Topic: OT: Stargate Fanfic - Stargate: Praeter - Need Help!  (Read 1584 times)

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OT: Stargate Fanfic - Stargate: Praeter - Need Help!
« on: February 01, 2006, 09:20:33 pm »
Okay, i need you guys to toss me some ideas.
I have a story in the works, just for fun, and i need some ideas about the status of the Universe.

35 Years have gone by. The stargate program has long been public. at this point 5 or 6 earth colonies have cropped up. Earth itself is on the verge of becomming a united world. In fact, Daniel Jackson is the Sec-General of the UN, soon to become the President of the UEG.

Status reports on various races and groups.
 - The Jaffa Alliance is stable and well.
 - The Tok'ra are still dwindling.
 - Asgard are alive and well and have rebuilt their empire.
 - Atlantis has become its own nation, and while remaining independant of the UEG, is a staunch ally of Earth.
 - Goa'uld, yeah their gone, lol.
 - Orii. I'm not really sure what to think of them. It all depends on how this season plays out.
 - The Aschen are going to make a reapperance as a bit of an antagonist.
 - Abydos has be recolonized when they moved a stargate from a dead world back to it. It is now the 3rd largest Earth Colony.

I have no clue on the Wraith and the Orii. I need more ideas >.<

Status reports on various characters
 - Daniel Jackson - As mentioned Daniel Jackson is the Sec-Gen of the UN, and soon will become the President of the UEG.
 - Admiral Cameron Mitchell (yes, i know it should be General, but under the new UEG Star-Navy, its Admiral) - is commanding officer of the BC-389 Damocles and leader of the Earth Defense Fleet.
 - Ambassador Jonas Quinn - Jonas is the Langaran Ambassador to Earth.
 - Teal'c - Teal'c still has his seat in the Jaffa Alliance Council, not much has changed for the T-man
 - Bra'Tac - Bra'Tac has finally fallen from old age.
 - Sam: I think i want Sam to be the Mayor of Atlantis.
 - Jack O'Niel - No idea. :-(

As you can see its full of holes. I would really like to patch some of these up, but i have no idea how. Any ideas anyone might have would be greatly appreciated.
"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."


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Re: OT: Stargate Fanfic - Stargate: Praeter - Need Help!
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 10:40:21 pm »
How much technology did earth get from Atlantis before the city officially broke off?  Conceivably, Earth could now be a technological superpower eclipsing anything the Goa'uld ever accomplished.  They might even be able to make new stargates and ZPM's.  They probably could overpower anyone else in the galaxy, depending on how much they shared with others; although the Aschen supposedly were able to defeat the Goa'uld, so they might be worthy foe.  Are you sure Abydos wasn't completely destroyed?  My impression was that Anubis' weapon shattered the whole planet, not just devastated the immediate vicinity of the pyramid.

There needs to be more work on the other human peoples.  Is Earth reaching out to the former slaves?  Are the Langarans?  Is there any friction between the Jaffa and freed humans? 

What if the Tok'ra got ahold of Baal's cloning technology?  I've thought it would be neat to have a Goa'uld society that genetically engineered brain-dead human hosts, so the body would have only one mind in it and the Tok'ra would be freed from any ethical dilemmas.  There's still the problem of reproduction, but cloning might solve that as well, maybe.  Are Baal's clones only human clones with Baal's vassals taking them as hosts, or are the Goa'ulds inside them also clones?  If they are, then the same technology could be used to maintain the Tok'ra population.  Depending on just how advanced their knowledge, they might even be able to engineer a few clones into queens, or even engineer them into more human-like reproduction patterns, i.e., each individual can either bear or beget offspring, or maybe even both.  This society should be blossoming into another technological superpower, although their numbers and the prejudice they face would probably limit their effective power.  I wouldn't be surprised if the Jaffa start a war with the Tok'ra to permanently eradicate the Goa'uld species from existence, unless other human states started a war with the Jaffa, since they likely wouldn't care much that the Jaffa were technically slaves when they were committing all sorts of atrocities against humans.  There could be a sort of Galactic Cold War going on, with Earth caught between the Jaffa, Tok'ra, and human states, trying to remain neutral with it's friendly ties to all groups.

