Topic: USS Star Union - DNH Class Dreadnought TMP Era (WIP)  (Read 14132 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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USS Star Union - DNH Class Dreadnought TMP Era (WIP)
« on: January 29, 2006, 11:14:15 am »
The Star Union is a concept model I've been working on for quite some time. Most other modelers Fed DN's do not accurately represent the SFC/SFB DN for which it is used in the game and this will be the focus of this model.

The weapon loadout for a DNH is:

    6x Photons
    6x Missle Rack/ADD G's
    14x Phaser 1's
    3x Phaser 3's

There is this cookie cutter trend that every Fed DN more or less has followed in having the same basic shape and look with a few things different here and there. So in making this one, my goal was to accurately represent the weapon loadout as above and depart somewhat from the old style of what we have all seen in the past.

99% done. Major Racal and atheorhaven have helped tremendously with the kitbash. Most parts and textures are courtesy of WZ and P81. I have to thank WZ for helping me in not helping me. The pain and suffering transform you into quite the modeler.

So here are some WIP pics.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2006, 01:44:29 am by dizzy »

Offline E_Look

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2006, 12:42:26 pm »
Wow.  It's beautiful!...

... and you did it all by yourself!

Offline Dizzy

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2006, 01:22:40 pm »
Like I said above, if not for Major Racal and atheorhaven, this baby wouldn't have gotten out of drydock. Major Racal is putting some serious spit shine on the mesh. He's up to something with the torpedo bay. Have to wait and see what he does with it.

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2006, 02:09:04 pm »
Star Union class, huh? That's a nice name for something that's basically the U.S.S. Star Empire redux. (Reference Pocketbooks Star Trek novel Dreadnought.)

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2006, 02:47:18 pm »
Star Union class, huh? That's a nice name for something that's basically the U.S.S. Star Empire redux. (Reference Pocketbooks Star Trek novel Dreadnought.)

I'll be providing blanks so peeps like yourself can name it whatever you want. A ships gotta have a name and you cant please everyone.

Besides, as far as the accuracy of the ST books, we know decidedly they are not all canon... and discrepancies run amok. You say redux as in postpositively? Then you have it backwards. The Star Union came first. ;)

The official FJTM list of dreadnoughts is:

2100 Federation
2101 Star League
2102 Unificatum
2103 Compact
2104 Corporation
(this space left blank intentionally ;) )
2106 Konkordium
2107 Star System
2108 Affiliation
2109 Concordat
2110 Directorate
2111 Organization
2112 Star Union
2113 Alliance
2114 Confederation
2115 Dominion
2116 Star Empire
2117 Trusteeship
2118 Association
2119 Consortium
2120 Entente

Anything past 2120 is something made up by SFB or someone else, not that there's anything wrong with that.  ;)

Oddly enough, ol' Franz seems to have completely missed 2105.   ??? 

These names seem to come from political organizations within the Federation.  For example, in Franz' world, the official name for the Vulcan government is "Planetary Confederation of 40 Eridani."  Star Empire is named after the "Star Empire of Epsilon Indii," and Konkordium is named after the "Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets" (Alpha Centauri seems to use some sort of Greek-inspired lettering system where the letter "K" is used in place of "C").  The only other two governments he mentions specifically are the "United Nations of Earth" and the "United Planets of 61 Cygni;" perhaps one of these was meant to become the namesake of NCC-2105?

By the time the DNH comes out it (maybe it's 2277?), there are enough registries to accomodate all the other previous DN's built up to that date. DN, DN+, DNL, DNV, DNG, etc., so the 2112 seems to fit.

Edit: btw, it would seem that either the DNG or the DNH, which is basically an upgrade of the DNG unless I'm mistaken, would incorporate TMP era look to them because of the time they are built coincides with the same time the other TMP era CA's are built. Up to the DNG/H, they are all TOS look.

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2006, 05:08:29 pm »
I've never been a fan of the "V" neck, or just slapping multiple impulse drives assemblies onto a ship, but other than that I have to say it's pretty spiffy.  :)  Regarding the impulse drive, maybe a "triple" exhaust configuration, where you still have the two "deflection crystals" and the two outboard exhausts, but merge the two inboard exhausts into one wider unit? 
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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2006, 06:35:47 pm »

Beautiful work, really beautiful work!

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2006, 08:04:09 pm »
I have to say, I am impressed.  Very nice work.  I agree with the V-neck, for this particular concept, perhaps a V-neck isn't the best choice, but hell, the rest of the ships is a work of art.  I also agree about the impulse assembly.  Having two assemblies bashed into the hull isn't a good look.  If you want something that's unique, or something more stylish, perhaps try using a modified, or completely different impulse system.  I don't know exactly what could be used for the assembly, but I do know that two different impulse assemblies isn't a good choice.

