
Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?

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Topic: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?  (Read 4226 times)

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Offline CaptainTombs

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Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« on: February 03, 2006, 03:53:12 pm »
im thinkining about trying to get this commisioned but with how much it costs i need to know how much would it be worth it i love the uss titan the one that one the Book contest all tho there are some haters of it, there depicting there hate off a 2d drawing, when it 3d it looks totall different either way vote lol :)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2006, 04:04:56 pm by CaptainTombs »
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Offline ModelsPlease

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2006, 04:01:48 pm »
Isn't someone in BC doing that POS ? (no offence) why not wait till it's done and then just get it ported to SFC instead of spending slot of money ?

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2006, 04:06:27 pm »
Yes but if he doesnt complete it it is unknown plus its his first model, and i do take offence rofl, j/k still your basing your judgement off the 2d design again once in 3d it looks accurate to the timeline, and titan doesnt always mean Large
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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

Offline S33K100

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2006, 04:13:20 pm »
Yeah but we know what it looks like and the majority of people who I've seen commenting on it, have done so in a negative way; except for you infact, and the original creator who had a little rant on WZ's forums after many of us said we preferred WZ's Titan. Anyway, it's a free internet, go ahead and be offended that someone disagrees with you.

I don't think it's ugly or a piece of sh!t but I do feel that it's a shame that's the closest thing we'll ever get to an official design for the Titan, when there are so many unique and original designs out there in the fandom the new Federation flagship is a shoddy bash of the Sovereign and Akira.

P.S. I am aware it's technically not a bash as no identical components have been used but the details and shapes are so similar as to make it all but a kitbash in the eyes of many, and dull and unoriginal in the eyes of many more.

P.P.S. Charging commission to make a model of a Star Trek ship is illegal in just about any country that has copyright laws (maybe not Sweden they're pretty laid back about copyright), if you get this made it has to be non-profit. Some people try to get around it by charging for 'time spent' creating the mesh and textures but I doubt that'd hold in a court if Paramount (or Pocket Books for that matter) came knocking.

P.P.P.S. Titans in greek myth are not large, nor were the giants IIRC, that's never really been an issue except for a few people who's only knowledge of the word comes from the shoddily built ill-fated White Star Line steam ship.
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S33K100: formerly Marauth

Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2006, 04:21:46 pm »
yes but alot seem to generalise that titan means Large ie it should be the size of a galaxy class ship, all tho WZ's and a few other titan ships are awesome indeed they look like advanced galaxy classes, the luna class depicted in Star Trek titan fits its role and is living up to how its designed and its era of when it was designed as the ship itself was designed and built before the Dominion War
Star Trek: Unity
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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2006, 04:37:51 pm »
i find it ironic that when we first saw the enterprise nx-01 most of the fandom hated it then when they saw it actually on show they changed there minds and where like loving it, this is what i reckon would be the same with the titan if people actually saw the 3d representation of it they would see like the nx-01 that it doesnt bear much resemblance
Star Trek: Unity
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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2006, 06:22:03 pm »
My opinion of the NX-01 "evolved" with my maturity developing between my early-teen summer-2001 self and my young adult winter-2006 self, but generally didn't change; I still prefer The Starfleet Museum over Enterprise and its Akira bash.  Some are more open and, yes, to each their own, but that's them and not me and I'm not fond of the NX-01.  The same with the Pocket Books Titan; It's alright, but again, I don't really like it.  I've already stated why.

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2006, 11:13:24 am »
LOL I never liked the Akira-prize either. My personal issue with the ship was not size,but style. Any basher here could grab the parts from existing ships and come up with a close faxcimille in an hour or so. Even before the contest we debated the Titan. I found examples from all over the web with different designs. We even took a pole as to which design (we the community)  liked best. And it still holds true as F_W stated, someone will finish this ship (not me lol). Those who hate it won't d/l it, use it or even acknowledge it. Those who like it will. And everyone's lil Star Trek universes will go on.


ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2006, 02:46:14 pm »
why not make alot of the runner  up designs. Aren't they posted in a gallery somewhere? We should grab them before their removed. Even thoughs that weren't runner up,  if they were in any way decent as titan or any other use grab'em and get'em  done.

Offline Antivyrus

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2006, 05:53:52 pm »
why not make alot of the runner  up designs. Aren't they posted in a gallery somewhere? We should grab them before their removed. Even thoughs that weren't runner up,  if they were in any way decent as titan or any other use grab'em and get'em  done.

3 Runners up to the "titan" contest


Offline ModelsPlease

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2006, 05:56:49 pm »
I'm happy with WZ's, Azel's, Sandman's and Ol'Buzzes designs  ;D

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2006, 07:21:38 pm »
Wow, the winning USS Titan design is a total kitbash, but it is the best of the 4 on display on the links above. Yeesh.

