Topic: Universe at War Dyna comments - bugs (formerly the Podcast/Link thread)  (Read 29978 times)

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Offline Bonk

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I noticed the same thing recently... I'm not sure if its intentional or not.

Ah, think I found the issue...
Add the following line to the end of your NoPlasma06.bat file:

Code: [Select]
copy agt\NoPlasma06\*.bmp assets\textures

Offline Chris Jones

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Good Catch Bonk! 

I'm getting old and forgetting things, lol. 

How's the overall play on the server C-Los?

We're getting new people every day.
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

Celebrating Life!
Favorite TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise

Offline Bonk

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Just noticed your new fx5.bmp Chris... you are a sick man!  :rofl:

Offline Chris Jones

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Links to all files needed for the UAW Dyna
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2006, 09:47:37 am »
I see dead people!


..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

Celebrating Life!
Favorite TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise

Offline Capt Jeff

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Just a minor thing I caught today while doing planet assaults against the Dominion as a Fed.

The mission briefing for planet assault says the planet is controlled by the Lyrans, then says "taking the Dominion planet will show them", or something like that.

To me, that sounds like the race "plural" names in the server kit have not been changed, or is that the clients strings folder?
Capt Jeff

Former SFC2.NET Administrator
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Offline Chris Jones

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Good catch - It might be in the mission scripting - we'll look into it.

 - Chris
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

Celebrating Life!
Favorite TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise

Offline C-Los

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I noticed the same thing recently... I'm not sure if its intentional or not.

Ah, think I found the issue...
Add the following line to the end of your NoPlasma06.bat file:

Code: [Select]
copy agt\NoPlasma06\*.bmp assets\textures

Capt Jeff..sent me the FX1 file that corrected it for now     ;)
Good Catch Bonk!

I'm getting old and forgetting things, lol.

How's the overall play on the server C-Los?

We're getting new people every day.

I love it Chris nice Models and incorporating the TNG weapons    :thumbsup:   And I really love the different taunts and alert sounds     ;D

So far so good couple of missions were a little difficult in a CL and get a BB in a Base assault    :rofl:    But that may be the scripting only got that once. MB tweek the payouts just a little more for completion MB thats in script too though.

Overall.....I'M LOVING IT !!!!     :notworthy: :notworthy:
C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

"Life is short, have fun and enjoy !"

Offline C-Los

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 :'( :'( :'( :'(

So, yesterday I spend all my cash for a Lakota before logging off......

I get on this morning and take the 1st mission....

Start mission damaged with all the TNG weapons out, all other weapons work.....

I try to repair the TNG weapons but they won't repair, I finish mission blowing up the CL with what I have....

Crash to desktop....

I try rebooting, but get the exact same results.... :(

Should I just uninstall UAW then reinstall or what ?   Or just delete OP and go with a fresh copy from the beginning ?

(BTW/ Both missions were just simple patrols)

I played the past couple of days with the DEF8 and DEF9 with know problems.....Frustrated !

 :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead:
« Last Edit: February 16, 2006, 06:42:19 am by C-Los »
C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

"Life is short, have fun and enjoy !"

Offline Grim

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I myself seem to be having problems getting onto the server to play, i manage to login fine but i seem to freeze after logging in. The map doesnt show up and i cant access any of the interface.

I tried reinstalling OP, patching etc, managed to login fine to the "strays tavern" server, but when i install UAW and try to play on the server it freezes up on me.

It's a shame as i was looking forward to flying with my fleet on the server killing some borg  ;D and i have been following your mods Chris for many years and always had fun trying them out.

If anyone knows how to resolve my technical issue it would be greatley apreciated.

Offline Bonk

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:'( :'( :'( :'(

So, yesterday I spend all my cash for a Lakota before logging off......

I get on this morning and take the 1st mission....

Start mission damaged with all the TNG weapons out, all other weapons work.....

I try to repair the TNG weapons but they won't repair, I finish mission blowing up the CL with what I have....

Crash to desktop....

I try rebooting, but get the exact same results.... :(

Should I just uninstall UAW then reinstall or what ?   Or just delete OP and go with a fresh copy from the beginning ?