The Wraith need to be gone.  It will need some deus-ex-machina.  If the Ancients could not defeat them, then there's no way the earthlings could.  Perhaps the Wraith and Orii could defeat each other.  The Orii learn of the Pegasus galaxy, decide that converting the primitive humans there would be easier than dealing with the Milky Way, start a war with the Wraith, and get curb-stomped.  Then the Wraith find a way to migrate en-masse to the Orii galaxy, which of course would remove them from the protection of the Ancients, allowing the Orii to deal with them directly.  But after the failed invasion, they don't have the mortal resources to continue with their crusade, so they have to wait a few generations to try again.

Atlantis would be in a strange position.  Are you sure it should be broken off from Earth so soon?  If they have a decent population, they should be the only significant power in the galaxy.  The Genii can't even match 21st century Earth technology, and have only been a real threat because of their numbers and their strategies.  With a fully populated Atlantis, no native civilization could even begin to compare.  They will be able to unilaterally dictate the development of the Pegasus galaxy, should they choose to do so.

These are just a few quick thoughts off the top of my head.  I'll be interested to see how it turns out.

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Re: OT: Stargate Fanfic - Stargate: Praeter - Need Help!
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 11:10:04 pm »
How much technology did earth get from Atlantis before the city officially broke off?  Conceivably, Earth could now be a technological superpower eclipsing anything the Goa'uld ever accomplished.  They might even be able to make new stargates and ZPM's.  They probably could overpower anyone else in the galaxy, depending on how much they shared with others; although the Aschen supposedly were able to defeat the Goa'uld, so they might be worthy foe.  Are you sure Abydos wasn't completely destroyed?  My impression was that Anubis' weapon shattered the whole planet, not just devastated the immediate vicinity of the pyramid.

There needs to be more work on the other human peoples.  Is Earth reaching out to the former slaves?  Are the Langarans?  Is there any friction between the Jaffa and freed humans? 

What if the Tok'ra got ahold of Baal's cloning technology?  I've thought it would be neat to have a Goa'uld society that genetically engineered brain-dead human hosts, so the body would have only one mind in it and the Tok'ra would be freed from any ethical dilemmas.  There's still the problem of reproduction, but cloning might solve that as well, maybe.  Are Baal's clones only human clones with Baal's vassals taking them as hosts, or are the Goa'ulds inside them also clones?  If they are, then the same technology could be used to maintain the Tok'ra population.  Depending on just how advanced their knowledge, they might even be able to engineer a few clones into queens, or even engineer them into more human-like reproduction patterns, i.e., each individual can either bear or beget offspring, or maybe even both.  This society should be blossoming into another technological superpower, although their numbers and the prejudice they face would probably limit their effective power.  I wouldn't be surprised if the Jaffa start a war with the Tok'ra to permanently eradicate the Goa'uld species from existence, unless other human states started a war with the Jaffa, since they likely wouldn't care much that the Jaffa were technically slaves when they were committing all sorts of atrocities against humans.  There could be a sort of Galactic Cold War going on, with Earth caught between the Jaffa, Tok'ra, and human states, trying to remain neutral with it's friendly ties to all groups.

The Wraith need to be gone.  It will need some deus-ex-machina.  If the Ancients could not defeat them, then there's no way the earthlings could.  Perhaps the Wraith and Orii could defeat each other.  The Orii learn of the Pegasus galaxy, decide that converting the primitive humans there would be easier than dealing with the Milky Way, start a war with the Wraith, and get curb-stomped.  Then the Wraith find a way to migrate en-masse to the Orii galaxy, which of course would remove them from the protection of the Ancients, allowing the Orii to deal with them directly.  But after the failed invasion, they don't have the mortal resources to continue with their crusade, so they have to wait a few generations to try again.

Atlantis would be in a strange position.  Are you sure it should be broken off from Earth so soon?  If they have a decent population, they should be the only significant power in the galaxy.  The Genii can't even match 21st century Earth technology, and have only been a real threat because of their numbers and their strategies.  With a fully populated Atlantis, no native civilization could even begin to compare.  They will be able to unilaterally dictate the development of the Pegasus galaxy, should they choose to do so.

