was to promote an SFB based SFC4, but it drifted into a discussion of the feasability of such a game, as I knew it would. I actually would support an SFC4, just so I could mod it, lol. In all seriousness, we have to see what Legacy actually offers us, and react accordingly. I believe that any Trek game from now on will be based on Star Trek canon, which only makes sense from the profit standpoint. Even though I am a TNG guy at heart, if I was able, I'd finance SFC4 and let you guys make it. It would then have a TNG expansion, optional. I'm almost 47, and certain TOS episodes bring back fond memories of the 70s re-run days. 'Corbomite Maneuver', 'Errand of Mercy, 'Doomsday Machine'. You'd think I would like SFB and the idea of it, but I actually had never heard of it until SFC in 1999. I actually did not embrace TNG until it's 3rd season, when I saw 'Yesterday's Enterprise'. After that, it was, Kirk who? J/k. TNG was finding itself for a bit competing with the movies at the time. I felt it was time to fondly recall the old but embrace the new (TNG).

For the record - the main reason I didn't run with SFC3 is that it was 'dumbed down' for the masses, and it only had 4 races, the ones almost anyone would know from TNG - hard to get excited about only 4 races after having 16 in OP. OP is more fun to mod and make into TNG - alas I am digressing. Also Bridge Commander was out, and it blew SFC3 away for TNG 'out of the box' anyway.

In summary, Trek gaming is not dead if we keep it alive by voicing our opinions and playing the games. I will help in your efforts to see SFC4, despite what I just wrote.

 - Chris
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Offline Riskyllama

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2006, 01:04:33 am »
1. How I see this is that: Every time another game comes out, SFC or not,, it becomes direct competition to the OP playerbase.
Examples: Eve, Battlefield 2, SW:galaxies, WoW, Guild Wars, the list goes on forever.

How many people did we loose when SFC3 came out? How many when Armada came out? Elite Force?
Every Star Trek game that comes out pulls people away from OP in much the same way. We need a working OP or we need a SFC4 that is exactly everything we want. There can be little hope in "buy this to get that".
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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2006, 02:25:06 am »
Ok..we've gone WAY off target here...

This isnt a buy this and get that proposal...

This is a SHOW THEM WE WILL BUY THAT and GET THAT proposal...

Will a pure SFB based SFC sell as well?

Nope...I have no delusions of such...

Will a DUEL ruleset product sell better than OP or SFC3?

You bet your ass it will...

What time frame are we talking?

Years....two at least...maybe one if we are luckey....

Some of you are not seeing the IMPORTANT words that rantz said...and only seeing what any game dev would say..."buy our games"...

Well duh....ofcourse he wants us all to buy the game...

Let me separate the IMPORTANT and relevent words that Rantz said to US..the SFC fans...

As Cory noted in another discussion, a sequel to SFC is in Bethesda's hands,

Get it?

He is pointing us in the direction of whom we should be bugging...

and (I would suspect) is largely dependent on the performance of how ST:L and ST:TA (*neither* of which are STB, for obvious reasons) do in the market.

Like DUH....if these two games are flops....nothing we may say to Bethesda will influence another title

You guys want SFC:4, it's pretty much in the fan's hands.

Get it?

It's up to us to illustrate that we WANT SFC4....and that it WILL generate some decent income...

Buy lots of copies of the games when they comes out,

Again...duh...what Dev would tell you NOT to buy their current product...the more important information follows...

write letters to Bethesda, and let them know that you would buy oodles of copies of of SFC:4. Prove to them the numbers warrant it. Because if SFC: 4 is what you want, that is what it takes.

How much more simple can he put it...we wont get SFC4 buy sitting here and talking about past sales numbers or cry baby flamage of the past...we will get it by getting off our asses and getting busy for the next 7 months...

The games that are in dev now are locked as far as design goes, so what they are is what they are. Nothing design-wise is changing at this stage with a release date of September bearing down on us (which for console replication means the game really has to be done in June.)

This is code for  "please dont bug the crap out of us..we're busy and cant do anything you want right again after June...