At least it's a well-done kitbash, not like the monstrosities from DS9. Yeager class, anyone? *shivers*

Anyone got pics of the Titans built by the people ModelsPlease mentions?

PS: Hey! The Titannic was not a shoddily built ship! She was not designed with that type of catastrophic collision in mind. She may have been badly designed, but her two sister ships, the Britannic and the Olympic served Britain and the White Star Lines very well for many decades. The Britannic was even a hospital ship in WWII.

So NYAH! *smile*
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Offline S33K100

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2006, 07:34:08 pm »
Actually Britannic hit a mine and sank during WWI so erm 'nyah' as the saying apparently goes.  Also it was meant to be called Gigantic so the 3 ships had the names of the 3 greek pantheons - Titans, Olympians and Gigantes but they thought after Titanic sank it'd be taking the p!ss a bit.

Olympic collided with another ship coming out of port and had to spend several months being repaired, it was then kitted out as a troop transport or some such, and was scrapped after WWI because she was fundamentally useless to the military (what with there not being a war on anymore) and White Star presumably wasn't willing to convert her back to a liner when they had many other liners they could make use of.

So you can't really say White Star got decades of use out of the sister ships, Britannic didn't even make a single voyage as a liner IIRC.
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S33K100: formerly Marauth

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2006, 07:55:29 pm »
D'oh! I'll have to check my sources, as apparently my memory doth fail me.

I may stand corrected.  :help:
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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2006, 11:07:29 pm »
You guys should bear in mind that the designer of the ship and Pocket Books are continually retooling and refining the Titan and won't be 100% finalized on the intricate details until the cover of the next novel is unveiled.  I've seen preview shots of the 3D model being made of it floating around out there and I must say that it looks a lot better fleshed out in three dimensions than it does in these preliminary schematics.

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Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2006, 12:28:44 am »
You guys should bear in mind that the designer of the ship and Pocket Books are continually retooling and refining the Titan and won't be 100% finalized on the intricate details until the cover of the next novel is unveiled.  I've seen preview shots of the 3D model being made of it floating around out there and I must say that it looks a lot better fleshed out in three dimensions than it does in these preliminary schematics.

Finally someone on the same wave length as me
Star Trek: Unity
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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2006, 04:57:40 pm »
why not make alot of the runner  up designs. Aren't they posted in a gallery somewhere? We should grab them before their removed. Even thoughs that weren't runner up,  if they were in any way decent as titan or any other use grab'em and get'em  done.

3 Runners up to the "titan" contest


there were some other submissions that were cooler still. not nessecarily runnrs up, any idea where they are?

Offline Anthony Scott

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2006, 06:06:19 pm »

As if you actually HAD to ASK such a question!

Gimme already, my son has gotten his mitts on Azel's Rommie! ~ducks~ Hey, not so low and fast! ~runs after little one~ LOL

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Offline Antivyrus

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2006, 07:31:39 pm »
why not make alot of the runner  up designs. Aren't they posted in a gallery somewhere? We should grab them before their removed. Even thoughs that weren't runner up,  if they were in any way decent as titan or any other use grab'em and get'em  done.

3 Runners up to the "titan" contest


there were some other submissions that were cooler still. not nessecarily runnrs up, any idea where they are?

these are all I could find

Offline battlestar001

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2006, 12:42:49 pm »
is that luna Class up for D/L i luv the look of her. Be a fine addation to my fleet :D

Offline CaptainTombs

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2006, 01:39:17 am »
nope currently there is no model for sfc3 of the titan im working on a kitbash thats looking close but its still in the R&D part
Star Trek: Unity
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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

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Re: Who wants the Luna Class USS Titan ?
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2006, 10:59:25 pm »
I don't consider the Titan a new design at all. With just a few exceptions, most Fed ships still use the saucer and nacel theme. So except for the original TOS Enterprise, the remaining ships are modifications to that design and 'not' new designs. I always get a chuckle when folks debate Fed designs because altering the shape of the saucer from a circle into a eplitical oval or makeing the nacels pointier still leaves you with the same basic design, its only a variation of it. The Defiant is a Fed ship that is s true new design. Because Trek fans in general have such an established idea of what a Trek ship needs to conform to, it makes designing truly innovative Fed ship problamatic. Personnally I would like to see Fed design move away from the stereo-typical saucer/nacel platform. Since Trek timeline is suppose to have occured over several centuries, it would only seam natural that the design would evolve, more so than what it has with a slight change of saucer and nacel shape. There would tend to be more Hybrids of say Fed/Klingon designs.

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