Awesomenesss, question though, how does it react with people running...some of those missions seem to side with the runner and not the holder of the hex. Any news of this?
The "patrol bug"? That should be long obsolete...
The way I have the logic set up currently, it should not matter, if there are human players with differing battle results and differing political control then a PvP DV shift should occur.
If the "patrol bug" still exists in some missions then those missions must simply be eliminated/corrected.
It occurs to me that Lepton and I did not test allied races coop.... this must be tested for initial tests to be truly complete (should only result in a DV shift of one). Would be handy if someone could test this for me...
Also, it will be some time before this can make an official build of the serverkit. MagnumMan and I have been working on a number of things, which really must be completed before I add this to the official project. (I just had the motivation to do this now). For now we can just test it out on The Forge to see if it is really working as it is intended and touched up if need be.
I must get approval to add it to an official build, we may include it in the next MySQL stability test build... I'll see what the team says.
Edit: hopefully I won't get in trouble for testing this publicly, but I think it is well worth it, a relatively minor change that can make a big difference for the good of the game.