Thanks for the well wishing and prayers.
Ok, here are some updates. I'm happy for the negative feedback I got about the impulse engines. They were since redesigned by MR
from scratch from a concept sketch we came up with of sorts and you see the current beta textures I've given them.
There is a bit of red glow from weapons fire. But it looks cool in this shot. What happened to the dorsal drone bays?

If you look closely you will notice twin bay doors in between the neck pylons. Sitting in each one are 3 drones ready to fire.

Here is the new torp bay. The tubes extend out from the torp housing and are beta textured. Some of you may notice phaser points are now seperately meshed and textured.

Here's a closer look at the drone bays. They clear the Impulse structure if fired straight up. But they don't. If you'll notice, they are canted backward. The drone laucher mechanism 'pops' the drone out of the launch bay and when they clear the bay doors, the drone engine kicks in and they zoom away without ever coming into contact with the impuse engine exhaust. Made more sense to relocate the drones along side of the torpedo tubes to make more room for the engineering components in the aft hull. It all fits nicely.

It's close to being finished. There are plans for a detached saucer section and a BB variant of the DNH.