(BTW/ Both missions were just simple patrols)

I played the past couple of days with the DEF8 and DEF9 with know problems.....Frustrated !

 :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead:

Sounds like a bad value for that ship in the shiplist... what ship exactly was it? (F-DN or whatever...). I'll look it over to see if I can find an illegal value.

Offline Bonk

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I myself seem to be having problems getting onto the server to play, i manage to login fine but i seem to freeze after logging in. The map doesnt show up and i cant access any of the interface.

I tried reinstalling OP, patching etc, managed to login fine to the "strays tavern" server, but when i install UAW and try to play on the server it freezes up on me.

It's a shame as i was looking forward to flying with my fleet on the server killing some borg  ;D and i have been following your mods Chris for many years and always had fun trying them out.

If anyone knows how to resolve my technical issue it would be greatley apreciated.

How long are you waiting for the map to come up? We are using the xenocorp irc server which results in a delay in the map load as it looks up your hostname, unlike the gamespy irc server which responds faster but randomly bans dynaverse servers...

Are you running a firewall of any kind?

Offline Grim

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I myself seem to be having problems getting onto the server to play, i manage to login fine but i seem to freeze after logging in. The map doesnt show up and i cant access any of the interface.

I tried reinstalling OP, patching etc, managed to login fine to the "strays tavern" server, but when i install UAW and try to play on the server it freezes up on me.

It's a shame as i was looking forward to flying with my fleet on the server killing some borg  ;D and i have been following your mods Chris for many years and always had fun trying them out.

If anyone knows how to resolve my technical issue it would be greatley apreciated.

How long are you waiting for the map to come up? We are using the xenocorp irc server which results in a delay in the map load as it looks up your hostname, unlike the gamespy irc server which responds faster but randomly bans dynaverse servers...

Are you running a firewall of any kind?

i waited around 5 minutes and nothing happened, though i could try longer.

Nope i don't run a firewall of any kind when i play d2.

Offline Bonk

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Certainly shouldn't take 5 minutes... usually the delay in map load due to the irc server is about 30-40 seconds... lemme test a login to see if its behaving.

Offline Bonk

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To me, that sounds like the race "plural" names in the server kit have not been changed, or is that the clients strings folder?

There's no setting for plural racenames in the serverkit gfs. (the serverkit source handles some racenames grammar however). It must be client side or in the mission scripts. I suspect it is how the missions scripts work...

Offline Grim

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I waited a bit longer and it manages to load up now, got a chat unavailable message though when i login.

Offline C-Los

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Grimmy...remember to put a letter in front of fleet tag....F1AF

So chat will work   ;)
C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

"Life is short, have fun and enjoy !"

Offline Bonk

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So far so good couple of missions were a little difficult in a CL and get a BB in a Base assault    :rofl:    But that may be the scripting only got that once. MB tweek the payouts just a little more for completion MB thats in script too though.

Its set to admirial diffculty as the EEK missions are not included. (oddly the TG missions do not seem to show up at all... they might not like these high BPVs).

I just ran a solo NW patrol and got a payout of 1171 PP!  :o  I'm not going to crank up the payouts anymore I don't think.

Offline C-Los

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Sounds like a bad value for that ship in the shiplist... what ship exactly was it? (F-DN or whatever...). I'll look it over to see if I can find an illegal value.

Its a Lakota BCH  ( Lak3 )
C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

"Life is short, have fun and enjoy !"

Offline Bonk

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Grimmy...remember to put a letter in front of fleet tag....F1AF

So chat will work   ;)

Interesting... wasn't aware of this issue...

I waited a bit longer and it manages to load up now, got a chat unavailable message though when i login.

Cool.  8)  I was just going to ask what race you were logging in as or if you have tried creating another account.

Offline Bonk

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Sounds like a bad value for that ship in the shiplist... what ship exactly was it? (F-DN or whatever...). I'll look it over to see if I can find an illegal value.

Its a Lakota BCH  ( Lak3 )

I'll take a look to see what I can find, for now just steer clear of that one.