Okay guys, I d/led the entire Chris Jones' thread and everything is working fine. For fun I just tried to get into the Dynaverse (after making a new gamespy account) and everything worked like a charm w/o anymore tinkering! I didn't actually do any missions with other players in the hex, but I could see the chat room, talk to the other ppl there, move around and did a couple of missions
Here's what I did while i was there:
Took on a patrol mission (won)
bought a new ship
traded in my old one
took on another patrol mission and had my new ship destroyed!
got another, base ship with low bpv
changed the name of the ship a few times
flew around to various hexes.
I'm looking forward to when I can fly with you guys! The server I was on was the beta server, are you guys on that one? Or on Forge?