Several things I would like to have seen on KCW:
The secret VPs (Not put into play, just seen so we could find out how unreasonable/acheivable they might have been.)
Some sort of major tech progression, be it a drone speed changes or maulers or fighters released, or something tha altered how the battles were played.Ii know the maulers and fighters were pulled to prevent cheesing, but battles did get repetitive. Also, being competitive(winning) against a top notch pilot in the most recent ship in the last days of the server in the ship i started in was rather odd to me, but fun. (Score one for the D5L.)
Some sort of ruling on what happens if you lost a E3/G2 in PVP...since its part of a 3 ship fleet, is it worth one VP, 2, or all 5? Or is it exempt or anything?
This is the one reason that we didnt see any 3 E3s vs a FWL in nebs in my opinion.
A more balanced map setup as per this: Not being able to atack people sitting on the edges who are getting a fleet together to jump you is stupid. The map needed to be arranged in a manner that didnt allow pilots to sit on the edge thumbing their noses at you. The location of bases and stuff, while in my opinon was somewhat slanted, but still fitted with the fact Tracey's house was the one that had all the power and holdings.
More plasma. Plasma is your friend Hexx. Embrace it.
More RKLYs in PvP. They just needed to be there...
Not being able to eliminate purple once and for all. We're klingons! Who says what we can and can't attack? Oh right the admin....
Several times my newer wings and allies were gearing up to attack purple base stations (yes the homespace ones) until they were told they couldn't.
Solid rulings that stick. Rule changes suck. Also rules changes need to be done at a certain time point that everyone knows about, not the second the post goes up. This keeps everyone on the same page, not flying on two different ruses sets. Finally, rules are set by the admin, not house Khunt.
The base assults in asteriod hexes seemed kinda laggy for some players. Is there any way to trim a few rocks off the back side or somethng?