I give you my fellow warriors a New Weapon of Great power!! K' Vort' Ra.

K' Vort' Ra. 40 Fighters.
Shuttles: 6 Assault Shuttles
6 Standard Shuttles
Disruptor Cannons (6 banks of 2 each):
Phased polaron cannon (1)
These are weapons that were first encountered when contact with the Dominion was made. The cannon emits a particle beam of polarons, the antimatter counterpart of the muon. The beam is extremely powerful and has an immensely devastating effect against Federation shielding. Starships require immensely compressed shields to prevent these high-speed sub-atomic particles from slipping through the shielding.
Transphasic torpedoes (2): 1,000 each
External Weapons Pod: 10,000
Warp Nacelles (2)
Impulse Engine (2)
Few more days and i think the ship will be finished, This ship will be up for Download.