These are just a few quick thoughts off the top of my head.  I'll be interested to see how it turns out.

Hmm, some very very good questions. Let me start with the Technology: Humans are just figuring out how to make their own ZPM. Maybe 1/4 the power of an Ancient ZPM. Humans CAN make their own Stargates but it takes quite a bit for it to work. As far as a technological super-power? I am not entirely sure on this one. I mean, look at both the Aschen and the Tollan, they were way more advanced thatn the goa'uld and they didnt become superpowers.
Perhaps since the Asgard and the Tok'ra share a common problem a common solution could come about, perhaps even on Atlantis.

What have the furlings been doing?

Your poltical quesitons also raise a few of my own i response. Should I have Atlantis fall back to the Milky Way? Perhaps the War with the Wraith took a turn for the worse, and now the combined Jaffa, Human, Atlantean, Asgard efforts are needed to take them on?
I think im going to have it so that a lot of the galaxy was wiped out by the Orii. Hell, even on Earth half the population could've been wiped out by another plague or even by an actually Orii attack - Gives the motivation for Earth to unite.

I dunno - there are a lot of ways to take this, but it all kind of feels like a rehash of whats been done. Something new needs to happen, methinks, not just another bad guy.... Ra -> Apophis -> Sokar -> Anubis -> Replicators -> Anubis -> Baal -> Anubis -> Baal -> Orii/Wraith.

Something new needs to happen.
"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."


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Re: OT: Stargate Fanfic - Stargate: Praeter - Need Help!
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2006, 11:47:25 pm »
Hmm, some very very good questions. Let me start with the Technology: Humans are just figuring out how to make their own ZPM. Maybe 1/4 the power of an Ancient ZPM. Humans CAN make their own Stargates but it takes quite a bit for it to work. As far as a technological super-power? I am not entirely sure on this one. I mean, look at both the Aschen and the Tollan, they were way more advanced thatn the goa'uld and they didnt become superpowers.
Perhaps since the Asgard and the Tok'ra share a common problem a common solution could come about, perhaps even on Atlantis.

The Tollans were only limited by their own ethics.  If not for their non-intervention policy, they could have destroyed the Goa'uld and established their own empire.  In fact, I would guess that they would have been able to defeat Anubis if they had been prepared for war instead of just relying on their automated weapons.  As for the Aschen, are they really "way" more advanced than the Goa'uld?  We haven't seen much of them, but aside from their biological technology, they didn't appear so terribly advanced.  They seem to be reluctant to really explore the stargate network, and have a fairly limited territory.  I'd expect they were on their way towards becoming a superpower already, and would have eventually met and defeated the Goa'uld anyway. 

By superpower I mean able to exert real power throughout the galaxy, on a level comparable to the Goa'uld.  The vast majority of human populations, at least before the Orii massacre, are rather primitive and weak.  Only a few seem to have significant levels of technology.  There might be a dozen or more "superpowers," but on a galactic scale, with hundreds of thousands of populated planets, that would still be a very small and élite group.  At the very least, their improved hyperdrive should give the Earthlings an advantage over any other groupe we've yet seen.

Your poltical quesitons also raise a few of my own i response. Should I have Atlantis fall back to the Milky Way?  ... I think im going to have it so that a lot of the galaxy was wiped out by the Orii. Hell, even on Earth half the population could've been wiped out by another plague or even by an actually Orii attack - Gives the motivation for Earth to unite.

That's a good idea.  If the earthlings have figured out how to make ZPM's, even weak ones, they might be able to power Atlantis' engines, allowing them to retreat to the Milky Way.  Without Atlantis, the Wraith have no way to get here, and probably don't even know exactly where here is, and so they and the entire Pegasus galaxy can simply be ignored.  Atlantis might become the capital of Earth.

I dunno - there are a lot of ways to take this, but it all kind of feels like a rehash of whats been done. Something new needs to happen, methinks, not just another bad guy.... Ra -> Apophis -> Sokar -> Anubis -> Replicators -> Anubis -> Baal -> Anubis -> Baal -> Orii/Wraith.

Something new needs to happen.

I agree.  That's why I think focusing on the politics of a few more-or-less equal states would be better than trying to introduce a new "season baddie."