But damn, overall, I am impressed.  This is the best TMP ship I've seen in a while. 
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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2006, 08:29:41 pm »
My only pet peeve would be the impulse engines being simply slapped on there.  Something unique could work though... Other than that, I really like the design, it looks more like an upgrade/variant of the Ulysses-class Dreadnought, following that design lineage rather than more of your standard "cookie cutter" Dreadnoughts that are simple kitbashes of the Constitution-class.  I don't mind the V-neck though as opposed to some others, as it looks like it better supports the saucer, much like the case with the saucer section of the Ulysses-class.  The only other alternative would be more of a slightly primitive/older-looking take at a thicker neck that resembles (but isn't as thick as) an Excelsior-class's neck, but again, I like the V-neck and would support sticking with it when the case comes.

Fantastic work Dizzy.  But considering I only have SFC1 installed at the moment (I can install SFC: OP soon), I might not use it anytime soon, but I will get it, definately, for when I reinstall SFC: OP.  Of course, assuming that this won't be available for SFC1.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2006, 08:48:35 pm »
Thanks for the nice comments, guys.

Few things... It can be argued that for the purposes of getting the DNH commisioned asap, rather than develop and test a new impulse unit, 2x connies were used. Yeah, its cheap, but given the state of war and the need to have new warships available asap, it makes sense. However, since so many of you dislike it... even Major Racal told me he's not fond of the impulse units... I'm thinking she'd probably look better with an original impulse unit or one from another ship... So... I'll look into that.

I'll see what can happen to get it to work in sfc1.

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2006, 10:37:49 pm »
I luv the texture work, great job. Not keen on that 3rd nacelle at all. I think it takes something away from the ship. As for the impulse engine issue. With the fact you are using a V-neck design, I would suggest centering it on the rear of the saucer as usual, enlarge the unit then......rotate it 180 degress and attach it to the bottom of the saucer. Would make the design even more interesting, and if you keep the third nacelle, it doesn't interfere with the pylon mount.

Just a thought.

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2006, 10:51:23 pm »
One other point of view...

Doesn't "typical" TMP-Fed design have the impulse engine mounted top of saucer opposite the pylon?  I recall reading somewhere the Imp. deflection crystal was there to channel the matter/anti-matter reaction into a format useful for Impulse drive, ie, the crystal is right at the top of the M/AM chamber.

Therefore, with the V-neck design, the impulses would "best fit" on the sides right over the supports...  Maybe go with larger "interior" vents and smaller "exterior" vents due to the positioning...

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2006, 11:16:54 pm »

Therefore, with the V-neck design, the impulses would "best fit" on the sides right over the supports... 

Purist! Dunno... gonna try taking the impulse engines off completely... and then take a look. Maybe where they should go will come naturally.

MP, afa the 3rd nacelle... I took a look at what would happen if that'd be removed... If the model was scaled down a tad... and some slight retexture work, it'd be the basis for the most kick ass looking battlecruiser ever... But thats not what it is.

There are planned 2x variants. A BB and a detached saucer version. Have to wait and see how they come.

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2006, 11:56:05 pm »
Just a bit more food for thought; an idea I just thought up of.  If she's a pure warship, perhaps put a bit less emphasis on windows maybe?  Perhaps six or seven windows on the V-neck (if there should be any) and a substantial less around the secondary/engineering hull and a few taken off the rim of the saucer?  Wouldn't it be more fitting a warship with some less windows somewhere?

I'm fine with it either way though; either leaving the windows as is or decreasing the amount.  I'd just like to throw out an idea to help out, that's all.

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2006, 12:10:59 am »
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2006, 12:32:57 am »
Ya, the less clutter the better. I can cut a few windows, but the supplier wont like it!

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2006, 03:07:14 am »
MP, afa the 3rd nacelle... I took a look at what would happen if that'd be removed... If the model was scaled down a tad... and some slight retexture work, it'd be the basis for the most kick ass looking battlecruiser ever

Ooooooooo I wanna see that idea  ;D


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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2006, 07:14:20 pm »
Hey, if you're gonna make a dreadnought with a Franz Joseph registry, it had damn well better have three nacelles...  :p
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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2006, 12:44:07 pm »

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Re: U.S.S. Star Union DNH Class Dreadnought TMP era. (pic heavy)
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2006, 06:26:16 pm »
Dizzy, your Star Union is a work of art. It flows on beautifully from the Franz Joseph Dreadnought but incorprates new design elements from the SFC Ulysses. I personally was not fond of the V neck, but you have made it far more palletable for me. This looks right, like the way it was supposed to be done.

I do agree about the impulse engines though, and I'm intrigued by the suggestion of inverting the deck to the underside of the saucer. However, as a purist myself, I have to disagree slightly with Koloth Kinshaya about the impulse deflection crystals being over the feeds from the M/AM reactor. The Deflection crystal does reformat warp power to Impulse, but it does so before it goes into the imoulse engines. As long as there is a conduit feeding power into the crystal, we could say that the conduits are routed through the V-neck and back into the impulse deck. However, with the third nacelle on the centreline, It would be best to have split impulse decks. I'd agree with a large central exhaust port and two smaller outboard ports.

Everything else about this design is beautiful, though. I really want to have this one. Maybe get rid of that ugly Yamato design and have the Ulysses as the battleship.

Keep up the good work! I'd love to be able to do that kind of work!
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