Topic: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW  (Read 14998 times)

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #60 on: February 03, 2006, 02:00:06 pm »

The Coalition was drawing LDR AI most of the time, making their missions a nightmare. Another unintended consequence.

LDR ai isn't a big problem in non Karnak missions, pulling those would have likely alleviated much of that difficulty.  But I agree that aspect was something that had to be fixed.  There was a need for a solution, but I think the wrong one was chosen.  Again, that is just a personal opinion.

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #61 on: February 03, 2006, 02:36:47 pm »
STFU and give me some karma!

 :rofl:, done.

But allow me to say this:

The fewer rules the better. Less to remember, less that can possibly change, less deep thought required by admins. Less is more!

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #62 on: February 03, 2006, 02:41:04 pm »
Clarification or stabilization is a fine reason for a change, throwing off the campaign flavor is not IMHO.  Sign-up for a light cruiser hell server and then battleships being allowed is an extreme example, but surely you can see why it might not appeal to some people if such a change was made.

I think I'm in exact agreement with Chuut here.

Or, to quote Steven Cole afater the players finally beat some sense into him, "There really is a big difference between errata and addenda."


Why I have always LOVED your servers Scippy.  I know what I'm getting before they start and you have the balls and integrity to keep with the origional plan, popular or not.  You build it the way you like it and as people to play if they want or not, but keep faith with those who do.

Couldn't have said it better. Hear, Hear!  :iamwithstupid:

(S'Cipio / Herr Burt has the advantage of considerable SFB knowledge and always makes his servers quite difficult for all... which is why they work)

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #63 on: February 04, 2006, 04:18:54 pm »
GW2 cost us the SSCF.

There were better ways to handle the problem there than the way it was done.  Glad some enjoyed it after the fix, personally I'd have preferrred to keep the players and lose the server, but just my opinion.

Ain't hindsight a bitch?
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Offline KHH_Jakle

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #64 on: February 04, 2006, 08:41:14 pm »

Mirak Civil war, in early!!!!  Might be fun for a weekend.

That be flippin awesome....

Offline Hexx

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #65 on: February 04, 2006, 09:02:57 pm »

Mirak Civil war, in early!!!!  Might be fun for a weekend.

That be flippin awesome....

I think you mean awesome flippin....
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Offline KHH_Jakle

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #66 on: February 04, 2006, 09:31:48 pm »
Bah - do it  just for a weekend, limit it to FF, DD, CL, CS hulls (specifically those - no other variants) and and treat the CC the way the C7 was treated for KCW.

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #67 on: February 04, 2006, 10:11:54 pm »

Mirak Civil war, in early!!!!  Might be fun for a weekend.

That be flippin awesome....

I think you mean awesome flippin....

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

+1 to Hexx

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #68 on: February 05, 2006, 12:24:23 am »
Bah - do it  just for a weekend, limit it to FF, DD, CL, CS hulls (specifically those - no other variants) and and treat the CC the way the C7 was treated for KCW.

OMG you are twisted! 

I'll telll you what, you "pimp" for this and I will "make it go . . ."
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #69 on: February 05, 2006, 01:27:00 am »
The DD would be uber in that shiplist.  ;D

Offline Austin

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #70 on: February 05, 2006, 10:23:40 am »
You should try a gorn/romulan boarder bash server! Yay!

I like how when the C7 dies, you cannot get it back. But they get back the C7 when the server resets, right?

I like phaser ships, make more pure phasers ships with 45 power 12 phaser Is, and like, almost no shields, but, no dizzies, and no Drones, but like 4 ADD YAY for phaser ships, (I guess this is technically a dislike)

I like how I can fart without anyone seeing/smelling/hearing it, even though I don't fart a lot.

I like how Dizzy has ballz

I like Ladyfreak ;-O

I like Lyran voices pretending to be klingons, so I can pretend that klingons are atleast half cool when they combine with the full cool lyran voices.

I like to eat ants.

I like Sponebob Squarepants.

I dislike how there is no Quadruple ADD New Heavy Cruiser which has no missiles. I LOVE ADD AND PHASER YAY!

---Plasma v Plasma next time, anyone? RomvGorn massacure!!! Just make sure you out fit the gorn with extra phasers, since hull means crap in plasma v plasma when your opponant has cloak.

Offline Laflin

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #71 on: February 05, 2006, 10:40:02 pm »
STFU and give me some karma!

 :rofl:, done.

But allow me to say this:

The fewer rules the better. Less to remember, less that can possibly change, less deep thought required by admins. Less is more!

Freakin' heretical Blasphemer!  You will burn for those words!  ;)

Offline Slider

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« Reply #72 on: February 06, 2006, 01:25:44 pm »
The Good

Great concept.
Removing Droners and line ships was better than i thought it would be.
Rules servicable: some adjustments needed but what the heck how many erratas does SFB have?
Map layout forces confrontations along key borders adding to the atmosphere.
98% of all PVP battles working nicely.

The Bad

Ship progression would have been nice due to length of server.


Shorter time spam I think 10 days spanning 2 weekends might have been nice.

The Ugly

Lack of player commitment: Teams are lobsided basically its KHH and a member or two from the other allies fighting KBF, Demons and 9th. Basically these teams have found a way to work together, while our 'commited" allies have left the building.

Last night on one hour they turned the number of hexes it takes us 12 hours to turn. We have no hex flipping houses to help. So all that can be done is to take our chances in challenges that are often rebuffed or avoided. (Demons not included in this statement.)

