First I copied my Wolf 359 script to my hard drive and made a back-up.Then I opened my MS-DOS command program and changed it to a .txt file. I opened it(lots of spagetti language)and towards the bottom I found the names of the ships that are in it(Cube W359,Saber,Norway,Galaxy B).I changed them(Saber-Defiant,Norway-Nova,Galaxy B-Sovereign), saved it, used my Command program to change it back to a .scr file,put it in the right folder and deleted the CACHE files(only took about 7 min. Want to here the crappy part. When I went into the game,skirmish section,the Wolf 359 mission was not under the mission selection menu. So it was a 7 min. failure. Does anyone know why? Please tell me because I think it shouldn't make a difference what the name of the ship is. Or am I the first non-scripter who tried this?