Let word spread forth across this land,
then let it take the Chunnel to spread across Europe, Africa and Asia,
then let it hold up its skirts daintily as it gracefully tiptoes across the Bearing Strait, hopping from Aleutian to Aleutian,
then spread across the frozen wasteland groaning under the weight of a merciless dictator (*wink* to Andy),
then further south into the good ol' US of A,
and finally past that and into the countries of Central and South America,
(...I dunno about you, but this is turning kinda Monty Python-esque to me...)
where finally it will catch a plane or boat and visit all the other Islands of the World.
Let the news be known:
Look for the debut of the rewritten and completed story on the 1st of January 2006.
Okay, now I have to get it typed in & edited, re-read & re-edited, Beta-read & revised, HTML'ed for Andy, and at some point, UBB'ed for the Dyna.
16 days to go...