Topic: Universe at War Dyna comments - bugs (formerly the Podcast/Link thread)  (Read 29923 times)

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Offline Chris Jones

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The ftrlst and shplist worked wonderfully,thank you very much bonk.And,BTW,did u know the link for the 4.0 is the same as the link for the uaw patch?

OOPS! I fixed my list - all files are accurate now. hehe. enjoy.
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Offline KBF-Kurok

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must say the dominion are a hooot to play.

Offline KBF-Kurok

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 I think the dominion fighters  size is off they are as big as my ship.

Offline Father Ted

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DH is gonna love this. Uber-cheese heaven!  :lol:

Seriously CJ, Jeff and I played it this morning and had a blast. Flew Fed and had fun with Borg cubes and its brethren. I never bought or played SFC3, so I can't compare, but I'd have to say you did one helluva job translating it to D2. Well done.  :drink:
« Last Edit: February 11, 2006, 10:24:32 am by Father Ted »

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Offline IndyShark

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Offline Chris Jones

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Seriously CJ, Jeff and I played it this morning and had a blast. Flew Fed and had fun with Borg cubes and its brethren. I never bought or played SFC3, so I can't compare, but I'd have to say you did one helluva job translating it to D2. Well done.  :drink:

Thanks Father - Much appreicated!  :D
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Offline Dfly

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Nearly got on the EAW server, but one thing is missing for me.                     nwmissionconfig.scr           
anyone know where i can get a copy of it?

Offline Bonk

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Offline Father Ted

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One complaint, if I may...

Mission payouts are waaaaaaaay too stingy. I traded in the stock NOR for a KOR and the repair bill was losing prestige. I went from about 2000 to less than 500 PP before I managed to gin up enough cash to buy a frigate.

The main complaint I have is that this is supposed to be a test server, but the settings on the missions aren't even acceptable for a live server. Please don't tell me that Jeff and I got our ships chopped to little pieces for 68 PP and that's the standard....
« Last Edit: February 12, 2006, 07:46:25 pm by Father Ted »

Captain: USS Majestik Moose NCC-1712

"Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts." -Cicero
"Superman wears Jack Bauer jammies."-Anonymous
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Offline Bonk

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Excellent point, thanks for the feedback, I was aware of this but thanks for the reminder, it needs to be addressed by either using the EEK missions or increasing mission payouts, but I'm not sure there is a gf setting for that. (pretty sure there isn't, I think its all in the missions and how they interpret the BPVs involved.) It might take a different mission pack with different issues. The trick is the BPVs of ships on this list are so high as to make the standard mission payouts pretty mingy alright, where they work fine for normal ships... an alternative idea might be to make repairs extra cheap... Lemme work on this, but thanks for bringing it up, its a rather crucial point that must be resolved.

Offline Bonk

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Without changing the missions I adjusted the following settings:

Code: [Select]
MissionCompletePrestige =200 // 5 This is the min level of prestige a player can get if they drop into a tactical game
CombatDamageBonus =100 // 25 This is the bonus players get if they come into space dock with zero prestige

And in
Code: [Select]
// This is the cost of supplies in spacedock.
// note that MinimumBidFactor is similar to TradeIn
Repair = 0.5

Which corresponds to a 40 fold increase in the mimimum PP for a completed mission, and a bonus of 100 PP if you show up in spacedock with none. However I have never used these settings before and have not confirmed that they actually work.
I also cut the cost of repair by 75% (a setting of 0.5 instead of 2).

Let me know if this has the desired effect, if not I can tweak it some more. (hopefully without changing the missions, or I might have overdone it...).

Again, the feedback is much appreciated, thanks!

P.S. these settings will not take until I reboot the server, right now D'Fly is on and in mission... I'll reboot it when there is no one on the server.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2006, 09:34:10 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Server rebooted with the new settings in (and Chris's adjusted I'm gonna go try a mission and repair to see the result.

This is exactly the kind of feedback we need on this puppy, keep it coming!

EDIT: I just had a solo stock patrol pay 304 PP, didn't take any damage though. I'll test it some more tomorrow.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2006, 10:11:49 pm by Bonk »

Offline IAF Lyrkiller

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It will take me at least 16 days on dsl!!!!

J/K ;D

no seriously, I do have a good DSL connection and it should not take that long to d/l.

and I will try to get on that server to try it out.

Captain of the MSC Maus
SILENCE.....I keel you!!!

Offline Bonk

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I reccomend making a copy of your current OP installation folder to restore to the same location when not playing on this server.

Offline Riskyllama

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Two questions, there wouldn't happen to be a torrent file with everything in it would there? Torrent files make big downloads much more fun.
Also is it possble to just switch out the shiplists,and ship models like on most other servers or does UAW bring new content in that alters an install enough to warrant ModChooser or a seperate install operating?
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Offline Bonk

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Two questions, there wouldn't happen to be a torrent file with everything in it would there? Torrent files make big downloads much more fun.
Also is it possble to just switch out the shiplists,and ship models like on most other servers or does UAW bring new content in that alters an install enough to warrant ModChooser or a seperate install operating?

No torrents in existence that I am aware of.

Once installed the mod provides batch files to swap between the various modes of UAW, Stock OP and OP+. Nevertheless, I reccomend backing up your OP installation folder prior to installing UAW (NOT multiple installs as this makes a general mess of things, i.e. installers that detect the OP installation folder will only detect the most recent install and this may not be the one you want to install a particular mod to. So make a copy...).

Essentially, any time I have doubts about a mods uninstallation capabilities I make a copy of my OP folder.

Info on my OP folders in attached image (the "Starfleet Command Orion Pirates" folder being the currently active copy):
« Last Edit: February 13, 2006, 03:42:05 pm by Bonk »

Offline Chris Jones

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I flew Imperial Alliance today and the new names have taken effect! ISS Stargazer, hehe.

I decided to take two Miranda class lights into Cardassian Territory - BIG Mistake. A Heavy and a DN came around and mopped the floor with us, lol. I enjoyed the fact that I did not lose prestige when I died so horribly. Losing 2 ships is humbling enough.

GREAT to see many different people playing this!
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Offline SkyFlyer

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Ulead systems.

Nice bonk!

Photoimpact is great huh?
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Offline Bonk

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Actually its a copy of Ulead Photo Express 4.0 SE that came with a camera driver. I'm a Photoshop man myself.

In other news:

Try this copy:

(requires WinRaR to unpack, 40 day trial with unspecified limitations, I'm writing to rarlabs now to find out what the limitations are.)

WinRaR has kindly informed me of the limitations on their product trial:

Authenticity verification and error logging is not available
in the 40 day trial. After using the version longer than 40
days, you have to register or to uninstall WinRAR.

So the trial version should extract the 595MB rar of the original UAW installer just fine!  :)

Offline C-Los

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OK....yesterday I was playing fine, showing all my shields....I get on today and I don't show any shields    :(

I back out and double click the Full shields and it changes my ship and fighter lists and I can't get in     :(

So...every time I put the Ship and Fighter lists back in I show no shields... Grrrrrrrrr !

I know I can play w/o them but I prefer knowing by sight when I lose a shield (LOL) Any way I thought you should know.
C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

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