Topic: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW  (Read 15013 times)

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What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« on: February 02, 2006, 10:11:53 pm »
Oddly enough while I have been trying vainly to get the life in order thing working  I've found my self constantly
thinking of new server setups- while it's true DH has (again) decided never to have anything to do with one of my server concepts
You'll all be subject to another one of them someday. (Hiya Bonk....)

Odd- I still have very little interest in actually playing the game, but I've got so many server setups I want to try out..

Anyway- I was going to post this question in the Civ war development forums- but thought I'd let everyone have a shot (since I really
don't feel like giving all of you access.. I'm lazy, sue me)

What did you like/dislike about KCW?
Please- -I'm not looking for debate between any of you- this is for my own knowledge, please post WHAT you liked/disliked
and WHY .
ie "the rules were dumb" -Not so helpful "This rule was dumb because xxx" more helpful

And obvious things such as "Rules kept changing for first few days" "Rules were contradictory and incomprehensible"
"Server admin ran off crying " are all givens.

What I'm looking for is
1) Things to never ,ever try again
2) Things to improve upon
3) Things to keep
4) Things that I should have done

Being me I (of course) don't promise to actually agree with everything said, but I'd still like to hear it.
(and yes, I'm actually more interested in what people hated than what they liked)

Thanks in advance for anything you can throw down.
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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2006, 11:02:28 pm »
Loved :

The overall concept because it is different

The smaller map

The fact that there was so much untouched space, gave us room to grow in shapes we did not expect

The 5 point hexes all over(almost all over) because no more 50 missions just to get it to 0

The PvP concept of GSA IP or map.  more options for especially for those not on enough to build big cash

The .5 in nebs,

The shiplist because there is no Dreads only type stuff that only nutters(me included sometimes) can afford

Seeing so many online at a time, and everyday still having some on.  Including a mess of new pilots.

Bounty system

The comradarie by all sides


The shiplist because it is not changing at all(actually I dont mind it, but i might by end of 3rd week)

The lack of updating goals for the map and fleet updates(wished it was on, so to see how it goes)

DH's attitude that he wants nothing to do with your server stuff ever again, but keeps flying, including his C7 that he said would be parked for duration (Just poking fun at ya DH, no harm meant).

and I am sure there are more things for both sides I am forgetting,  but above all:  it is fun

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2006, 11:15:54 pm »
Like list

1. Equal shiplists (aside from bugs keeping the D5W and D7L out of some House's shipyards)
2. Vanilla flavor, at least pending no expansion into the realm of specialty ships midway through(not for every server but fun for an odd one)
3. Limited heavy metal
4. Tranferral of Bounties.
5. The map, it rocked, best one in a long time
6. Lower DVs on hexes for a more fluid map
7. Combination of PvP and Map VCs, hard to get it right but you got pretty close on the balance
8. Territorial and PvP Houses with different engagement VCs and Map VCs
9. Not allowing fast drones.

Oh and my #1 favorite aspect:

You dared to try something different, Kudos to you Sir!

Dislike List
1. Karnak missions used with poor mission matching buggy terrain and out of era ai draws
2. Gamespy battles used without effect on prestige, the loser should have had to self destruct their ship upon return to Dyna.  The lack of this allowed pilots to fight unlimited big ship battles without ever having to contend with the conseqyences.
3. Losses not figuring into VCs, As it is now a House could have a losing PvP record vs all enemy houses and still win the server on purely PvP points.
4. Recent propossals to unrestrict ships, bad to change midway through, as midserver changes ARE THE WORST DYNA SIN.
5. Lack of hidden VCs as promised.
6. Vacant 8th House, likely couldn't be helped but was unfortunate
7.  Last minute switching of sides, I know several Kinshaya pilots had told me beforehand they had wanted to be allied to S'uhn'ih, yet their house was switched after they had committed.  Done with best intentions I know, but unfortunate.
8.  Lack of clarity regarding certain rules, the rules themselves weren't bad, but you needed a translator to make them more clear.
9.  should have been a shorter server 2 weeks is plenty.  2 weeks is fine with the limited list, making it longer is a bit boring, and opening up the shiplist later in the server just makes any victory of the cheapest variety, and any loss full of ill will.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2006, 12:08:20 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2006, 11:46:16 pm »
I've gone over what I liked . .

What I didn;'t like

1.  Too long.  3 weeks is too long for a "niche" server like this.
2.  No tech development
3.  Too many of the rule had no basis in logic.
4.  Challenges got boring after the first 2 days.  War is over assets, without assets the fights are stupid and pointless
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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2006, 12:53:41 am »

i can go back to a hex if i die...
disengagements allowed when outnumbered...
the likelihood of finding PVP when wanted...


disengagement time with most hexes maxing DV at 5...
the ultimate goal in the dyna is to control the map...having to deal with challenges when trying to obtain a map goal is frustrating...if i wanted constant PVP i would go to GSA...

