That is NOT what it represents. It represents an artificial constraint to give an undue advantage to the single ship player. The team who fields a superior force should have the option of deciding how best to employ it tactically, and not be FORCED into a futile chase by limitations artificially induced by the script.
Weren't you one of the one's complaining (along with DH oddly enough.. ) that my rules for forcing PVP while being drafted by a bigger fleet was penalizing the side with less numbers/inability to put together 3 ship fleets? ie that the team who fielded a superior force was taking advantage of it?
You're advocating exactly the same thing- different methodology (as of course most servers don't use PVP VP's) -you're claiming that a side that can field 3 ship fleets should be allowed to completely dominate any areas they choose- and since (oddly enough) very few three ship fleets decide to hang out on non VP hex areas you're giving them control of the game.
I'm going to be honest, the "investigation" and "escort" missions will not be used.
And again Why Not? (aside from the fact you don't feel like it

A single player jumping into a hex with 3 guys sitting rock is never going to know what missions he'll draw until he's in the hex, assuming the above missions each seed at even odds, he'll still have a 66% chance to draw a misison that will have him outnumbered, but he's got a chance to pick one that will pair him off with a (hopefully)decent fight rather than obliteration.
~ Honestly,if people flew balanced three ship fleets I'd still not like it, but at least I'd admit they're balanced. Right now "strategy" is getting the three biggest /meanest ships that work well together (ie Hydran with fighters, couple of Gorn casual/PF tenders // ISC with as many PPD's and plasma fighters/PFs as you can legally cram in) and sitting on hexes waiting to be drafted or jumping solo players and driving them away from the important hexes.
-And of course then complaining when one player can't hold a connection with 6 ships, asking said player to stay away from the battle areas..
I don't think drafts should always be 1v1, I also don;t think 3 players together should always get drafted. If you want to do wither go play GSA all night.
By having missions with 1v1,2v2,3v3 you're at least introducing some randomness to the process. Not guaranteeing the game goes to whoever can put togetehr the most 3 ship fleets.