Don't disagree in general with what you say t00l but the Hydran escorts are a bit faster, I timed you on AOTK II and you were averaging 2 min 5 seconds, still not 1 min 40 but a bit closer, and Die Hard tells me he can do 2.5 min missions in the Ranger, a vanilla ship. Not all races can do this I realize, why Ive supported plasma races having the basic PFT in their list at the beginning of early with the basic plasma PFs, so that they had a hex flipper.
There are other resons why Kzin pilots tend to have more effect as well. We tend to fly alone, we are coordinated, we don't try to save our hull to much or take time to capture ai, we know what targets are achievable and which are not and don't waste time on those, we set up our targets beforehand, we are good at deepstriking, we tend not to spend excessive amounts of time organizing gangbangs on our foes (although we sometimes have), and we make our foes react to us whenever possible.
So yes we can run missions twice as fast as some foes, but we likely have 3 times the effect, it goes beyond the mission times.

***there are pilots in just about every races that have these effects due to good organization and strategy, these I by no means wish to imply that they are purely Kzinti qualities, nor are they limited to those equipped with Kzinti ships.
I can name a few pilots of other races that muliply their effect if you wish, even a few plasma chuckers. These are the guys I have to kep and eye one when they are the enemy