NOW...probably the MOST important piece of information that he gave us....

I can tell you (being that there are a lot of orginal SFC team members at QS) that there is a lot of love for the first SFC game here at QS.

Translation:...they KNOW SFC3 sucked...This has been talked about allready...and we would do another SFB based title(just like SFC1) if we get the chance...because we LOVE it just the way it was....

Now...if you dolts wish to opine the finer points of why we'll never see such a get exactly what you wish for...nothing...

IF..on the other'd really like to see another SFB based Title...and see it done with all new code by the guys who ORIGINALLY did SFC....

Then by all means join me in my quest...

The worst that can happen is that it doesnt happen...and we have what we have....the best that can happen is that it happens...and we get a NEW game...

Why all the grief?

It's a beautiful tank.

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2006, 02:28:13 am »
WTF r u all talking about? OP still doesnt work right and now you are thinking that if you write a few letters it will make it all work? I think I missed your platform here. What's it called, glass?

WTF are YOU talking about?

Did you even read the post?

Did you follow the link?

Did you comprehend the implications of an all new coded SFB based title?

Would you STFU until you have done so? ;)

Offline Bonk

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2006, 07:28:49 am »
Will a DUEL ruleset product sell better than OP or SFC3?

You bet your ass it will...

I don't like where this is going at all... next it will be no seeking weapons...  ::) Do you propose a duels based dynaverse for it? No wait lemme guess, the only ship class available will be the battleship and if you lose a game you have to go hide in the backyard for three days without food and never login again...  ;)

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2006, 07:32:17 am »
Will a pure SFB based SFC sell as well?

Nope...I have no delusions of such...

Again, which is why the product we want, must be not-for-profit, ADB approved,  NON-TREK and developed by us. Then profits will have absolutley no bearing on the quality of gameplay. It is the only acceptable solution.

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2006, 07:46:33 am »
I have a better suggestion:

I'll buy three copies of whatever tripe they choose to produce (lets say Britney Spears and Paris Hilton nude mud wrestling with a 50 Cent soundtrack) if they'll authorise the release of the SFC:OP source, or even the Q3 engine... knowing that the sprites file components are runlen compressed is not enough, there are innumerable ways to runlen compress something...

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2006, 07:57:44 am »
Ok, a lot of folks talk about "can't be SFB based, only Paramount canon", but what is Paramount canon really?  For many it's just phasers, photons, disruptors, and sometimes plasma.  zzzzz.  When you really look at Trek, though, you find so much more.  We've been down the road before.  Trek has shown that fighters exist, drones, etc.  it pretty much goes on down the line of what's available in SFB, except for a couple of races like the Lyrans and ISC who have nothing to stand on canon wise for their weaponry, I don't believe, but then the race themselves don't really (ok, the Lyrans have a little bit, but I keep hearing because they weren't in live action that it doesn't count as canon).  Really though, they encounter small "race of the week" races that have had far more fantastic technology that differs from theirs.  Why is it so abhorrent because someone happened to put it in a table top game first?

So now we all know that these things have appeared on the screen (even if just in a minor, minor role.  Some still want to deny it though) after having done the research.  Now let's take a look at all the other Trek games that people have loved over the years.  Hmmmm.   They all seem to invent stuff that didn't exist in Trek.  The special weapons that certain ship classes have (I flash back to Armada sometimes) sometimes have no ground to stand on as far as canon I dont' believe do they?  What about Elite force?  Why does is it so bad to others when an SFB ruleset is used as the base (not even firmly adhered to) of a game rather than someone just throwing stuff together and pulling it out of where the sun don't shine?  Beats me, but I wonder if a game like SFC was released and the fact that it was officially SFB based had been kept secret (yeah, there would be those who would see it on the outside, but if officially it wasn't so) then I wonder how the "other side" would have cried? 

