KCW has done something remarkable. Its brought people out to play. Who are these people?
1. Leader\Str[spoiler][/spoiler]Sratagists leading terrain grabbers and PvP players alike with common objectives yet warry of each others intentions.
2. PvP--these folks for the most part lived (and died) in GSA to them hex fliiping was as fun as watching paint dry. All to often AI lacked the "challenge" of a human brain. Ive been on a few of these servers in the early years, I think after the 100s hexfliiping mission only to come back to a changed map lacked any strategy whatsoever....he with the most time on his hand wins.
3. Hex Flippers- they serve a vital function. Most PvP people despite todays much improved PvP would agree that just flipping hexes gets old. There are people out there that love this...
this function along with PvP is whats making this server novel at least for me.
I know each house can win this , but im looking at it from 2 sides. 2 warring factions dueling it out for control of the Empire.
Our hexFlippers are sent in to grab a stategic peace of space, then there is an attempt to drive them off, usually by overwhelming force of 2-3 heavy Cruisers. The Frigate falls back and calls in his own big guns to clear the area for him. Folks Aint this what war is really about?
Ive seen the complaints and i find them selfish to an extent.
Reality is not some loan frigate assaulting enemy space only to be confronted by some Phaser 3 bearing tug.
I love the fact the AI is winning games, rightfully so. To invade and control space you need the forces to control it.
One of our allies the Hydrans guys were cut off in a corner, we are stuck in the middle between two very rowdy houses (KBF and Demons) yet we managed to open a whole to them and have even tried to kill the Demons C7 together. Though we failed, it showed comrodership to try.
I spent most of Friday exchanging the same 5 hexes with Demons. Normally Id be playing another game after 2 hours of that. As they sought to cut off my planer I found myself hopelessly out manned. I avoided them jumping into vacated hexes to cut off their supply lines. occasionally id have to fight them to continue this went on for hours till my fellow pilots arrived to help me. We fought well into the night about 10 hours for 5 hexes!!!!!
(Your hearing this from a GSA pilot who avoided D2 like an ugly girlfriend.)
It is reality that if your in a loan frigate you might meet a superrior force. That happens in fact in military theatre its common place. The key is to have your allies uproot the entrenched enemy. Its not reality to think you can just depend on solo matches to make it through a War.
Which brings me to my final thoughts and theme...
people need people to win this. Working together, cooperating not only in game but personally online in chat. And thats the best thing this KCW server is accomplishing.
I hope we all realize that.
Great job Hexx, hats off to you and the folks here at Dynaverse.
Im having the best fun ive had in years. It has all the elements of the so promised campaigns of the SL days. It has some roleplaying, some Warriror code, and some strategy.....Im having a freaking blast.
Where do I send the check...