Enemy: Silly PvP person there is more to D2 than challenges and pvp.
Me: Not when your on the whole outmaned 3 to 1, and your only hope for points are battles not hexes.

Our allies instead of talking and working with us have just bailed from the server. Not a good way to keep the players around when the server is more to your liking and not ours. Comments to this effect have been met by "If you dont like it leave" retorts. Ironnically from teams with low commitment levels"

Final thoughts.
I loved the work and idea behind the server as I love this game. Too bad people only love the game when its to their specific definition of what a server should be. I would play a Hexx server again. I would hope for more balanced player participation.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2006, 01:36:18 pm by KHH-Slider »


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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #73 on: February 06, 2006, 01:41:35 pm »
Don't read into too much Slider. You hit the nail on the head yourself; given the civil war concept and lack of tech progression (meaning almost every battle is the same), a lot of folks just got bored with it.

I still pop back on for occasional abuse, even though I hate (and suck at) Klingon.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #74 on: February 06, 2006, 01:45:12 pm »
Agreed, great concept for a 10 day server, longer than that it just gets kinda stupid.

Offline Riskyllama

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #75 on: February 11, 2006, 04:30:01 pm »
Several things I would like to have seen on KCW:

     The secret VPs (Not put into play, just seen so we could find out how unreasonable/acheivable they might have been.)

     Some sort of major tech progression, be it a drone speed changes or maulers or fighters released, or something tha altered how the battles were played.Ii know the maulers and fighters were pulled to prevent cheesing, but battles did get repetitive. Also, being competitive(winning) against a top notch pilot in the most recent ship in the last days of the server in the ship i started in was rather odd to me, but fun. (Score one for the D5L.)

     Some sort of ruling on what happens if you lost a E3/G2 in PVP...since its part of a 3 ship fleet, is it worth one VP, 2, or all 5? Or is it exempt or anything?
This is the one reason that we didnt see any 3 E3s vs a FWL in nebs in my opinion.

     A more balanced map setup as per this: Not being able to atack people sitting on the edges who are getting a fleet together to jump you is stupid. The map needed to be arranged in a manner that didnt allow pilots to sit on the edge thumbing their noses at you.  The location of bases and stuff, while in my opinon was somewhat slanted, but still fitted with the fact Tracey's house was the one that had all the power and holdings.

    More plasma. Plasma is your friend Hexx. Embrace it.

    More RKLYs in PvP. They just needed to be there...

    Not being able to eliminate purple once and for all. We're klingons! Who says what we can and can't attack? Oh right the admin....
Several times my newer wings and allies were gearing up to attack purple base stations (yes the homespace ones) until they were told they couldn't.

     Solid rulings that stick. Rule changes suck. Also rules changes need to be done at a certain time point that everyone knows about, not the second the post goes up. This keeps everyone on the same page, not flying on two different ruses sets.  Finally, rules are set by the admin, not house Khunt.

     The base assults in asteriod hexes seemed kinda laggy for some players. Is there any way to trim a few rocks off the back side or somethng?
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Offline KHH-MiniMe

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #76 on: February 11, 2006, 06:39:13 pm »

    Not being able to eliminate purple once and for all. We're klingons! Who says what we can and can't attack? Oh right the admin....
Several times my newer wings and allies were gearing up to attack purple base stations (yes the homespace ones) until they were told they couldn't.


Know how ya feel on that one....with KBF right next to us and also an actual Klingon Fleet....I wanted to eliminate them during the first non weekend period when KHH had more people with no PvP opponents and turned to hex flipping....after a bit of an encroachment into KBF space...we were told to back off
A) bases off limits....rules
B) lets not take all KBF might have a demoralizing effect and we're a PvP house and need targets.

while being contrary to my aggressive nature this strategy makes sense.....given the's stupid to eliminate a PvP house....makes the other house the only game in town.

Once again biatches...on your knees


Offline KHH-MiniMe

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Re: Take my ball and go home.
« Reply #77 on: February 11, 2006, 06:50:08 pm »

The Ugly

Lack of player commitment: Teams are lobsided basically its KHH and a member or two from the other allies fighting KBF, Demons and 9th. Basically these teams have found a way to work together, while our 'commited" allies have left the building.

Last night on one hour they turned the number of hexes it takes us 12 hours to turn. We have no hex flipping houses to help. So all that can be done is to take our chances in challenges that are often rebuffed or avoided. (Demons not included in this statement.)

Enemy: Silly PvP person there is more to D2 than challenges and pvp.
Me: Not when your on the whole outmaned 3 to 1, and your only hope for points are battles not hexes.

Our allies instead of talking and working with us have just bailed from the server. Not a good way to keep the players around when the server is more to your liking and not ours. Comments to this effect have been met by "If you dont like it leave" retorts. Ironnically from teams with low commitment levels"

yes...when out numbered it can get demoralizing. We talked about a lack of allies.... in ways helped us... making it easier to get PvP.....and thats how KHH got the victory.....from a lot of good effort and great flying from great guys like Slider

Offline Alphageek

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #78 on: February 12, 2006, 04:52:26 am »
I have to say I liked the limited shiplist for KCW.  The only campaign I'd played before this one was Island Wars on D3.  The obsession with having uber-ships was really off-putting.  I had to have one just to protect myself from everyone else.  On this campagin though, it seemed more realistic.  "Civilian" Klingon Houses wouldn't have access to BB's and other cutting-edge military hardware.  On the whole, I give KCW:  4 Gay Thumbs Up!