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2006, 01:28:59 am »

i can go back to a hex if i die...
disengagements allowed when outnumbered...
the likelihood of finding PVP when wanted...


disengagement time with most hexes maxing DV at 5...
the ultimate goal in the dyna is to control the map...having to deal with challenges when trying to obtain a map goal is frustrating...if i wanted constant PVP i would go to GSA...

he has a point in the dislike part

overall , i think it's a lot of fun and chalenging and i like it very much

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2006, 04:55:25 am »
Liked the map, ship list.

I disliked the 5 DV hexes. Should have been at least 10, or made server one week. Wonder why the numbers dropped? What's the point when one strong day can change the map in a mjor way. No point in fighting to hold major assets when a house can nutter for a few hours.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2006, 05:29:54 am »
1) Things to never ,ever try again

    Don't ever try another server again.

2) Things to improve upon

   Your commitment to finish admining what you started.

3) Things to keep

   Your day job cuz u suck at this.

4) Things that I should have done

   You should've listened to me.

hahaha! J/k!

Hexx, new ideas should always be tried. No SG server has ever had the same stuff. Its all evolved. Your server was more a revolution in a way. Total departure from what anyone was used to. I think thru the posts in this thread, new ideas will come to light that will find incorporation into future campaigns. Already I have a few of your ideas Im stealing. I guess thats the positive comment on the whole thing... Sorry its so general.

Negatively, you know what I'm gonna say. It should have been a one week server. People would be waiting at the login screen hitting refresh to try and get on. With no tech progression and so few ship choices, the server didnt have much else to keep its fire going. I think some peeps got bored with it.

Bottom line, you fish for ideas and cook what you catch the way u want. If you have too many chefs in the kitchen, its gonna taste bad. Even if it does, you'll do better next time. So keep at it, you seem to enjoy it, you masochistic fool.

One more thing. Question yourself on why it is you want to run a campaign, but not play it. I find that odd. Seems to me that'd be a requirement for an admin... to at least get involved in the actual gameplay.

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2006, 06:12:54 am »
I liked the whole concept of the server except for the following.

Shiplist was a little too restrictive.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2006, 07:02:21 am »

the ultimate goal in the dyna is to control the map...having to deal with challenges when trying to obtain a map goal is frustrating...if i wanted constant PVP i would go to GSA...

Dib worded it better than I did, what he said is what I meant
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2006, 07:39:07 am »
It is notable that most of those that are playing the most are GSA pilots.

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2006, 08:13:16 am »
It is notable that most of those that are playing the most are GSA pilots.

I'd credit that to the lack of variety and EEK missions.   The PvP fiends are just happy to be able to kill people.  The non-PvP fiends probrably got really bored with the lack of tech development and variety.  EEK missions don't bother the PvP fiends because they will fly the biggest ship they can any way.

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2006, 08:47:32 am »
To me, there's only one thing to comment on here, that hasn't been said before...

The whole "each house for itself", combined with the "design balance".

To explain:
In the pre-server RP, it was mentioned that the various houses were allying with either the "sitting replacement Emperor" S'uhn'ih, or the traditionalist / Imperial House KBF (I can't really spell / remember their fancy Klingon name...).
However, when the server went live, it was "each house for itself", and there was no team goal / VC condition.  Combined with the fact that the serverkit mandates there be 2 "teams", this presented numerous problems, from the "no rotting fur" rule to the way the server panned out.
To top it off, while the "sides" wound up with a semi-equal balance between territorial players and PvP players, however, one team was "saddled" with 2 Territorial houses that were ultimately "at odds" with each other, while the other team had 1 house (therefore no internal conflict), which had more players than the other 2 territorial houses combined.
This led to a situation where one side focused purely on the aquisition of territory, while the other team's territorial houses needed to aquire territory with an eye on what their "ally" was going to do.
In hindsight, (as I hoped this setup would work out too), there should have been a "Team Goal" on top of the house goals.  IE, the winning house was still to be seated Emperor, and their "allies" would be the new council.  Also, the territorial houses should have been as equal as possible, (in both players and number of houses per side,) due to the fact that hex flipping is purely a numbers-related activity.
This way, the PvP houses could have supported the "team" cause by patrolling their territorial house's aquired territories (earning VCs from the kills & supporting the team), while the Territorial houses were free to land grab.  Meanwhile, each house would focus on performing their goals (from killing opponents for PvP or land-grabbing...)

In a way, I'm glad the "super secret screw your ally house VCs" weren't posted.  There was already enough divisiveness amongst the "allies", adding the extra mechanic might have caused some severe "house leader infighting"...

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2006, 09:05:48 am »
You'll all be subject to another one of them someday. (Hiya Bonk....)

