Topic: FINAL KCW RULES AS OF 23/01/06!!!!!  (Read 7996 times)

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Offline KHH-MiniMe

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Re: FINAL KCW RULES AS OF 23/01/06!!!!!
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2006, 07:57:18 pm »
No, I do not think you are missing anything Mini. The rock or neb hexes never really matter as far as we were concerned, we did not even own them we were PVP house and that is where our main focus was. Our issue was it appeared to be something it wasn't and we have issue apologies for that. My reason for posting here was I wanted to show why or how we interpreted it that way and I wanted to stand up and be counted with my house leader. 

As far as Dfly's leadership he did a stellar job and I will gladly sign up to follow his leadership anytime. We had a large amount of first time dyna players in our house and thus a large learning curb among our players. When the "rotten furr" issue came up it was called into question by fleet members wondering what was up with it. We discussed it (Our perception)  Dfly made a post on it in our private forums then he decided to make a post here with the support of his membership.

Chuut suggested in private may have been the better solution for this however as new RM he is entitle to make a few mistakes. The one thing about Dfly that I have learnt quickly playing with and against him is he will not make the same mistake twice.

I don't have a problem with Dflys leadership.....thats none of my buisness. My issue was that of the leadership by committee concept....and the whole issue was kind of pointless to begin's kinda like a partner in a marriage agruing about taking out the trash....that isn't usually what they're really argueing about

Offline Mutilator

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Re: FINAL KCW RULES AS OF 23/01/06!!!!!
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2006, 08:27:24 pm »
So what is your issue with leadership by committee?

Leadership comes in many forms and ones where one leader makes all the calls and decisions without consulting his or her constituents or fleetmates or peers seems doomed to failure and a little totalitarian... That style of leaderships may work for some but I perfer democratic process where we hold each other accountable.

One leader or Commanding Officer must make the ultimate decision. There should be an explanation of why the decision is being made (not always) and the lower ranking members will toe the line and support command, I see that everyday in the military.

Behind close doors I can grantee you the Commanding Officer will listen to his officers and crew, take what they say into account and then weigh the options prior to making a decision, and the CO will make the final decision if that is the definition of leadership by committee then so be it, I do not see it as a committee as much as a command triad.

As this is only a game I did not see anything over the server that was such a big deal that need an absolute decision by anyone. There are many levels of leadership that take place on a warship and if the CO had to make every decision the ship would never sail or if it did would not be a very efficient vessel. All the big decision will be made my the CO no doubt about that and it will be supported by the senior Officers, NCOs and lower deckers. Well that has been my experience during my first nineteen years of service.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: FINAL KCW RULES AS OF 23/01/06!!!!!
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2006, 12:35:54 am »
Chuut weighing in his 2 cents.

I think Dfly did a great job as RM, aside from the public posting of what I thought should be privately discussed amonst the RMs.

What Mini needs to realise is that most houses were composed of players who were not of the same fleet orientation, exceptions being the KBF and KHH houses.  In the other fleets you had groups of pilots who had not flown together as a unit and a more democratic style was required as noone woulf follow any leader blindly if they felt their ideas were not considered.  For the KBF and KHH this was not a big issue as you had tried and true leaders to guide you.  I think Dfly choose the appropriate stlye for the situation and as can be nshown by these last few post, he earned the respect of his pilots, that is a true sign of superior leadership that can be denied by noone. 

<Salutes Dfly>

Offline KHH-MiniMe

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Re: FINAL KCW RULES AS OF 23/01/06!!!!!
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2006, 11:15:20 am »
I was applying the leadership by committee concept beyond this game.....I think it's a flawed concept.....similar feeling for a parliamentary system of govt.....I believe we have a damn good system ....strong central leader with checks and balances(Executive/Legislative/Judicial).

Even as of last night I was still hearing this conspiracy theory(I thought it was dead).....

Chutt.....This was Ducks first RM as well......and he had never led KHH before (OK...a technicality of sorts). We also had to balance players not from KHH......but that was a pretty easy job given the years of friendship with most of the guys that flew with KHH.....we've had good fair games against each other(GSA) and in this instance we ended up flying togeather.

We had alot of input on strategy from Dax for instance....we asked him for help very early on...anyone that wanted to was listened to.

Whether the style was appropriate was none of my concern.....I think the last few posts show that his guys have his back.....but I think they felt that way long before KCW.

 I think Dfly is a great pilot and an asset to the community....and it's obvious that his guys have his back attesting to that.
KCW wouldn't have been what it was without him and Demons

Hey Mutt...we had to let the Sens win they 1-2 vs Flyboys

imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....thanks

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Re: FINAL KCW RULES AS OF 23/01/06!!!!!
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2006, 12:04:05 pm »
Thx all for the support.  I realize the hexes lost dont seem like a gamebreaker, but  here would be the difference had they stayed ours.

WE would have gained 50 points from our total

ISC would have been down 75 points from their total

In the whole of the campaing there would be no changes in the order of finishes.