
REVISITED: (Strictly for PvP missions) when should AI support ships be provided?

None ever ever ever (not even bases/planets should appear in PvP)
1 (3.8%)
Only the planets/bases themselves in assault/defense missions
3 (11.5%)
Some AI support in planet/base assaults
3 (11.5%)
A badly outgunned side can get some AI support
9 (34.6%)
Enough AI to even the odds
10 (38.5%)

Total Members Voted: 25

Topic: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP  (Read 4896 times)

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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2006, 12:51:51 pm »
Nemesis, you're talking about Mirror, Mirror. Federation vs Terran Empire.

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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2006, 02:56:58 pm »
Ai draws are definately unbalanced as it stands rigt now...Me and my wing were a little slow getting off a planet last nighjt and got drafted. Having to face 2 bases, chuut's dwl, an ai dwl and two small lights, and the rest of the planet stuff versus me, my wing, and two g2s was rediculous. To top it offf, we couldn't disengage because of rules. If AI could be balanced better, I'd be a little happier to see/have them.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2006, 07:57:56 pm »
Ai draws are definately unbalanced as it stands rigt now...Me and my wing were a little slow getting off a planet last nighjt and got drafted. Having to face 2 bases, chuut's dwl, an ai dwl and two small lights, and the rest of the planet stuff versus me, my wing, and two g2s was rediculous. To top it offf, we couldn't disengage because of rules. If AI could be balanced better, I'd be a little happier to see/have them.

the problem is not the mission, it is the rules.    Planet assaults should be at a disadvantage, the server admin needs to take stuf like this in account when developing his rules and not pull stupid sh*t out of his rectum like on KCW.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2006, 10:14:00 pm »
Ai draws are definately unbalanced as it stands rigt now...Me and my wing were a little slow getting off a planet last nighjt and got drafted. Having to face 2 bases, chuut's dwl, an ai dwl and two small lights, and the rest of the planet stuff versus me, my wing, and two g2s was rediculous. To top it offf, we couldn't disengage because of rules. If AI could be balanced better, I'd be a little happier to see/have them.

the problem is not the mission, it is the rules.    Planet assaults should be at a disadvantage, the server admin needs to take stuf like this in account when developing his rules and not pull stupid sh*t out of his rectum like on KCW.

<sigh> again.. anything coming out of my rectum is far more intelligent,prettier, and just gosh darn more popular than anything coming from you recently.
I mean seriously, this thing we're supposed to solve by using rules, not the missions, the other we're to solve using missions, not the rules.
Just because my brilliance makes you feel so....small.. is no need to get upset.

Besides how does one make a rule that outs planet assaults at a disadvantage? If you're on a planet hex you can buy a C10K? If you're attacking a planet you can only have one wingman? But then t00l would be getting all upset at me again...
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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2006, 01:41:33 am »
Ai draws are definately unbalanced as it stands rigt now...Me and my wing were a little slow getting off a planet last nighjt and got drafted. Having to face 2 bases, chuut's dwl, an ai dwl and two small lights, and the rest of the planet stuff versus me, my wing, and two g2s was rediculous. To top it offf, we couldn't disengage because of rules. If AI could be balanced better, I'd be a little happier to see/have them.

Agreesive attacks should always carry risks.  You got baited into a trap, tha ai draw was unfortunate, but it was really the fact that you got caught with your hands in the cookie jat more than the ai draw, althought that could have been a bit better for you I admit.

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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2006, 10:32:42 am »

A bump, since now we've seen the missions on the forge and SG for a bit - have opinions changed, new voices want to weigh in?

(I can't seem to figure out how to extend the poll closing date though)


Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2006, 10:48:25 am »
IMHO, AI does not belong in any "Patrol" PvP missions EVER.   

Assault missions are different, AI should be present.  Same with Convoy raids and stuff like that.

The new missions are a blast, hell of a lot of fun in Co-op
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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2006, 10:58:11 am »

A bump, since now we've seen the missions on the forge and SG for a bit - have opinions changed, new voices want to weigh in?

(I can't seem to figure out how to extend the poll closing date though)


I edited the poll for you to never expire and allow the changing of your vote.

Now to take care of those bitmaps of Dizzy's...

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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #28 on: August 11, 2006, 11:02:28 am »

A bump, since now we've seen the missions on the forge and SG for a bit - have opinions changed, new voices want to weigh in?

(I can't seem to figure out how to extend the poll closing date though)


No change in my opinion.  I still liked the days when AI showed up in patrols to give the smaller ship a chance to make a few passes and hope to get lucky.  "Fighting it out until the AI gets killed" was common practice.  People today, I think, are still more likely to simply run when they realize they are badly outgunned and have no help.  (And why shouldn't they?)

I also still hated the days when the bigger side got more help than the smaller side.  ;)

Same caveat applies:  the AI "help" should have enough marines that they don't simply become another ship for the opposition.

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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2006, 11:09:07 am »
AI should only show up when there is only one player on a side and then only oon 25% or so of the missions. Rest of the time AI should be stripped. This way... if a solo player gets drafted by two enemies, then 25% of the time or so he will get an AI wing to help out and make it a game. These missions are fun.

And perhaps one patrol in friendly space where there are 3x AI slots on both sides and players fill up those slots if present.

Other than that... this sprinkling of AI in just a few missions is all that's needed for mission diversity and fun. I think that's balanced.


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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2006, 11:40:45 am »
Well this is definetly tricky.. to me AI is both valuable and a annoyance.. While I dont think you should ALWAYS have AI in PvP.. I mean when your dealing with several opposing players(say 3 v 1) then its fair to bring in a AI to help you(after all thats what Starfleet does.. they help out their ships in distress), but when your dealing with say 2 light crusier opponents against your heavy DN then there is no need for a AI ship(thus should be stripped from it then), and even when AI is scripted to be able to help you there is always a chance that the AI wont generate. And in situations which you get AI support on both sides then you can use that as a tactical advantage on both sides, so I say keep the AI in, but only allow frigates or below to generate(so if AI generate in a Heavy vs Heavy PvP then it can easily be eliminated and if its like 3 v 1 then you can use them to either be able to get away or provide you with enough leverage to perhaps win against overwhelming odds).. either way, the limited AI generation can make some PvP games much more interesting :)
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #31 on: August 11, 2006, 11:44:00 am »
a "sprinling" is fine, I can agree to that.
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Re: Poll/Discussion: AI support in PvP
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2006, 12:35:05 pm »
 I went with the last one as having AI makes it a more interesting battle and 1 vs 1 is more like GSA and doesn't feel like a Dyna server and when your ship is at a lower bpv than your opponet.