Topic: ZIM ZUM UPDATE  (Read 1237 times)

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Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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« on: February 08, 2006, 04:59:29 pm »
I promised him I'd copy his journal enrties form the other site I frequent and post them here for you guys.

February 4th, 2006

Greetings all...
I'm in Africa. We are only allowed 30 minutes on the computer at a time, and looking at the watch list, and friends journals that have been posted since I departed sunny SoCal, holee crap! it's going to take a while just to catch up. I haven't been able to see any of the new episodes yet, and am really jealous of y'all getting to see them! Technically we can't download here, but with some luck, the computer guy we brought along with us can hook us up at some point. It's already freakin hot here. like 90 degrees already. I've heard that the max temp will be around 140-150, so grab yer ankles cause zim's going to be coming back a very lean person in the future. Anyway, things are alright, we're in the process of learning where everything is around here, and what we are going to be doing on a day to day basis. i'm going to be crazy wicked busy according to the person i'm relieving. oh well. but, hey, drop me a line sometime, and i can let y'all have my AOL and/or snail mail addy if ya'd like.

Offline Jack Morris

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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2006, 07:42:55 pm »
Long time no see Ferret, how you and Alien been doing? Leda (my ex) was in Hawaii recently, I did not know the big Mo was stationed there. She was in Honolulu visiting b/f before the 25th departed for Iraq. Strange thing is, they stayed at Ft. Hood for almost 2 weeks before going to Kuwait! Then they are off to sunny Samarra, Iraq where everything is so quiet and peaceful. NOT!

I know they were pissed at being deployed for a year, but hey, everyone has to pull the load, and the 25th's mission is NOT to defend Hawaii, hehehehehehehe...

Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 04:51:33 am »
I have been really busy and all, Alien is doing pretty good but right now, she hasn,t been getting much sleep due to the work the housing manager is doing tou the units and the machinery has been driving her nuts.  It's almost over by now so, that's a good thing.  I'm currently looking for new orders.  The way the military finances are going, it looks like I'll be getting a ship here in Hawaii and hopefully if this will be my last tour here if that happens.

Yeha, the Mo is the a tourist attraction and I try to get some volunteer time to help oyt but, I haven't had that chance recently.  Well, there are alot of pissed people getting deployed for us Navy folk it's not just Iraq or Afganistan,  they have been doing surges in certain parts of Asia and Mallaysia for the War against terror and pirate hunting.  Also the TBM thing is now a new hot subject with the USN (since our system has been working, sorry you USAF folks).
It's the need of the military and the mission has to go on.  The price of being a cog in the big machine.

Offline Jack Morris

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« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 03:31:20 pm »
That's awesome that you are getting a ship there. Yeah, sea duty sucks, I grew up a Navy brat and know the drill. Back then though very few ships were nuclear powered (1960-70's) and deployments were not nearly as long as they are with our modern navy having a greater cruising range and being more efficient, etc...

Pirate hunting would be cool, and yes, I'm glad that at least one of our multi-billion dollar anti-ballistic missile systems works, it just turned out that it was kudos for the Navy, as you said. In a way I'm glad, cause it would suck being on land and being a primary target, I'd much rather be surrounded by other ships and have freedom to manuver and joint defense, etc...