Anyhow, I was also thinking about the comment:
Like DUH....if these two games are flops....nothing we may say to Bethesda will influence another title

Is that really true though?  Let's look at the fact that Bethesda has probably ponied up a fairly large sum of money to secure the rights to all Trek eras on all platforms. (yeah, we know the history of things like that.  I thought they said they were going to divide things differently so they didn't run into that wall again, but that's life I guess)  So, if these games don't do well, are they just going to say "well, I guess we'll take a loss on the millions we paid for the license rights" or are they going to try to find a way to make some money off of it?  Now, I'm not saying that folks shouldn't buy the game.  TA looks interesting to me and if I had a hand held I would probably buy it unseen.  I'd wait to see more before I bought for someone else (there were those burned by the SFCIII experience and I wouldn't want to taint them further before a good version of that kind of gameplay came out) though.  That's just me.  I would think that if they are aware of the problem that occurred with watering down SFCIII and a simple hand held game didn't cut they mustered then they might still be willing to look at doing a more complex PC version.  You know, realizing that making an imitation just doesn't cutting it, and then finally biting the bullet and making the real thing. ;)  Anyhow, I would think that they would try to make something of the license even if these two games fail (but like I said I'd buy TA if I had a hand held, and I kind of like the name TA).

I have to agree with what Crim is saying though.  The guys from Quicksilver did say some important things (or at least allude to them).  There still appears to be interest in doing another SFC title.  They did say they had folks from the SFC1 era (I don't think we need to talk about how good that title was) who still had affection for that game.  We could certainly do a lot worse than getting the guys who made the most immersive SFC title of all, to do a new one.  That, however is up to Bethesda.  I would think that an organized campaign on Bethesda is warranted.  We gather as much information as we can about past titles in case asked about it, but we start slow and build, peaking about the time TA comes out.  That way it doesn't appear as though we have a lot of folks who quickly lose interest, but if we peak at release it will be at the height of sales (hopefully) and they will be in a joy zone more condusive to saying "Yeah, let's do something bigger!" ;)  Heck, I'm serious about even doing a rally and holding up signs outside Bethesda (get what press you can there to cover it, of course) and rally for a new SFC.  Then, if they actually ever do agree we absolutely have to put our money where our mouth is and make sure lots of people buy it (and those who buy it buy lots of it, although that could backfire on a sequel which may not do as well if people don't buy as many multiple copies ;)) and get the real machine working to publicize it and get the word out.

Hey, maybe we should have a separate forum to discuss the movement, maybe "SFC: Operation Bethesda"


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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2006, 09:46:59 am »
Paramount canon is whatever some half-assed writer du jour comes up with. In otherwords, anything you want it to be.

How many tactical ST games have been put on the market, and how many of those have been successful from a gameplay standpoint?

The answers are too many and one, respectively. The reason the one has been successful is that it's based on tactically deep boardgame which has withstood the test of time.

The reason the others have sucked is because they are based on Paramount canon, with no substantial gameplay to back it up.

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2006, 10:56:12 am »
Will a DUEL ruleset product sell better than OP or SFC3?

You bet your ass it will...

I don't like where this is going at all... next it will be no seeking weapons...  ::) Do you propose a duels based dynaverse for it? No wait lemme guess, the only ship class available will be the battleship and if you lose a game you have to go hide in the backyard for three days without food and never login again...  ;)

Not to worry:  he meant dual, not duel.

Happy Warmongering!

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2006, 12:39:48 pm »
Will a DUEL ruleset product sell better than OP or SFC3?

You bet your ass it will...

I don't like where this is going at all... next it will be no seeking weapons...  ::) Do you propose a duels based dynaverse for it? No wait lemme guess, the only ship class available will be the battleship and if you lose a game you have to go hide in the backyard for three days without food and never login again...  ;)

Not to worry:  he meant dual, not duel.


Thank you....

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2006, 01:03:21 pm »
Will a pure SFB based SFC sell as well?

Nope...I have no delusions of such...

Again, which is why the product we want, must be not-for-profit, ADB approved,  NON-TREK and developed by us. Then profits will have absolutley no bearing on the quality of gameplay. It is the only acceptable solution.

