Topic: Question about SFB Klingon PF Tenders...  (Read 1164 times)

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Offline Magnum357

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Question about SFB Klingon PF Tenders...
« on: February 06, 2006, 06:29:33 pm »
I don't have a whole lot of material on PF Tenders, but I'm wondering, did the Klingons ever use an F5 as a small PF Tender?  I'm asking because I'm working on a personal mode that has the Klingons in SFC OP with Interceptors and wondered if the Klingons ever used an F5 hull as a small PF Tender.  If SFB did have a ship like this, could someone give the specs for it?
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

Offline Magnum357

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Re: Question about SFB Klingon PF Tenders...
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2006, 12:43:40 am »
Also, another question I wouldn't mind asking is about Warp Booster Packs on PF/INT's.  Right now, I have two kinds of Interceptors in my mode, ones with WBP's and ones without.  In SFB, the BPV cost of a certain PF/INT does that include the Warp Booster Packs or is it always accounted for without the Booster?
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Question about SFB Klingon PF Tenders...
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2006, 12:24:28 pm »
Stock PF tenders for Klinks were based on the D5 and D6 hulls.   

as far a WBPs go, with my mod I give PFs the FULL SFB power that they would have with WBPs.   To simulate the compustibilty, I've stripped out every spare internal hit that I could witout causing something to break. Gone are the days of PF's strugging off an R-torp, gone are the days of a PF flying at speed 4 to load its weapons.
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