Topic: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix  (Read 2382 times)

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Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« on: February 01, 2006, 02:07:50 pm »
I saw this on Slashdot which linked to this article.;jsessionid=DKSDTPBSRN2R0QSNDBCCKHSCJUMEKJVN?articleID=177105799

from InformationWeek:
Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix

Infected PCs will be in danger on Friday. Microsoft said its next scheduled set of fixes--on Feb. 14--will detect and remove the worm.

By Gregg Keizer
TechWeb News

Jan 31, 2006 12:37 PM

Microsoft Monday posted a security advisory on the Kama Sutra/Blackworm/MyWife worm that's set to overwrite Office documents on infected PCs Friday, but the company has decided against updating its Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool before the next regularly-scheduled release of Feb. 14.

The security advisory -- a mechanism Microsoft uses to both alert users of impending threats and give them advice or workarounds to apply -- repeats recommendations that most security vendors have been offering since the worm debuted two weeks ago.

It also notes that infected PCs will be in danger on Friday, Feb. 3, when the worm will overwrite several popular file formats, including those of Microsoft Office, with useless data.

But according to the team in charge of Microsoft's Windows Software Removal Tool, that program won't be updated until after the Friday deadline passes.

"Microsoft releases a new version of the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool every month on the second Tuesday of the month together with the other security updates," wrote developers on the group's blog. "The next version, targeted for release on February 14th, will detect and remove this worm."

The blog offered no explanation why the tool wouldn't be updated earlier, nor did Microsoft immediately respond to questions. Each month, Microsoft pushes a revised tool to Windows users who have Automatic Update enabled for Windows Update or Microsoft Update.

The Redmond, Wash.-based company has released the Malicious Software Removal Tool off-schedule once before, in August 2005, shortly after the Zotob worm began striking Windows 2000 systems.

Both the company's free online security service, Windows Live Safety, and its in-beta OneCare Live software, however, will disinfect compromised computers, Microsoft said.

I don't think I'll be booting up in Windows anytime soon now that I've read this.  I'll just stick with SUSE Linux and use the graphics lab on campus for my 3ds max work for the time being.

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 03:01:49 pm »
I'm not to worried about it right now, from what I read the worm relies on social engineering to get people to open attachments on their email.  Also most virus scanners have already released virus pattern updates to detect this worm.  So unless people don't keep their virus scanner updated and they open every email attachment that hits their in-box people should be ok.

Leaving the computer turned off on Friday won't help since the worm is set to activate once a certain hour/minute has past.  So if people leave the computer turned off all day Friday but their computer is already infected, the worm will still go off once the computer is turned on the next day.  The only sure way to fix this is make sure the computer isn't infected and to have a good set of backup on hand.  But then having good backups should be a basic requirement in keeping important data protected.

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 06:23:08 pm »
So, you won't be booting up windows.

Do you even have a computer with windows installed on it?

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2006, 11:43:40 pm »
I have my computer set up to dual-boot with Windows XP Pro and SUSE Linux 10.0.  I have two hard drives, one for each.

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2006, 02:39:34 am »
And when was the last time you used XP?

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2006, 07:17:41 am »
a couple of days ago.  I still use it to play games and use a few Windows-only programs, like 3ds max.

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2006, 09:14:09 am »
Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix

Neither would my Ex...   :D

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2006, 09:16:11 pm »
Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix

Neither would my Ex...   :D

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2006, 04:40:07 pm »
I don't take my Windows machine online anymore.  All Mac for me!! ;D
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2006, 10:38:55 pm »
I run my windows install online all the time, I never get viruses or spyware... gee, I wonder what I'm doing wrong?  ::)

Maybe its because I dont use MSN, or maybe its because I don't use IE, or maybe its because I don't use iTunes, or maybe its because I dont use P2P apps, or maybe its because I don't visit porn or warez sites, or maybe its because I don't fall for the "you're a winner!" trick, maybe its because I do not provide any real personal info...

Whaddya think?

Offline Javora

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2006, 12:44:55 pm »
I run my windows install online all the time, I never get viruses or spyware... gee, I wonder what I'm doing wrong?  ::)

Maybe its because I dont use MSN, or maybe its because I don't use IE, or maybe its because I don't use iTunes, or maybe its because I dont use P2P apps, or maybe its because I don't visit porn or warez sites, or maybe its because I don't fall for the "you're a winner!" trick, maybe its because I do not provide any real personal info...

Whaddya think?

I think your on to something because I do the same thing (or not do them depending on the issue) and I have the same lack of viruses and spyware that you have.  Just recently I started receiving spam in my Email account but it is only in my comcast address.  But with the serious lack of protection Comcast offers its customers in that regard I'm supprised it's not a lot worse.

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2006, 06:17:04 pm »
Bonk and Javora, that is very solid advice.

Unfortunately, folks want to have their porn cake and eat it too.

Also, some people, and their ignorance shocks me since they are generally technically well informed people, download all sorts of free software and install it and then cuss and yell and scream.  I know this from having to remove all sorts of spyware and crap from machines at work just so I can use it.

Then the same people go and do it all over again!  It's the lure of freebies, blue pix, etc., I guess.

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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2006, 07:44:10 pm »
Thanks Bonk and Javora.  I had been feeling left out by the spammers and virus writers.  At least now I know I'm not alone.

I'll add E-Mail.  Mine is Thunderbird.  I've have two sets of filters set up.  The first set filters in known desired E-Mails by E-Mail address.  The 2nd set is pretty draconian and filters out virtually everything that is not previously filtered in.  To make it easy to get a first E-Mail from someone not on my "good filters" I have one set up which filters in any E-Mail with "Bard" in the subject.   Anytime I give the E-Mail address to someone I tell them to put Bard in the subject and then the first one is guaranteed to arrive no matter if I remember to add them to the filters before the first E-Mail is sent or not.

Any word can be the filter in trigger just so long as it is unlikely to be included in the subject by spammers.  So far no Bard spam has arrived.
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Re: Microsoft Won't Issue Advance Kama Sutra Fix
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2006, 11:52:28 pm »
Oddly enough, I've never had any spam sent to my gmail account.  I basically have four accounts (although I don't use my MSN account anymore).  I have my main account (gmail) which is currently spam-free; I have my MSN account, which used to be may main one, but the hotmail site got slow and crappy and I had more and more spam creeping in, expecially when I reached the limit of addresses I could block; and then I have my Yahoo account which is my "spam catcher" account.  Whenever I need to give my email address for something that I think might end up being used for spamming purposes, I give my Yahoo account.  Also, I have my account through Texas A&M which I only use for school-related things.

I use the same safe computing practices that Bonk mentioned, and I haven't had any viruses in Windows XP since the blaster worm.  Practically everyone on the A&M campus got that one, since it hit right when everyone was moving in and all you needed to get it was a working internet connection.  That was a real mess.