Hey!  >:(  ;D

Lyran Civil War anyone?  (But Chuut's not allowed to fly LDR ;))

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2006, 09:13:04 am »
You'll all be subject to another one of them someday. (Hiya Bonk....)

Hey!  >:(  ;D

Lyran Civil War anyone?  (But Chuut's not allowed to fly LDR ;))

Mirak Civil war, in early!!!!  Might be fun for a weekend.

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2006, 09:35:21 am »
You'll all be subject to another one of them someday. (Hiya Bonk....)

Hey!  >:(  ;D

Lyran Civil War anyone?  (But Chuut's not allowed to fly LDR ;))

Mirak Civil war, in early!!!!  Might be fun for a weekend.

Great!!!!!!!   OK DH you would be stuck in a Z-CL the whole server   ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2006, 09:40:54 am »

Things I really liked:

I liked that everyone had the same shiplist.  Not something you want to see in many consecutive servers, of course, but it's really fun once in a while.

I liked that the different houses had different goals.  (Brought back fond memories of the race-specific VC's in early Canada West servers)

I liked the restricted shiplist.  I thought you did a fantastic job of deciding which ships to keep and which to ditch.

I liked the elimination of everything heavier than a command cruiser.    I could still fly a decent war cruiser (like my starter ship) and not feel totally outclassed, and even if everyone climbed into a D7W the war still felt "real".

I liked the map.  I loved the low wide open spaces.

I *think* I like the challenge systsem.  It's very fitting with TNG KCW that you are trying to model and adds a lot of flavor to the game, but I must admit I haven't had to deal with a challlenge yet.

I loved Bonk's installer.  Very well done.

I really love the fact that you took a different idea and made a server out of it.


Well, I dislike that I was out of town on business during week 1 and didn't get to play.   In the future please call me before you launch and get my executivie secretary to double check my schedule.   She'll pick out a nice time slot for you.  (On the other hand, I'm one who's glad it went on for more than a week, or else I woudln't have gotten to play!)

I can see people's points about wanting a tech advancement.  I would suggest (in the future) that you fix this not by adding more ships to the war, but by staggering the ships you have.  For example, perhaps for the first few days you could have made the biggetst ship available  be the D6.  (It doesn't stink if that's what everyone else has.)  Then in a few days add the D7.  Then the B refits.  Then the K refits.  Then the W refits.

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2006, 10:01:08 am »

Things I really liked:

I liked that everyone had the same shiplist.  Not something you want to see in many consecutive servers, of course, but it's really fun once in a while.

I liked that the different houses had different goals.  (Brought back fond memories of the race-specific VC's in early Canada West servers)

I liked the restricted shiplist.  I thought you did a fantastic job of deciding which ships to keep and which to ditch.

I liked the elimination of everything heavier than a command cruiser.    I could still fly a decent war cruiser (like my starter ship) and not feel totally outclassed, and even if everyone climbed into a D7W the war still felt "real".

I liked the map.  I loved the low wide open spaces.

I *think* I like the challenge systsem.  It's very fitting with TNG KCW that you are trying to model and adds a lot of flavor to the game, but I must admit I haven't had to deal with a challlenge yet.

I loved Bonk's installer.  Very well done.

I really love the fact that you took a different idea and made a server out of it.


Well, I dislike that I was out of town on business during week 1 and didn't get to play.   In the future please call me before you launch and get my executivie secretary to double check my schedule.   She'll pick out a nice time slot for you.  (On the other hand, I'm one who's glad it went on for more than a week, or else I woudln't have gotten to play!)

I can see people's points about wanting a tech advancement.  I would suggest (in the future) that you fix this not by adding more ships to the war, but by staggering the ships you have.  For example, perhaps for the first few days you could have made the biggetst ship available  be the D6.  (It doesn't stink if that's what everyone else has.)  Then in a few days add the D7.  Then the B refits.  Then the K refits.  Then the W refits.


Gotta agree with S'cippy. No need for D5D's, but a gradual progression from the D6 to D7W would have been more fun. Hell, on any given server, the Feds all count the hours till the CC+, and then CLC come out.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2006, 10:06:35 am »

I disliked:
1. rule changes midstream

Peeps need to totally STFU about this sort of sh*t. I'm so FREAKING tired of this BS about the players feeling screwed cuz the admin changes a rule. STFU and play or not. STOP bitching about it. I SWEAR TO GOD that if I have a buncha peeps talk smack to me about mid server rule changes that happen in the future it will be the name of my next server!


Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: What have You Liked /Disliked on KCW
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2006, 10:10:53 am »

I disliked:
1. rule changes midstream

Peeps need to totally STFU about this sort of sh*t. I'm so FREAKING tired of this BS about the players feeling screwed cuz the admin changes a rule. STFU and play or not. STOP bitching about it. I SWEAR TO GOD that if I have a buncha peeps talk smack to me about mid server rule changes that happen in the future it will be the name of my next server!


play NOT it is
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