I promised him I'd copy his journal enrties form the other site I frequent and post them here for you guys.
February 4th, 2006
Greetings all...
I'm in Africa. We are only allowed 30 minutes on the computer at a time, and looking at the watch list, and friends journals that have been posted since I departed sunny SoCal, holee crap! it's going to take a while just to catch up. I haven't been able to see any of the new episodes yet, and am really jealous of y'all getting to see them! Technically we can't download here, but with some luck, the computer guy we brought along with us can hook us up at some point. It's already freakin hot here. like 90 degrees already. I've heard that the max temp will be around 140-150, so grab yer ankles cause zim's going to be coming back a very lean person in the future. Anyway, things are alright, we're in the process of learning where everything is around here, and what we are going to be doing on a day to day basis. i'm going to be crazy wicked busy according to the person i'm relieving. oh well. but, hey, drop me a line sometime, and i can let y'all have my AOL and/or snail mail addy if ya'd like.