
Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?

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Topic: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?  (Read 4155 times)

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Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2006, 01:39:17 am »
nope currently there is no model for sfc3 of the titan im working on a kitbash thats looking close but its still in the R&D part
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Offline Red_Green

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2006, 10:59:25 pm »
I don't consider the Titan a new design at all. With just a few exceptions, most Fed ships still use the saucer and nacel theme. So except for the original TOS Enterprise, the remaining ships are modifications to that design and 'not' new designs. I always get a chuckle when folks debate Fed designs because altering the shape of the saucer from a circle into a eplitical oval or makeing the nacels pointier still leaves you with the same basic design, its only a variation of it. The Defiant is a Fed ship that is s true new design. Because Trek fans in general have such an established idea of what a Trek ship needs to conform to, it makes designing truly innovative Fed ship problamatic. Personnally I would like to see Fed design move away from the stereo-typical saucer/nacel platform. Since Trek timeline is suppose to have occured over several centuries, it would only seam natural that the design would evolve, more so than what it has with a slight change of saucer and nacel shape. There would tend to be more Hybrids of say Fed/Klingon designs.

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