Long time no see... anywayz I'm still getting constant emails asking for my permission to modify this and that so a few months back I decided to release everything I've created as public domain. Most are hosted at BCFiles at:
http://bridgecommander.filefront.com/files/Bridge_Commander/Public_Domain_Meshes;7262All models are either in their original 3ds (if possible, MAX) files and textures are in .psd (all layers intact) so each ship will be kinda big but I figured it would be a lot easier for people to modify and dissect my work.
They can be released without my notification or permission or anything, just give credit where its due.
Just remember these are RAW files and not converted in anyway. Original post
http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~bridgecommander/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=20473NOTE: only my work (which is noted in the readmes) are public domain. I've tried to create proper readme's with proper credit but undeniably probably missed a few. If I trampled on anybodys feet over copyright issues, forgive me, email me, post here, just contact me and I'll make sure it's down right away.