#1) If it's not for do you intend to compensate Steve Cole for his endorsment/premission/license?

#2) If it's non trek.....why would he even consider it....(remember anything SFB is considered a derivative product of his original license all exists within the Starfleet universe)

#3) again...if it's not for profit...WHO will do all this work?...and in what kind of time frame?

#4) and most important in my view.....since you've announced to all of us and the public at large that your full intent would be to circumvent copywrite law by creation of a clearly derivative product, and the back door use of Paramounts AND steve Coles intellectual property...who in their right mind would join you in such a clearly risky venture?

Profit or no profit...use of another's Intellectual property to create an unlicensed game is a complete no no around here....I dont see a change in policy just because you'd be the one doing it...

I'm sure Frey isnt about to risk our entire community getting shut down just to get a questionable, unlicensed game, done in maybe 5 years, that no one will be able to legally host, or be able to legally download...

Paramount shut down an entire community before...for doing the same exact thing...

Not trying to yank yer chain....just pointing out the completely obvious... ;)

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2006, 01:32:01 pm »

#4) and most important in my view.....since you've announced to all of us and the public at large that your full intent would be to circumvent copywrite law by creation of a clearly derivative product, and the back door use of Paramounts AND steve Coles intellectual property...who in their right mind would join you in such a clearly risky venture?

In Bonk's defense, he did say "ADB approved", so he is not talking about theft.  The rest of your points are likely all true -- if it's not for profit then neither ADB nor the Trek license holder would be interested in giving us permission -- but he wasn't suggesting going around the law.

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2006, 03:30:19 pm »
Why cant we just make OP work the way we want it?

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2006, 05:45:54 pm »
Profit or no profit...use of another's Intellectual property to create an unlicensed game is a complete no no around here....I dont see a change in policy just because you'd be the one doing it...

I'm sure Frey isnt about to risk our entire community getting shut down just to get a questionable, unlicensed game, done in maybe 5 years, that no one will be able to legally host, or be able to legally download...

Paramount shut down an entire community before...for doing the same exact thing...

Not trying to yank yer chain....just pointing out the completely obvious... ;)

I suggested no such thing. Note I said ADB approval, if we didnt get that then it would not be an option. I'm a little insulted that you think I'm that simple.  :(

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2006, 06:11:13 pm »
Bonk you're as simple as the parts needed to keep the shuttle flying.  ;)

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Re: SFC4: Galaxies at War....crap or get off the pot...
« Reply #39 on: February 15, 2006, 06:35:12 pm »
Profit or no profit...use of another's Intellectual property to create an unlicensed game is a complete no no around here....I dont see a change in policy just because you'd be the one doing it...

I'm sure Frey isnt about to risk our entire community getting shut down just to get a questionable, unlicensed game, done in maybe 5 years, that no one will be able to legally host, or be able to legally download...

Paramount shut down an entire community before...for doing the same exact thing...

Not trying to yank yer chain....just pointing out the completely obvious... ;)

I suggested no such thing. Note I said ADB approval, if we didnt get that then it would not be an option. I'm a little insulted that you think I'm that simple.  :(

I would tend to believe that ADB is a licensee of Paramount's intellectual property so I don't believe that ADB would have any legal right to approve the project unless Paramount gave it's OK first.

I have a better suggestion:

I'll buy three copies of whatever tripe they choose to produce (lets say Britney Spears and Paris Hilton nude mud wrestling with a 50 Cent soundtrack) if they'll authorise the release of the SFC:OP source, or even the Q3 engine... knowing that the sprites file components are runlen compressed is not enough, there are innumerable ways to runlen compress something...

Without hesitation I would do the same, but I WILL NOT buy another Trek game just to show the companies that there is a market for Trek games, and eventually they'll make what we want. I already have the Trek games I can't live without, a half dozen MORE that really suck, and when all else fails- 'the original'  StarFleet Battles.

And to quote Dizzy
Play or don't play
I prefer to play, but not the ones I don't want to just to convince someone to make one I WANT to play.

Why would they when there's an army that WILL buy crap games ?
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